
Side by Side

In the strange desert-like area of the ship, Sil was trying to figure out two things. One was who these people were that had just tried to attack them right now, and the second was whether or not the Dalki had used an ability.

The Dalki were already powerful beings, and those with more spikes on their back would get stronger the more they fought and got injured. However, Sil also knew they would discover an inherent ability unique to themselves after their fifth spike.

One Horn was able to change the size of his body. Slicer had a tail that was fast and could regenerate, and then there were even those that shared similar traits to the clones they were made out of. The only thing was when these inherent traits were actually an extension of their body rather than an ability,

This time, however, Sil was sure it was an ability because of two things. One, the type of energy felt when being used, and two, the fact that it was one of Sil's many abilities in his book.

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