
My vampire system: Abraham(fanfiction)

Disclaimer: I do not own the novel my vampire system. Full credit to JKSManga. I'm just wording my imagination into words. What happens when someone gets reincarnated in the story "my vampire system" with its knowledge? Follow Abraham as he begins his journey to become a superpower on his own. What time period is he in, which family does he belong and most importantly, will he follow the main plot? 3 chapters/week

ShadowGrim · Anime & Comics
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105 Chs


The voice telling Abraham to live continued to echo in his mind. He couldn't figure out if the voice was his own or not. But what was certain, was the darkness has already formed in his eyes, and the feeling of his soul and body were being pulled. Contrary to all logic, he started to see some bright light, and suddenly with the feeling of a big push, he got closer and was engulfed by the light.

Everything was fuzzy in front of him and a sudden urge to cry took upon him. But it never happened.

"Wait I'm not dead, was I rescued, or is time afterlife?" That was all Abraham thought before he blackout.


Dracul put the duvet on his elder who was sleeping on the sofa. Albus kept on crying since his mother's death. On the other hand, Darcul didn't have time to mourn for her wife as he was going to see the condition of his newborn baby.

After walking through the corridor to the neonatal intensive care section, Darcul opened the door to Abraham's room. Inside strangely there was a man standing near the baby, and from the look of his clothes, it didn't seem like a doctor.

Thinking that he may have entered the wrong room, Dracul peeked at the card which had the details of the baby. He had correctly entered his own son's room.

"Excuse me, are you a doctor"? As Dracul said those words, the man turned towards him and was starring at him. Dracul noticed the characteristics of the man; he was tall, had a curly mustache, and his hair was done up in a ponytail.

"I'm sorry for your lost Dracul, I'm not unfamiliar with the pain of losing a loved one. On top of that, your son.. what's his name, Ahh yes Abraham is in a very serious condition". The man closed the gap between us and put his left hand on top of my shoulder.

"Thank you for your consideration, but is there no way for my son to survive doctor? Please, I'm willing to do anything in exchange for the recovery of my boy". Dracul could not help but cry in front of this man. Strangely, Dracul felt like he was an elder close to him.

"My name is Lenny and I'm not a doctor, but believe me, if there was a ray of hope to save that child, I would have already done so. But sadly every possible solution that is to introduce energy into the boy will cause the body to overload and implode," said Lenny before overtaking Dracul and leaving the room. Dracul was left dumbfounded and stared at Abraham's body.


After an unknown amount of time, Abraham started to open his eyes as if he was waking from a deep sleep. Still, his eyesight was blurry and he could not differential any object in front of him.

By instinct, he wanted to rub his finger on his eyes but he could not muster any strength to raise his hands. Fear started overtaking his body as only one possibility came to his mind.

"Nooo, have I got paralyzed". He tried to control any part of his body but neither his hands nor legs gave any response. Even moving his head seems impossible. With all these though, his mind could not keep up and he fainted again.

This cycle of waking and fainting happened a number of times as every time he woke, he started to overthink. Until one time, he just closed his eyes, cut off all thoughts, and started meditating. These sets of actions were something he was used to when he was alone in his prison cell. Thanks to this, Abraham's consciousness remained longer. This didn't alleviate the fainting but its occurrence and duration started to decrease.


Meanwhile, due to the doctors having no solution, Dracul was asked to take the baby back home to spend their remaining time together. The military was kind enough to offer the equipment to sustain the baby's life for free, considered the sacrifice of Alita. Furthermore, Dracul hired a foster mother to feed and take care of Abraham. Even if the world was to say that the baby was going to die, Abraham could not give up on him. Not the baby he has sworn to protect as a dying wish from his beloved wife. He decided to go back to war and annihilate the destroyer of his life, the dalki. Also, this would help him to gain more credit which he could use for a better future for his two sons.

One month had passed, and against all odds, Abraham was still alive. For Abraham, all of his surroundings and events were unknown to him. What mattered was keeping himself awake. Although Abraham knew that thinking about his life events would make his brain hurt and faint, sometimes he could not bring himself to not remember those events. That when it seem for the first time his body was helping itself. It started to block those memories until in Abraham's mind just his name and his instinct to survive remained. After a month it looked like the brain found that it could handle more and it release some faint memories.

One among the memories, Abraham could remember reading about inner peace, how everyone had an energy inside himself. That was exactly what Abraham was trying to do, searching inside his still unresponsive body. Abraham imagining his adult body kept searching and searching but to no avail. Decided to give up, opening his eyes and what was in front of him shocked him so much that he fainted immediately.

How will Abraham survive against all odds?

What step will he take next?

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