
My Vampires

AKEN0X · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 32

I turned around and saw the familiar scenery of the mansion, signaling the end of my dream….No, it wasn't a dream. It was Vlad's past that he'd held in his heart this whole time. My fingers were still chilled from the snowy air. My cheeks felt frozen and my heart was still pounding, telling me it was real. And I made a promise to Vlad, to try to give his heart even a little bit of hope.



"You are not alone."




"I will be waiting for you, a long time from now--beyond eternity."

And he made a kind promise to me, too.


"Thanks, miss!" "For finding me! Next time I'll come find you, okay? I promise."

He'd lived centuries since then, keeping that promise close to his heart.


"So that's why I can still vividly remember the strength and warmth of her arms as she embraced me." "And the promise we made each other."


"The promise?"


" I think I'II keep that part to myself."

Flashback Ends

Even after I met him, I didn't remember the promise we made. But now that I knew what happened, it changed every word he said, every look he gave me. I can't just sit here and regret hurting him. I have to do something. I stood up and took a deep breath.


"I have to go see him again." "Because in this world, I want..."

You were waiting for me all this time…


"...to protect you."

I took a step forward and saw Sander and Sebastian running towards me.


"Kira, we couldn't find you and we've been looking all over the mansion for you."


"…Don't tell me you..."


"Let me tell you about it while we go to Vlad. We have to hurry!"


The scene outside the Christmas party was just growing more chaotic. Eyes as red as a rose turned white from the snow. The armed villager attacked Vlad as he stood in front of the theatre, mercilessly stabbing him. He stabbed him over and over. But no matter how many times Vlad was stabbed, no matter how much he bled, Vlad did not collapse onto the snow.


"It's no use. Your weapons can't kill me."


"Wh-what are you?" "…You're a monster! Kill him!!"

More people attacked him with their sharp weapons, but Vlad didn't move a muscle. He shielded the little boy with the newsboy cap with both his arms, and looked down and smiled at him.


"I'm sorry to scare you."


"Don't worry about me. But Mr. Florist, if you don't run away you'll die!"


"Hey! Somebody get an axe! Surely if we cut off his head, this monster will die!"


"Haha, without a doubt. That'll serve as an example for the nobles inside before we give 'em a bloodbath!"

Someone swung a rusty axe towards Vlad's neck when all of a sudden…


"...It's a crime to attack someone who isn't resisting."

A cloak billowed in the night as the tip of a sharp sword sliced through the handle of the axe.


"…You're all heartless. Who are the real monsters here?"

Jayme, Markus, Lennon, and the rest of the residents made their way through the crowd of commoners. But there was one of them who stood right in front of Vlad, his long overcoat fluttering in the snow.


"...Comte, why?"

He made a wall between Vlad and the commoners. Gabriel turned his head, his eyes wavering with confusion.


"…Vlad." "When you saw the end of the world, you vowed to protect it by controlling human ideology." "So then why aren't you using your powers of compulsion? You never had any hesitations before." "Why are you doing this?"


"Ahaha... You're right. It doesn't make any sense." "But…" "I just thought that if Kira were in my shoes, this is what she would do."




Sander, Sebastian, and I jumped out of the carriage. I didn't even bother using an umbrella as I ran through the snow. The moment I turned the corner towards the theatre, I saw it. I saw le Comte standing protectively in front of Vlad, who was holding a child. And then I saw the residents hold back the crowd of commoners.


"Kira, it's too dangerous to go over there!"

I was about to run over, but Sebastian and Sander grabbed me.


"They're not human! We have to kill them before they kill us!"


"They came here to win their freedom, but now their goal has changed."

The commoners looked frightened of Vlad and the others. Their fear was ruling them and pushing them towards violence. At this rate, everyone here is going to get hurt.


"We can't quell the violence at this rate or else people are gonna die. Hey, Vlad! Use your power!"




"You're immortal just like us so you know that once a human dies, they can never get their life back!"

Vlad slowly stood up and took a deep breath. An intense fire burned in his vivid red eyes.


"Sleep... Sleep on the edge of dreams!" "You will forget attacking us and your evil thoughts. You will forget everything you saw tonight!"

All of a sudden the commoners dropped their weapons in unison, a loud clatter on the ground. They all hurried home, looking completely confused as to what happened. They would go back to their houses and celebrate Christmas, none the wiser.


"…What in the world is going on?"

I noticed the little boy Vlad had shielded was the boy who asked for the gerbera bouquet. Vlad gently patted the boy's head with his bloody hand.


"You can forget all the scary things that happened tonight. You can forget all of it." "Now, go to sleep. I'll even sing you a lullaby."


"Mr. Flor...ist..."

The boy's head slumped over as he fell asleep, and suddenly Vlad's body pitched to the side.



Le Comte caught him and Vlad gave him a weak smile.


"I'm fine... I just used too much energy, I think." "...Hey, Comte?"




"If only I could use this mysterious power to compel all the humans in the world, huh?" "Just like beckoning them into dreams. Then they wouldn't have to hurt each other like this." "But I can't. I feel so weak after controlling just this small crowd."



Vlad looked down at his own body, painfully aware of the difference between himself and humans.


"Haha. Why is this world so cruel? All I wanted…"

"...was to protect them," Vlad murmured as he touched a flower that bloomed by the roadside. It had been trampled by the crowd and ruined. Even though his expression was the same as it always was, his entire body was screaming out with sorrow. I walked through the snow, each step bringing me closer to him. The residents spotted me and started walking away.


"Please take care of Vlad, Kira."

I knelt down in front of Vlad and gazed deeply into his crimson eyes.


"Kira…" "Why do you look so sad? Did I make you sad again?"

My eyes burned with tears but I held them back as Vlad stared at me.


"If I look sad, it's because I'm worried about you." "'I'm very, very worried about you."

Vlad stared at me so long it felt like time had stopped. He spoke, his voice small like a little lost boy.


"I let go of your hand and tried to realize my ambition... On this holy night." "But…" "But I kept remembering your voice and what you said to me."


"What I said to you?"


"Yes. You're so kind you care about others' feelings more than your own." "You believe in the power of people's feelings to give hope. You're so strong…" "I kept remembering those words you said as you cried for me, words so warm they could melt the snow."

Vlad slowly lifted up his hand up to the snowy sky. He stared at the falling slow as if it would cleanse his bloody hands, then clenched his hand into a fist.


"I know that protecting only the things within arms' reach won't change the future." "Ever since I saw the end of the world, vowed that I would sacrifice everything in order to save it." "And yet…" "I found myself wishing for the same things you said--to believe in the good nature of people, and for no one to be hurt."

He laughed, his breath white in the cold air.


"…I'm crazy, aren't I?"

You're not crazy at all. Because the wish you just said…



"Don't cry. I'm sure one day humans and vampires will be able to live together forever."




"Yeah. Because we love humans, and I'm sure humans love us, too!" "This world is so beautiful. Vampires and humans will join hands with all creatures and live in peace and harmony!" "Let's both pray that happens, and that that future goes on forever and ever!"

Flashback Ends

It was the wish he'd been holding onto deep inside of him ever since he was a little boy. He just wanted to protect humans, his friends, his family, and the world. I clasped his lonely hand that he reached out towards the sky.


"You're not crazy at all. Because that's your true wish, Vlad." "You're a kind person, and that's why you locked away the sadness, and that wish, deep in your heart on that snowy day."


"…That snowy day." "Wait…"

I tried to stop you from carrying out your plan, but we let go of each other's hands. And even when I traveled to the distant past, I let go of his hand again. We got separated over and over again, and kept missing each other for so long it was practically eternity. But I'll never

let you go again. Because this time...I'm going to wrap you up with both of my hands, because you are my destiny. I reached out and gently hugged him, pouring all of my love into him.


"I'm sorry it took me so long, Vlad. But... finally found you."

The holy night was so serene and quiet as the snow fell on the town, it felt like all the sounds had vanished. Maybe that was why I wanted him to hear how I felt--all the feelings I'd locked away in my heart. I heard Vlad gasp. My eyes stung with tears. We spent so much time together since that first snowy day when we met. And yet…


"I'm so sorry I didn't realize even though you spent so much time with me. I hurt you so much."

He shook his head, his silky silver hair caressing my frozen cheek.


"You didn't take long. You found me that day, so long ago. And…" " I could wait an eternity for you." "But maybe you were just manipulated by the destiny I created, Kira."




"Maybe meeting me threw your own destiny off track, and that's the only reason why you met me in the past."

I Had a strange feeling ever since I realized the woman in the faceless portrait was me. Why didn't he tell me the truth when he first met me? Maybe he was afraid that telling me would twist my destiny and make it go how he wanted it to go? He had these grand ambitions of changing the future, but he hesitated at changing one person's destiny. Vlad's love was incredibly twisted and self-righteous, but it was always so honest and genuine it made me want to cry. Vlad lived with a childlike innocence still in his heart, and I adored that about him.


"No, Vlad. Your past was far into the future for me." "I chose to go back into the past to meet you. I chose my own destiny, and that's why I'm here right now."

His long eyelashes were dotted with snow, wavering slightly.


"There's something I've wanted to ask you ever since lost sight of you that day."


"What is it?"


"You were going to say something before the screams outside interrupted you. I've always wanted to know what it was."



"...I'm going to say something a little strange. Will you listen?"


"Hm? Sure. What is it?"


"…Soon, you're going to experience something very, very sad." "And I'm sure there will be lots of other sad things that happen in the future." "I wish I could take away all your sadness for you." "But I can't, no matter how bad I want to." "But…" "You are not alone."




"I will be waiting for you, a long time from now--beyond eternity." "So when that time comes…"

Flashback Ends

From my perspective, I'd just said it less than an hour ago. But to Vlad, he'd waited so long it was practically an eternity. He'd waited so long for me he'd even forgotten my face. That's how long he had been waiting for this moment. I finally found the words I wanted to say to you. So please let me tell you every single thing I feel. I gently pulled away and gazed into his eyes as I clasped his bloody hands.


"I will be waiting for you, a long time from now--beyond eternity. So when that time comes..." "…when we've found each other again, let's find a way to overcome your sadness together."

I won't let you all alone to suffer in sorrow anymore.


"Let's find a way to protect the future of the world together, okay?"

I don't want you to shoulder the burden of protecting the world all by yourself. "You have the blood of the Originals in you! That means you're special, like a god who can rule over the world!'" Vlad had been told that ever since he was born, and given special treatment his whole life. The world had been cruel to Vlad, and had kept mercilessly forcing him to make decisions. Would he punish the humans who killed his family, or forgive them? How would he guide the humans who had ruined the world? Being called a divine child seemed to pre-determine his fate. But Vlad, you're not a god. He carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, locking away his sadness in his kind heart, and tried to be a god.

He saw humans and vampires as the same creatures, and wanted them to love each other. That was his true wish, but it kept getting trampled on, over and over again. I won't let it happen again. I'll stay by your side and protect you with everything I've got.


"Let's live side by side, together. Okay?"




"Yes. We can't change the past. But I believe that changing the present can change the future." "So please... Let's find a way to change the future without having to hurt anyone?"

I knew it was optimistic. Because I honestly had no idea how we could even do it. But I mean it with all my heart, and I have hope.


"I know I can find the future that you wish for." "Even if you lose hope, l'll go and find it over and over again." "You should know better at anything that I'm an expert at finding things!"


"Yes, I do."

His crimson eyes shone with a deep, rich light.


"Kira. What you say is naïve and optimistic. But…" "I want to believe it." "I want to stay by your side and find a way to change the future together."

He held me tightly, as if wanting to be sure I was really here. And his fingertips were trembling, just like that day when I'd realized how sad he was. We heard church bells ringing throughout the city, celebrating the holy night. I knew I would never forget the way your fingertips trembled as they withstood all of that sadness.