
The next day...

Next morning, Nhlaka woke up early to prepare for work and attended to his guest by making her breakfast, giving her meds and helping her go to the shower and bought her new clothing. When Nolitha exited the bathroom and went to bed it was all changed and her IV was too, he came back and hooked her up to the drip and told her that he was going to work but will come back early and asked if she was hurting. She wanted to say no, she didn't want to bother him but then told him it hurts to walk upright.

Nhlaka told her the doctor was going to come tomorrow and that the maid was going to be around, she could ask her if she needs something but Nolitha told him that she won't be stepping outside or bothering anyone and she preferred only him know she's here. Nhlaka honoured her wishes, by promising to tell the maid to not go to her room then he left for work.

She's smiled and glare at the room, finally she was alone to her thoughts but how does one process almost dying and being saved by a stranger. Nolitha took her phone and found many miscalls from her family, she urgently responded to some reassuring them she was fine though at that moment the pain in her ankle intensified. She didn't want to let out scream so the maid won't hear her all she could to was play soothe music to her earphones and sleep then hope by the time she wakes up Nhlaka will be back at lunch as promised.

Nhlaka, at the opposite of town, at work he was acting very weird than normal, forgetful, apologetic, his head was not in the game, the manager had agreed to let him go at lunch if he finishes filling in time. His colleagues could see that something was off though he renounced everything was fine, he quicken and finished the filling then rushed off to his hotel. This wasn't like him to worry like this for a stranger, he couldn't exactly grasp it but the seed was already planted.

One could ask why for a stranger, he was so worked up, little did he know his brief talk with her and reading her book opened something to him, the need to care and to love but really was that going to be.

At exactly lunchtime, Nhlaka came back and thanked Rita for keeping his home clean and told her it okay, she can be excused to other room, he'll take care of the rest. This was new to Rita, a hotel guest excusing her but she obliged and left. He quicken and prepare lunch for Nolitha with her favourite drink and yoghurt m, he came back with, he came to the room, surprisingly she was still sleeping and he set it next to her meds besides her bed and took out the IV as it was depleted.

Nhlaka shook her to waken her so she can eat and drink her meds. She was surprised that he actually came back, "I was afraid you weren't coming back and the maid will find me so I kept quiet and slept", she said thanking him for the meal. "I do keep my word but more importantly how are you feeling today?" he replied.

Politely Nolitha assured him, she was better, her energy was back the only pain she was still sustaining was in her ankle and it was a little swollen. He was a little worried but the doctor was gonna be back tomorrow so hopeful everything was gonna be okay.

Suddenly he suggested since she can't go outside, he'll let the fun in, at this room there was an LCD TV so he went to take an Xbox at the living room to play with her to kill time. She didn't show interest at first but as the time went by she was on a winning streak. "if I knew you were this good, I wouldn't have considered playing" he said. She laughed" it must be beginner's luck".

Truly she never played an Xbox before, yet she grasped the concept very easily. He expressed how the time was, he must do his work and prepare dinner, before that he asked if she needs anything. She asked him to help her to the bathroom like morning, he'll support her and leave her by the tub and lock the door. Once there, she had to be extremely careful to not slip because it'll be difficult to ask for help once naked.

Nolitha took her bath, got dressed and got of the bathroom, Nhlaka supported her and walk to the bed, though she refused and ask to see the rest of the hotel suite. He took her to the living room, to her amazed, she'd never seen such beauty. This renowned suite was fit for royalty. She sat down still looking around then she requested to be taken to the kitchen so she can help him with dinner.

The living wasn't all that decorated, it was kept simple and modern, that is less graphics art. She concluded that the interior decorator decides to follow the tenant style. Nhlaka complied with her and help her to the kitchen but he said she'll be only chopping, she shouldn't be standing too much due to her sprained ankle.

The gesture was kind but she kinda felt intimidated, "as much as I don't like cooking but chopping only just won't be good" she argued, before he got a chance to reply there was a door knock. "haha saved by the bell, stay here while I get the door" as he went on to open, curious who might it be, either way he won't let them in.