
Baby born

i remember the day when i was born on 3 march 1988 . my waight was 300 gram and my head is like a lamon . every one is shocked and said that this child is going to die but my mother was crying and my mothers mom said that even a monkey keep his/her child after he died and and take care like its not dead . i was born early when i was only 6 moth and doctor keep me on machine so that baby can live its a process i dont know much about this but i was in the machine for 3 moth in a same possition that my head feel the pressure and its like a defect you can say ...my father brought a cotton and he did not toch me because he afried that he was not able to take care or its harm if he hold me in a wrong way . he just watch me from a distance and play with me . my grandfather he is a govt teacher and he named me vishnu its a name of a Indian god and he love me more i know i play with him its just a nice to remamber old days memory . i am not good in studies but i am good in one thing and that is respect my parents and girls no matter what .studies tell you what is right and what you will do but nowdays studies is a business and race to prove yourself and i am a part of this race from here its start my tale of bad luck . the tail which make me alone ,depressed ,angery but i never lose hope and i overcome from it in no time but my bad luck is forever .