
My Vampire Experience

Eren has lived as a vampire for over 100 years in a town in boredom. It all changed when a family of 6 moves in next door.

Shadow_King_4496 · Fantasy
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Dead Bodies

The new volume starts with Yu and Eren going to visit the tribe's house.

"Why are we going to meet the long-lost family my father never told me about?" Yu says to Eren. "I saw something, some type of individual destroying something in the woods last night. Maybe they might know something about that person. It might be a witch." Eren said. Yu paused and started laughing, "Really, a Witch?" "I don't know yet it was chanting things so it might be," Eren respond. Yu and Eren finally made it to the lake house in the forest, some of the members were training outside, some inside, then there was Elliot. Elliot ran and gave Eren a big hug, "What brings you here!" Elliot says with a smile. "Well- Eren was cut off, with his quick sense he saw an old man with a cane slip on the steps. With quick vampire abilities, Eren rushed to the old man before he could fall and caught him. "Are you okay old man?" Eren said. "Eren? Is that you?" The old man said putting his hand on Eren's face. "My name is WhaChi and my mother was ShiChi." The man said. "Now I remember! I used to babysit you when you were a child. I would have to catch you if you fell when you were little, looks like time hasn't changed." Eren said and WhaChi laughed. "Eren what brings you here anyway?" The leader of the pack said. "Well last night when I looked at my window, it was this person in the forest channelling some type of energy, the aura around her lit up different colours," Eren said, everyone, paused for a moment. "It must be a witch, we have to ask it what it is doing in town," Yu said. "No that would be too dangerous," WhaChi said. "I'll do it tonight, I'll ask it," Eren said. "Great then we will be around the area just in case things get physical," Elliot said. Everyone nodded their head yes.

It was nighttime already and Eren was prepared to look out the window just moments after Yu texting Eren saying that the pack is all ready. Eren saw the witch and quickly text Yu saying that he is going to confront it. Eren ran downstairs from his bedroom to the door. The which was saying gibberish spelling closing her eyes. Eren was scared as he knows little about Witches, "Hello what are you doing this late at the night." The Witch opened her eyes, it was a girl with blue long hair. "I can sense you're a vampire. You must leave Jaroston." The Witch said. "What?" Eren responded. "I had a vision of something coming destroying the whole town, drained bodies of blood. Thirsty vampires." The Witch said. "I am casting a spell to bound the vampires from coming in." She said. "How many vampires did you see?" Eren asked. "Over 30." The Witch replied. Meanwhile, the wolves are listening to their conversation. The Witch disappeared. The wolves came out of the bushes and turned back to humans, "30 Vampires! That's a lot." Elliot said. "What will we do," Yu said. "The best option is for us is for her to cast the spell," Eren responds. "Can she even be trusted?" The leader of the pack said. A letter appeared in the air, made from magic, Eren caught it and opened the note, it said: "In 10 days." Eren passed the note to everybody. "She doesn't look like an amateur when it comes to this." Elliot said. The wolves went back to the Wood Log and Eren to Yu back to his place to crash.

The next day arrives and Yu and Eren decide to watch T.V for most of the morning, they talked about wolves and vampires. "I lied to you about the Supernatural and Human war that happened here 180 years ago," Eren said to Yu. "I figured, who would run from humans," Yu said and they both laughed. "Well, the war was between the Wolves and Vampires on who would control and live in Jaroston, the Wolfs won the fight as they were deadly back then infighting. They forced the vampires out but your great elder WhaChi mother ShiChi allowed me to stay as she only trusted me. That's why I have a strong connection with your tribe. We go way back." Eren said, "Also I have a question, when are you going to become a wolf." "Well, they told me when the full moon happens," Yu says. The doorbell rang, Yu and Eren looked at each other and Eren got up slowly to go to the door. He opened it and it was the Witch. The Witch walked in the house, "Hello you two, sorry for rushing in like that." Eren closes the door. "Is there more info?" Eren says. "Yes, I had a vision in the future, they say they want the tribe dead." The Witch said. Eren looked at Yu. "The vampires from 180 years ago, their back."

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