
My vengeful sweetheart

How can someone who loves you suddenly turn to a nightmare??????

Judithmoses · Fantasy
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3 Chs

chapter 2

If I had the opportunity to turn back the hands of time, I would prefer to have not met him in the first, place I would have preferred not being in this family, I would have preferred to change a lot of things,I would have preferred to have the opportunity to keep my mum alive

As life leaves me gradually as I turn into nothingness I see a very bright light shining towards me I tried as much as possible to see what and who it was but all I kept hearing was;

this is an opportunity, this is a second chance in life and if you're to take it will you make the right decisions? will you do the right things? will you set yourself apart from the people that are there to hurt you? how far can you go to keep good memories and not sad ones? how far can you work on yourself and how willing are you to meet the right people at the right time in the right place if given this opportunity will you use it well..????

I didn't give it a second thought I've gone through a lie a lot I've gone through a lot of s*** from f***ing house or should I say hell it's been pain and misery and the least person I expected to hurt me this much was the one that turned around and did the direct opposite of what I was expecting but then taking this opportunity I will fight tooth and nail

It will be an eye for an eye and everything that has been taken away from me for four years or rather through my 26 years of existence I'll get them all back I'll fight for everything that I've lost and I hope to acquire more I just want to live a happy and peaceful life that's not too much to ask! Yes yes I will take this opportunity yes I won't let it slip by and yes I would revenge for my mum for myself and my lost child everything that was given to me in this shame of a marriage I will get it all back matter what it cost

"very well then, the opportunity is yours you are being given a second chance in life and I hope you make good use of these opportunities. yeah I know you want ReVenge but then live a good life for a good cause and I hope I don't see you anytime soon"

waking up I found myself any familiar space my room in my mother's house the the Eliot were the nicest of all people and it hurts when my mum turned her back against them but anyway every single thing this family had lost every time every penny every single thing I must get them black the alarm Boston I woke up with a frantic cry from the North taking care of my mother hello Isabella what the hell is wrong with you how can you abandon me after a very long time it's just that this isn't right anyways your mum is at it again and I extremely hope you'll be here in a jiffy it's getting out of hand please come over right now!!

the call is familiar and I know that if I missed this it's going to be difficult for me to forgive myself yeah it's here 20xx and I just hope I get there early anal enough for mum yeah I need to get everything I can on my debit card credit card every single thing every time I have every penny I need to save more motor my bill still doing on the bed alright alright alright alright alright let's go you can do this yes!!!!