

Jade's eyes widen and she growls with furious rage than says "NO I DON'T WANT YOU TO GO THERE IT'S NOT SAFE THAT WOMAN WANTS TO STEAL YOUR LOVE I COULD SEE IT IN THOSE BOYFRIEND STEALING EYES OF HERS" John says "Alright I'll go somewhere else love you" Jade says "Love you more" Jade than gets dressed and says "Alright Wendy let's get going shall we?" Wendy says "Ok" Three hours later Wendy parked her car in front of a clothes store Jade says "What's this place?" Wendy says "This is where you'll be picking out your clothes" Jade nods and then enters. Jade had found that she didn't know anything about fashion or clothing even back in her day she knew nothing about it however she was not alone. Wendy says "God your so useless fine what do you want i'm guessing something that is revealing would be to your liking?" Jade uses her memory to remember what John had said to her she than says with a smile "Nothing that's too revealing" Wendy becomes stunned and looks at Jade with a confused look she says "Are you sure that you don't want anything revealing judging from what your wearing now you like revealing clothes?" Jade shakes her head and than says "This is the only thing that I own" Wendy changes the way she looks at Jade and than says "So uh what would you like?" Jade looks at Wendy and smiles affectionately as she says "Whatever you think John would like" Wendy smirks and then says with a smile "Alright I'll get you stuff that my brother would like"