
My Weird Ass Rants

Day one: 5th of March, 2019.

It hasn't even been 5 minutes since I've logged into this app, and I've noticed quiet a lot of similarities to Wattpad.

For example, the writing feature. The comment section.

And omg

The voting!

The first comic I read was the one that is shown on all the ads, and I can't find another one to read.

I didn't even read 10 pages, before I felt like I wanted to shoot myself.

It sucks.

Like really bad.

Its worse than 90% of the Fanfics I read.

Lololol, Hai everyone! If your reading this, congratulations! You've hit rock bottum!

But for reals, just use Wattpad. Like it's sooo much better than this tbh.

And if you get triggered by this, then sorry snowflake, but melt somewhere else, cause idfc.

And this is called 'My Weird Ass Rants' so like yeah.

Also gotta think ahead my peeps.


I'm gonna go before I lose all my fucking braincells.

Yeah OK, toodles!!
