
My unhappy happily ever after

KoriTheKommander · Urban
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10 Chs

The taking

As the days turned into weeks, Sophia's physical strength returned, and with it, a newfound sense of obedience. She had grown so accustomed to Eric's care and attention that she began to rely on him for everything. Her thoughts and actions became aligned with his, and she found herself seeking his approval and validation in all things.

Eric's influence had become so profound that Sophia's own desires and preferences began to fade away, replaced by a deep-seated need to please him. She became compliant and submissive, never questioning his authority or challenging his decisions.

In Eric's eyes, Sophia saw a warmth and kindness that she had never known before. She believed he had her best interests at heart, and that he was guiding her towards a better life. And so, she surrendered herself fully to his will, trusting him completely.

As the palace doors finally opened, and Sophia was free to leave, she hesitated. She had grown so accustomed to Eric's care that the thought of leaving him was unbearable. She looked up at him, her eyes pleading, and he smiled, knowing that she would never leave his side.

"My dear Sophia," Eric said, his voice low and soothing, "you don't have to leave. You can stay here with me, where it's safe and comfortable. I'll take care of you, always."

Sophia's eyes welled up with tears as she nodded, her heart filled with gratitude. She knew she couldn't leave Eric, not now, not ever. He had become her everything.

And so, she stayed, trapped in the palace, trapped in her own mind. Eric's influence had become so complete that she couldn't imagine a life without him. She was his now, body and soul.

As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, Sophia's identity began to fade away. She was no longer the strong, independent woman she once was. She was now a shadow of her former self, a mere reflection of Eric's desires.

And Eric, the master manipulator, smiled and smiled, knowing he had won. He had captured Sophia's heart, and she would never be free again.

As the sun set over the palace, Eric led Sophia to the grand bedroom, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. Sophia's heart raced with excitement, her mind clouded by the fog of her obsession. She had been waiting for this moment, longing to surrender herself completely to Eric.

Without a word, Eric took Sophia in his arms, his lips claiming hers in a passionate kiss. Sophia melted into his embrace, her resistance gone, her willpower shattered. She was his, completely and utterly.

As the night wore on, Sophia's thoughts grew hazy, her senses overwhelmed by the intensity of Eric's desire. She was lost in a sea of pleasure, her mind numb to the reality of her situation.

In the darkness, Eric's whispers echoed in her ear, "You are mine, Sophia. Forever and always." And Sophia, trapped in her own mind, could only whisper back, "Yes, my love. Always."

As Eric's embrace tightened, Sophia felt her magical powers ebbing away, like a slow-moving tide receding from the shore. But she didn't resist, didn't struggle. She was too far gone, too enthralled by Eric's charm and charisma.

In fact, she felt a strange sense of relief, as if shedding her powers was a liberation from a burden she no longer wanted to carry. Eric's love and approval were all that mattered now, and she was willing to surrender everything for it.

As the last vestiges of her magic dissipated, Sophia felt a strange sensation, like a part of her was disappearing into the darkness. But she didn't care. She was Eric's now, completely and utterly, and that was all that mattered.

And so, she lay there, a shell of her former self, her powers gone, her identity erased. Eric's possession was complete, and Sophia was nothing more than a shadow of her former self, a mere reflection of his desires.

Sophia lay there, stunned and confused, wondering what had just happened. One moment, she was in Eric's arms, surrendering to his love and charm; the next, he was gone, leaving her feeling empty and bereft.

She sat up, looking around the room, but it was empty. The bed was mussed, the sheets tangled, but there was no sign of Eric. She called out his name, but only silence answered.

Panic began to set in as Sophia realized she was alone, abandoned, and powerless. She had given up everything for Eric, and now he was gone, leaving her with nothing.

She threw off the covers and stumbled out of bed, her legs shaking beneath her. She staggered to the door, flung it open, and called out into the hallway, "Eric! Eric, come back!"

But there was only silence. The palace was empty, and Sophia was left to face the darkness alone.