
My Vampire Boy ep.27

Kayla - "I hope amila dosent misunderstand.. we were only buying some things for Zen.."

Kayla - "Should i call her and explain..?"

Kayla - "N-no.. I'll just wait and see.."

Kayla - "I hope they don't break up because of me!"

Kayla - "Should i go see Zen..?"

Kayla - "He just got out of the hospital, So i guess I should.."

Kayla - *At home*

Kayla - "What are you doing here?!"

Zen - "What do you mean, I live here remember?"

Kayla - "What?! I never said you could live here-"

Zen - "We're in a relationship so I should be able to live here"

Kayla - *Arms crossed* "Says who?"

Zen - "..Says.. Says me your fiance."

Kayla - "Ugh, You arent my fiance! I never even agreed to any proposal you ever did! I dont even know who you truly are!"


Zen - "K-kayla.. we've known eachother for years.. And I umm.. *Gets on knees*"

Zen - "Will you marry me?!"

Kayla - *Shocked* "Yes, Yes, YES!"

Zen - *Hugs*

*End of flashback*

Kayla - "Whoa.. What just happened?"

Zen - "K-kayla are you alright?"

Kayla -"I dont even know I just had like a.. flashback..?"

Zen - "That's great! What flash back?!"

Kayla - "Um.. It was about.. Y-you.. PROPOSING TO ME?!"

kayla - "This cant be right.. W-wait the accident, I have to talk to my mother about this!"

Zen - "They arent gonna tell you."

Kayla - "Okay since your so smart.. Then you tell me?"

Zen - "I.. I can't.. i c-cant.."

Kayla - "Why?"

Zen - *Turns head* "uhmm I never knew you got a new bed cover! haha,"

Kayla - "Oh, Yeah isnt it c- Wait! stop changing the subject!"

Zen - "What, Changing the subject never.. haha!"

Kayla - "Answer me!!"

Zen - "Well umm I have to use the bathroom!"

Kayla - "If you dont tell me-"

*Phone rings*

Kayla - "Ugh, You're safe this time, But not the next!"

Zen - "Phew.."

Kayla - *Picks up* "Hello?"

Unknown - "Meet me.. 4473 maple street"

Kayla - "What, Hello?"

Unknown - "Meet me at 8pm DONT be late.. I'll tell you everything you need to know about the accident, and dont bring anybody with you!"

Kayla - "How do you know-"

Unknown - *Hangs up*

Kayla -"W-who was that..?"

Zen - "alright im all done"

Kayla - "O..H umm Zen.. haha!"

Zen - "Whats wrong it seems like you saw a ghost?"

Kayla - "Ghost, Haha No no.."

Zen - "Whats up?"

Kayla - "N-NOTHING, So umm bye!"

Zen - "What?! why are you kicking me out?"

Kayla - "I promise if you leave I'll do anything you say just this once!"

Zen - "Umm.. Okay..?"

Kayla - *Closes door*

Kayla - "I cant let him know.."

Kayla - "That voice sounded like a man.. could it be Sam?!"

Kayla - "But he could never get his voice so deep.."

Kayla - "Its 5pm right now i still have 3 more hours"

Kayla - "Urgh what should I do?!"

Kayla - "What if the person tries to kill me, Or even maybe kidnap me?!"

Kayla - "No, no.. Maybe they just want to talk.. but anyway, I need to know nobody else will tell me about it, This is the only chance I'll ever have!"

Kayla - *Sign*

Kayla - "Maybe i should tell somebody.. no no they said not to invite somebody and if i tell somebody they'd want to come.. so that wont work.."

*On the other side of the door*

Zen - "Shes meeting up with somebody?!"

Zen - "I need to be there just in case!"

3 hours later

Kayla - "Its already so dark! I shouldn't have agreed to this, Urgh!"

Kayla - "Okay kayla, its now or never!"

Kayla - *Opens front door*

Kayla - "I just need to go to 4473 maple street.."

Zen - "Shes actually meeting up with somebody at this time? what is she thinking?!"

*At the place*

Kayla - "What the heck all I see is a alley way.."

Kayla - "Have I been tricked?!"

Unknown - "Finally, You are late."

Kayla - *Turns head*


Unknown - "Oh~ thats no way to talk to your elders.. tch"

Kayla - "I will leave if you dont show yourself this instinct!"

Unknown - "Fine, Fine always ruining the fun.."

Kayla - "J...Jay...?"

Jay - "You still remember me, I'm surprised"


Jay - "Don't get so feisty, Before i change my mind about telling you anything!"

Zen - *Behind walls hiding* "Its her ex?!"

Kayla - "Hurry up.. I dont have time for your pathetic games.."

Jay - "So.. what do you want to know about your accident?"

Kayla - "Just the accident in general!"

Jay - "alright, Basically you got into a car crash 3 years ago, And that caused your brain damage and it also caused your amnesia, But your family didn't want to remind you of that horrible experience.."

Kayla - "So i did loose my memory, That explains everything, Now why are you helping me and how do you know anything?"

Jay - "I know from research.."

Jay - *Moves closer*

Jay - "And why im helping you is I want you back"

Kayla - *Laughs* "are you stupid?! why would I ever wanna date you again, I already regreted dating you before what makes you think id be dumb enough to date you again!"

Jay - "Its because of zen isnt it that brat!"

Kayla - "How do you know who he is!"


Kayla - "You don't tell me what to do!"

Jay - "We're all alone here and nobody can hear you even if you tried... I can do anything to you!"

Kayla - "I'd like to see you try!"

Jay - *Rips shirt*


Jay - *Sprinkles sleeping powder on*

Kayla - "G.. GET away.... *Dosed off*

Jay - "Hehe"

Zen - "HEY IDIOT!"

Jay - *Turns head*


Jay - "Who the.. WAIT ARE YOU ZEN?!"

Zen - "It dosent matter who i am, All that matters is im gonna beat the crap out of you, You disgusting person!"