
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Vision 14 - Let the show begins.(1)

Felicity and Giff left the room, and I was glad because now I can have some rest in peace, and I handled one unexpected situation exactly as I wanted.

Arthur: "I guess that settles that."

While keeping the sense of achievement in my heart. I turned to the rest of the people inside the room with a stoic expression.

Arthur: "It seems there is no issue left. Why don't you both go back to your dorm rooms now? It is late."

It is almost past time for dinner, but I needed the rest more than anything.

Ducas: "Sir Arthur, how is your hand?"

Ducas spoke. Is he really concerned or intrigued about my recovery skill? I honestly couldn't tell.

Valerie: "You are right Sir Arthur. It is quite late. And, Ducas and I shouldn't be here at this hour."

Valerie cut Ducas's discussion, but now it reminded me that the issue about my blood still hasn't been explained yet.

Persephone: "Aww. He is worried about your health."

I tried to ignore Persephone's teasing remark. Valerie then turns to Ducas.

Valerie: "Also it would cause a problem for him if any faculty member found out."

Yeah, it would, but too much has already happened and they didn't notice a thing, which was laughable to me.

An understanding look appeared inside Ducas's eyes and then he bow to me.

Ducas: "I will come by the usual time tomorrow morning."

I just waved my hand to his response to which he gave a relieved smile and headed towards the door, and Valerie followed, but just as Ducas was about to open the door, with no doorknob on it, she turn to me.

Valerie: "Thank you for everything, Sir Arthur."

I looked at her without showing any emotion on my face but ended up giving a smile anyway.

Arthur: "Sure."

They both gave a polite smile as well and left while closing the door behind them. I looked at the door in the hallway.

Arthur: "I need to get someone to fix the doorknob."

Stoically I said so and went to close the door with the slide door lock, one on the top of the door and one right above where the Knobe used to be.

Then I turned to head towards the bed but-


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments " Did your blood really healed that Lion boy? " ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Are you a Vampire?" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "Don't tease him". ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jin' comments "How does it work?". ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "I am curious myself". ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysius' comments "I like to know as well". ]


[ Several Nubeculas are showing curiosity towards you. ]


Arthur: "I am quite tired. I think I will rest for tonight."

Saying so I hold out my palm infront of me and a black ball with no depth inside of it landed on my palm.


[ Item: Total Isolation.]

[ You have used Total Isolation. You are now isolated from the outside world. ]

[ Effect of the item will be for one hour per day. The duration of the effect has started. ]

[ Time remaining: 38 minutes ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments " Oh Cmon! " ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "tch!" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is sighing. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jin' is dejected. ]


[ Some Nubecula want the barrier to be removed. ]


[ Some Nubeculas are spatting cursing remarks at you. ]


Several messages appeared, which I just ignored. I held the black ball which I took out from the storage ring.

I need to do something about these messages, I guess I need a manager. I thought as I walked.

Under the protection of the item, which intercepts the drone's feed, I walked on the carpet toward the bed.

I walked by Persephone, who looked just as beautiful and graceful as she always look.

Persephone: "I didn't know you were that popular among the Higher Existences."

Persephone flipped her hair from her face, as she turned to me, following my path through her ametrine eyes.

Arthur: "You also got the messages?"

I looked over my shoulder, with curiosity. Despite that I didn't halt my steps, and then I touched the soft sheets, before comfortably sitting over it and placing the [Total Isolation] on its stand over the desk which was beside my bed.

Persephone: "That was all open comments. Everyone was able to see it. Why would they use more points to send personal comments to all three of them?"

Ah? That made sense.

Persephone tightened her hold below her chest, hugging herself, and then walked toward the bed as well.

Persephone: "Raziel and Guhimo were watching you as well. I never expected that."

Arthur: "Raziel has been watching me since we reached the shore after leaving the island. You remember that shed where Kafziel led me. "

Persephone: "Figures. But Guhimo must have made you popular."

Persephone reached closer and took the support of the bed pillar as she leaned on it, looking at me, still arms crossed beneath her chest as usual.

Arthur: "I got most of my points because of that."

Persephone: "Hwang Jini, she must be that tactician, and Dionysius, one of Olympus, it's rare."

Arthur: "I just got their attention."

Persephone: "Must be from the Brigains, right?"

Well, I lured Dionysius for my own advantage, Nonetheless, I rather forget about my underhanded plot, it would make me look like a bad guy in the story.

Anyway, since she caught onto the right timings of those two, I became tight-lipped, so I further pushed the conversation.

Arthur: "What about the other two usernamed Nubeculas? Know anything about them?"

Since I know most of them from dreams, there were still so many I could remember. So I judged 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' and 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' to be insignificant and that they were not that influential in my dreams I could not find out about them even if I read in the journal. Also, it is not like I have a search function.

Persephone: "They were quite long, that's just how they like to keep that. But no, I don't recognize them."

Must be just small stars then, with forgettable stories.

Persephone: "Only they commented, but there must be more right? It is still a lot, considering you are here just over a month."

I thought so too, but it is a good thing, for now.

I nodded in understanding, thinking about how should I approach the next statement I knew that she was going to ask, or more like I felt it.

Persephone: "So are we going to talk about why you cut your wrist and fed that Lion boy your blood?"

Arthur: "What is there to talk about?"

Saying so I let my body fall on the mattress and adjust myself to lie down, shifting my body and support the weight of my head over my crossed arms over the pillow.

Persephone: "Are you really hoping to pass it like nothing? How did your blood healed him?"

Arthur: "Even I didn't know if it would or not. I was just testing one of my skills, hoping it would work like that?"

Saying so I closed my eyes.

Persephone: "Testing? Did you know how much blood you lost? You are a human. It would have resulted in a serious situation."

I opened one of my eyes and looked into hers which were under an annoyed frown on her face.

Arthur: "You seem concerned about me."

Persephone: "...As if. Don't hold yourself in that high regard."

I closed my one open eye and made peace with the fact I deflected her question.

As she said I am just a human and healing with blood is not of Human-race skills. It is one of the Vampires, but the low-level skill of theirs wouldn't be enough to neutralize the poison that Griff had, let alone cure one, at least not as fast as my blood did.

But Nonetheless, [Zoe's heart] is a level 6 skill so, fortunately, it worked as I hoped it would.

Arthur: "I am tired, so save the question about why I asked, what I asked of Felicity for later."

Persephone: "Soul Contract sometimes can be annoying."

Saying so Persephone also floated to lie down on the bed beside me, with her head resting on her palm, her face facing towards me, as she looked at me.

I tried to ignore her gaze at me, and soon the fatigue washed over me.


[A branch skill of your attribute is activated]



Felicity and Griff left the room and were now walking on the Ground floor of the Trivia.

Griff: " Umm... Big Sis? "

Felicity: " It's fine. "

While walking on the hard marble tiles with a tapping sound generated from her heels, Felicity responded.

Since leaving the Faculty dorm Griff hasn't said anything and neither has her. So he tried to say something but Felicity passively reacted to show that she is not angry.

She knew that Griff did everything for her sake, so she wasn't mad, rather she had something else on her mind.

Felicity: " So what do you think of him? "

She asked Griff another unexpected question, which caught him off. There is no need to ask who she is talking about.

Griff: "I was hoping to ask... Why didn't you did anything to him?"

Felicity: "Just answer the question."

Griff: "He seemed... Big."

Felicity understood what he meant. She got the same feeling. The man with black hair and eyes even of a darker shade of that color seemed big to her.

There was nothing special about him. He was weak and had nothing notable, but his demeanor felt odd like she was talking to an older brother, whom she did not want to disappoint.

Instead, she wanted his respect.

Felicity: "Whatever. To answer your previous question, it would have been inconvenient. He is Archduchess's Assistant."

Griff nodded with a realized look on his face. He was flustered that he didn't think of it, but also proud that her big sister did. It once again reminded him how perfect her sister is to be the tribe's queen.

Then a curious and Questioning look overtook his face.

Griff: "But I wonder what would he do with it?"

Felicity: "It's not our concern. We don't need it anyway, especially after what happened, Do we?"

Griff: "O-Ofcourse not."

Felicity looked towards a window on the fifth floor through the window on the ground floor from the corner of her eyes, where several Nubeculas were trying to send messages to the person in question through the barrier he placed.

She then walked towards her dorm room.


Valerie: "Something on your mind Ducas?"

Valerie and Ducas both walked through the Trivia Garden.

The Garden was neat, the trees were standing tall despite the low wind which shook their leaves, and the bushes situated at the side of the tiled road that they walked, to make a path, bushes seem to simmer with small fireflies over the flowers on them.

Ducas: "I am just concerned about Sir Arthur."

Valerie: "Ah. That's why you asked about the hand."

Ducas: "Yes. He just cut his wrist like it was nothing to save that boy. Even when he believed that he attacked us."

Valerie: "You mean he attacked me."

Ducas: "No. I meant the boy, he knew nothing about, well maybe he did know him. But if Sir Arthur was sent by your family. Why would he use his own Elixir and Heal him with his blood."

Valerie: "Well, he definitely isn't sent by my family because we don't have any Elixirs. At least not of grade three."

Ducas: "What about his blood? I never even heard about a human having healing skill that requires feeding your own blood because-"

Valerie: "Because only Vampires have that ability."

Valerie cut him off and Ducas nodded.

Valerie: "But Griff's poison was too high to heal with their blood too. Are you curious about it? Maybe Doubt him?"

Ducas let out a snickered laughable sigh, which he just couldn't seem to hold.

Ducas: "Absolutely not. Not only did he not hide it, but I also couldn't sense anything once, that he was trying to hide it. He trusted us."

Valerie: "And he also helped me with Felicity. You might not know that, but I wanted to make peace with her for a long time. But she never trusts me."

Ducas: "You didn't seem to trust her that much either."

Valerie: "She is not the only one with Pride. I have mine as well."

Valerie and Ducas then walked in silence for a while. Valerie then feeling the mild wind up on her face, released the same laughable sigh as Ducas earlier.

Ducas: "What?"

Valerie: "It's just when I first heard that some twenty-year-old is going to be Archduchess's assistant. I was so mad. I just couldn't stomach that someone like that bullshited his way to get the position. And I couldn't understand why She would even let that happen. She repeatedly rejected everyone, including me and Felicity."

Ducas: "You sure you should be saying those words out in public."

Valerie: "There is no one around us. I am quite used to being followed but because of Sir Arthur, now I could not sense even one of them through my [wind manipulation]."

Ducas: "I know that he seems approachable out in open but you can sense he is cold. Still, above all he always let people around him leave in the best possible way. No one is ever dissatisfaied."

Valerie: "I feel the same way. And I see what Archduchess sees in him. It is Laughable how all we talk about him are gratitude. He is a myyyystery."

Valerie spoke stretching the word 'mystery' to make it a subject.

Ducas: "Yes. That he is."

They chatted their way toward the Dorm and then separated to head toward their rooms.


Next day as usual. I was in Lisa's office flickering through the pile of papers for today's lecture.

A white Persian cat, the headmaster of trivia, or to be specific, Hekate, in her cat form was on my lap, and Lisa was on her desk.

Half an hour later, it was about to be eight O'Clock. It was about to be time for today's lecture.

I sat there going through the materials as my mind wandered to the dream that I had.

I don't know if it was real or not, but if it was. It seemed that as long as I am Lisa's assistant Felicity wouldn't try to do anything to me.

And it also looked like Ducas and Valerie were getting along well. They might become friends and then Ducas will leave me alone.

<Creak >

Lisa slid the chair she was sitting on while pushing her table then got up from her seat and pulled me out of my thoughts.

" Let's head for the class. "


Two days later. I was sitting at the dining table in my faculty dorm room in a white formal shirt which I was wearing underneath my cloak.

I was eating the caviar that Ducas brought from the city.

I took a bite as I spoke.

Arthur: " Did you hand it over? "

At some point, it became a common thing for Ducas to have breakfast with me.

I didn't mind it, Since he was the one who was bringing me my food. The least I could do is let him eat the food he brought.

The silver-haired boy looked at me with a fork in his mouth.

Ducas: " Ah... Yes sir. "

A smile appeared on my face which fall down just as fast as it came.


[ The Nubecula "Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken" comments " Hand what over? " ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' is sighing. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' Comments " You should watch if you want to know. " ]



I am glad that these Nubeculas watching are watching me since it would end me up with more points.

But every part of my daily life doesn't need to be on their Live show.

I just ignored the thought, since I couldn't do anything about it.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho ' Comments " I know!" ]


[ Some Nubeculas are listening to Gumiho. ]


'Ahh. As expected. Our rumor expert knows everything huh.'

I finished my last bite of breakfast and headed toward Lisa's office.


In the evening, around six fifty-five. I was in my room again.

<drrrrrrr >

Dragging a chair in my own dorm room.

The sound of leather rubbing against the wood was heard as I was dragging the chair in the middle of the room.

Persephone: "What are you doing?"

A sweet seductive voice rang into my ears, suppressing all the dragging sounds.

I looked at Persephone who had a bored expression on her face but a curious frown as well.

' How can someone sound so sweet while looking that bored? ' I thought to myself.

Once again, I placed that ridiculous thought back in my mind. It was useless to think about it since she is a god, a higher existence.

Arthur: "I am placing" I dragged the chair placing exactly where I wanted "my seat for the show."

I spoke while smackingly holding the edge of the chair's backrest, and turning to the lovely yet annoying woman.

I placed the chair in the middle of the room.

It was the best place to see anyone come inside the room. If someone were to come from the door or from the window, either way, it was the best place for the view.

Persephone: "A Show huh?"

Persephone's expression seemed doubtful and unbelievable, as her both eyebrows rose up, and her eyes looked down at me.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho ' Comments " There is going to be a show?!" ]


I nodded my head.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho ' Comments " Woah!" ]


[ Some Nubeculas are curious. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "What about strippers?" ]


If he knew who would be my guest of honor is, he definitely wouldn't want that person to strip, or do anything else.


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "Arthur isn't the kind of person who likes that." ]


Yes, I am not.


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Because he is the hero." ]


Once again, no, I am not. And keep your condescending remarks to yourselves.

Ignoring the messages, I moved my head toward the clock. It was now one minute left to seven. I walked towards the chair that I had put in the middle of the room and casually took a seat.

tick tick tick

I enjoyed the cushion of the chair as my eye remained fixed on the clock.

tick tick tick

The second hand of the clock moved in a rhythm as it moved in a circular motion toward the number twelve.

tick tick tick...


Soon the second hand reached twelve and with the ting sound, it was on the twelve and then it moved past it.

tick tick tick

The clock worked as it should and the second hand moved towards the next numbers.

But Everything was still the same, nothing happened.


[ Some Nubeculas are confused ]


The Gods watching me became confused. Why the show didn't happen? Nothing is changing.

After I was looking so intently toward the clock, for a moment even I hesitated. I thought something was wrong.

' Is he not coming? '

The person I was waiting for should have been here. I clearly wrote the time.

' Maybe that wasn't enough provocation? ' I thought.

Even though confused. There was a relaxed expression on my face. I couldn't show any sign of falter after saying there would be a show.

' Am I going to be branded as someone misgiving the declaration of my own proclaimed shows? '


An audible sigh left my mouth.

Luckily, the tension didn't last very long.




Suddenly the sound of something cutting through the air came toward me. It was so fast that I didn't even see it.

Because I don't have to. Since the object thrown at me was blocked by a silver-colored feather. It was a transparent silver-colored feather.

The sound of the object and the feather making contact with something resounded in the quiet room and the object fell down on the floor.

My eye moved toward the object on the floor.


I held a gasping sound from coming out of my mouth. The object that was thrown at me was a needle like a knife. It was a knife that is generally being used by assassins.

' He is planning to assassinate me huh? '


[Several Nubeculas are paying attention at your direction]


A smirk formed on my lips. It was as expected of him and the show is about to start.

My thoughts couldn't stay for long, because along with the sound of something cutting through the air and it is being blocked. I also heard a third sound.

It could be the assassin but wouldn't an assassin would move quietly? then why was there a third sound?

I moved my head toward the window which was forcefully opened. A Person was standing there, and our eyes met. I couldn't help but release another sigh.


Hearing my sigh the person standing near the opened window flinched, but he did nothing to go back or show any expression of guilt.

But that was not the thing that was on my mind.

' I still don't understand how he can always come through a window on the fifth floor. '

The person that came through the window was a food delivery man. The silver-haired boy, Ducas.

Arthur: "What are you doing here?"

Ducas opened his mouth to say something but just ended up making weird multiple expressions.

' Anyway, If he is here it might go even more smoothly. '

I thought that it might be convenient that Ducas was here.

' Since he is strong. '

Ducas is the scam character who is strong enough to fight anyone in the lower realm.

After making eye contact with Ducas, my eyes lazily wander around the room, ignoring him, as they fell upon the needle knife.

Arthur: "You can appear now."

I spoke with a calm yet strong voice and then an emotionless voice resounded inside the room.

" It seemed that it was all true... Silver winged protector. "

It was an empty voice. The corner of my lips twitched as I heard the embarrassing nickname that was given to me by the citizen of Brimos.

' I Hate this stupid name. '

Persephone: "pfftt..."

-Stop laughing.

I really hate this childish name which at this point I have to hear every once in a while. It makes my mood sour.

A message then appeared followed by the voice of the person.


[ The Lower Existence 'Todd Middleton' has disabled the skill 'pass from sight Lvl.2' ]


As soon as the message appeared, the shape of the space around the hallway leading to the door moved, and a man in a butler uniform and white gloves appeared in front of the door.

Arthur: "You came."

Now let the show begins.

Hi readers.

I hope everyone is doing fine and are cheerful.

New chapter is out now and this time we are dealing with Todd, the silent receptionist at the Trivia.

I also decided to add orators before the speech. I believe it gives a better feel and understanding.

I hope you enjoy it.

Next chapter will be out soon.

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