
1 Billion Celestial points

The first Dalki war had gotten rid of most of the human population which had amassed to 10 billion at the time. After the peace treaty signing, the number had risen and no longer did humans have to live on Earth, as there were the beast planets where shelters and living areas had been made.

Then the second war had taken place, causing the population to decrease once again. With a low population, many predicted it would be a long time until the human race would be able to see the same numbers as they had had back then.

Only a 1000 years later, after the 2nd Dalki war, had the numbers started to stabilise with the human and vampire population reaching a high number, but not to the same levels as they were before. The number had also stagnated due to the fighting between the vampires and humans.

All of this information was unknown to Quinn. He knew none of this and when making his case, when pleading with the whole world, he could never imagine seeing such a number.

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