
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Unwritten rules

Upon reaching the highest floor of the Hunters Association headquarters, Gabriella and Stefan found themselves standing outside the president's office. The entrance was marked by an imposing door, a gateway to potential consequences.

As they waited, the air thick with anticipation, the president's office remained eerily empty.

Finally, after a prolonged thirty minutes, the door swung open. The President, flanked by two black-clad bodyguards, made a grand entrance. The bodyguards stationed themselves outside as the President strode into the office, his imposing figure filling the room.

A stern expression etched onto his features, he confronted Stefan and Gabriella, who had taken the liberty of seating themselves.

In a voice that held authority and reproach, he questioned, "Who gave you the right to have a seat without my permission?" His chuckle followed, a sardonic note underscoring the rhetorical nature of the question.

Unfazed, Stefan and Gabriella rose from their seats, compelled by the unspoken command, and so after, the president casually strolled toward the imposing desk, where his seat was, at the head.

The exchange, though laced with tension, bore an undertone of a power play, setting the stage for the conversation that was about to unfold.

After a drawn out minute, Joshua crossed his arms. "I don't recall summoning either of you here. To what do I owe this intrusion?" Though his tone remained even, a subtle warning edged his words as the president played dumb.

Gabriella straightened defensively and played along knowingly. "We merely wished to discuss the recent incident…, Sir. The exhibition match got rather out of hand-"

"Out of hand?" Joshua interrupted, one brow lifting. "An interesting perspective from the two conspirators behind that distasteful scheme."

He began slowly circling the perimeter of his desk, hands clasped behind his back. Gabriella and Stefan tracked his movements warily.

"Did you honestly believe I wouldn't uncover precisely who orchestrated that manipulation?" Joshua continued, shaking his head. "Rigging the competitions, exhorting young prospects, and falsely inviting influential people. This is hardly the behavior befitting THA seniors."

"With respect, Sir, it was merely meant as a test of mettle for the uprising super rookie," Stefan argued. "We needed to assess if he warranted all this sudden favoritism-"

"Favoritism?" Joshua repeated, eyes narrowing. "Is that what you call even-handed governance? Equitable opportunities for talented youth? Protecting the future of hunters?" Scoffing, he pressed both palms onto his desk and leaned over them.

"Let's call this little stunt for what it really was - a pathetic grab at preserving your elevated status by suppressing perceived threats." His sharp gaze moved between them.

"The audacity and arrogance on display today demonstrated exactly why your positions ought to be reassessed. You both continue to act like spoiled brats."

Gabriella bristled, shoulders tensing. "You accuse us of pride yet show blatant partiality towards some unknown child yourself!"

Joshua slammed a fist down. "I reward capability and integrity, you both should understand that more than anyone !"

He inhaled slowly, mastering his temper before straightening to full imposing height. "Make no mistake, your self-serving antics haven't improved your odds of seizing my seat. If anything, such arrogance only hardens my resolve and that the future of hunters lies with the next generation, not ours."

Gabriella and Stefan exchanged uneasy glances. The thinly veiled references Joshua intentionally bought up concerned them both.

Pacing away, Joshua clasped his hands once more. "The Hunters Association's foundations teeter already from threats within and without. And you two systematically fuel internal fractures with these despicable schemes you conduct. But for what?."

He glanced back, face lined with quiet anger...and disappointment most of all. "I expect senior staff to anchor stability, not conjure chaos. Yet by brazenly flouting ethics, you jeopardize this institution's credibility, fuel rebellion and insubordination."

Joshua turned to fully face them again. "So I suggest you reflect carefully on whether your priorities align with cooperative prosperity...or selfish ambition."

The weighty accusation lingered between them. Chastened, Stefan found his voice first.

"You...have our sincerest apologies, Sir. We sought only to assess the newcomer's motives, not undermine your authority and that of the association. For that, I sincerely apologize."

He hesitated briefly. "But dissent festers among the lower tiers, truth be told. Rumblings question why promising youths hit barriers while certain individuals ascend unchecked..."

Trailing off meaningfully, Stefan met Joshua's stare. "If influence shifts too far in one direction, faith in balanced leadership wavers, does it not?"

Gabriella latched onto the opening. "Indeed. Swift generational transitions risk stability unless wisely navigated." She raised her chin. "With respect, merely amplifying one emerging voice over others risks magnifying uncertainty."

Joshua listened impassively before sighing through his nose, ire diminishing.

"I don't discount your concerns nor that managing change remains an art. But heavy-handed suppression cannot substitute for mentoring burgeoning talent. And that boy, Klauss, is immensely talented. It is OUR job to nurture and guide talented individuals and as well protect them from the evil that continues to brew."

Approaching Gabriella, Joshua squeezed her shoulder. "Help mold the future, don't smother it. Both of you still have wisdom left to impart."

With their nods acknowledged, Joshua straightened, his demeanor firm. "Very well. However, consider this a formal censure for today's appalling conduct. I trust there will be no encores." His unwavering gaze allowed no room for debate.

As the chastened senior members took their leave, the president sank into his chair, weariness replacing anger. The complicated balancing act of navigating THA's internal politics and external threats loomed infinitely more challenging with remarkable individuals like Klauss entering the mix.

In a dimly lit locker room, not far from the arena where the intense duel had just taken place, Klauss took a moment to freshen up after the demanding battle. The echoes of the crowd and the resounding clash of weapons still reverberated in his mind.

As the steaming water of a well-deserved shower cascaded over him, Klauss relished the brief respite from the intensity of the duel. The rivulets of water traced the contours of his fatigued muscles, washing away the physical strain of the fight.

This refreshing time made him reminisce of his solo sessions in the sauna. What bliss ! 

But little did he know that another challenge awaited him outside the comforting embrace of the shower.

Post-shower, towel wrapped snugly around his waist, Klauss stepped out into the locker room. To his surprise, an individual sat there, seemingly waiting for him all along. This mysterious figure, shrouded in an air of enigma, raised an immediate red flag for Klauss.

What unsettled Klauss the most was the fact that he couldn't sense the presence of this stranger. A seasoned hunter accustomed to reading the energies around him, Klauss instinctively put up his guard.

The locker room, a space meant for post-duel relaxation, now became the stage for an unforeseen encounter.

Wearing nothing but a towel added an extra layer of vulnerability to the situation, injecting a dose of awkwardness into an already tense moment. The air crackled with an unspoken tension as the two figures locked eyes, each sizing up the other.

The enigmatic stranger, unfazed by Klauss's defensive stance, maintained an inscrutable expression. A subtle, yet chilling smile played on his lips, betraying a hint of dark intentions. The locker room, once a sanctuary for respite, had transformed into a battleground of uncertainty.

With a whimsical and playful gesture, the mysterious man raised his arms in a disarmingly harmless manner. He assured Klauss that he wasn't there to inflict harm or engage in any untoward activities.

However, Klauss found it hard to believe that because it is an unwritten rule to not walk up on a man who just got out of the shower unless you have personal business to sort out with the person directly.

Despite the peculiar circumstances, the mysterious figure insisted that his intentions were benign. He expressed a genuine desire to discuss the recently concluded duel.

According to him, Klauss's performance had left a lasting impression. The man could easily tell that the match seemed rigged for Klauss to fail, yet he couldn't help but be impressed by the unexpected victory.

In a twist of supernatural agility, the mysterious man vanished from Klauss's line of sight, only to reappear in front of him. The abruptness of the movement caught Klauss off guard, and a whisper escaped the enigmatic figure's lips, "Those skills you displayed are not those of a D rank. You are definitely lying about your rank."

Klauss instinctively took a step back, nearly losing his towel in the process. The cryptic stranger's words carried an unsettling weight. His ability to discern Klauss's true skill level raised questions about the depths of this mysterious individual's knowledge.

The encounter took an eerie turn, leaving Klauss on edge and pondering the true nature of this sudden approach.

Klauss, with a keen sense of observation and heightened instincts, understood from what he had just witnessed and heard that this enigmatic individual stood on a higher echelon, potentially posing his most formidable challenge yet.

The uncertainty loomed large in Klauss's mind, questioning whether, even at full strength, he would have emerged victorious in a direct confrontation with this mysterious adversary.

The enigmatic figure, exuding a sinister aura and an insatiable greed for something undisclosed, expressed his desire to meet again in a more formal setting to properly introduce himself. His words carried an unsettling weight, leaving Klauss grappling with the enigma surrounding this formidable stranger.

As Klauss contemplated shutting down any further interaction, anticipating an imminent confrontation, the sudden approach of footsteps interrupted the tense atmosphere.

Aisha, checking to see if Klauss was done in the locker room, entered the scene, puzzled as she looked around, attempting to make sense of the situation. Her eyes widened with surprise as they fell upon the mysterious individual.

Before Aisha could voice her astonishment or inquire about the strange encounter, the enigmatic figure swiftly intervened. He halted her words with a raised hand, silencing her from saying anything.

Casually, he walked out of the locker room, leaving behind a parting remark for Klauss, "I'll be seeing you around."

The enigmatic individual had a straight face, his eyes shut, yet a chilling smile etched across his lips, revealing dark intentions lurking beneath the surface. His attire spoke volumes about his demeanor — a meticulously tailored purple suit adorned his tall figure, setting him apart from the ordinary.

In the brief encounter, it was evident that he was no regular guy, emanating an aura of mystery and intrigue that left an indelible mark on the unfolding events.

Klauss, still processing the unusual encounter, stumbled for a moment, balancing against the wall with his right hand. Aisha turned her attention back to Klauss, her expression a mix of confusion and concern.

She was on the verge of saying something when, in an awkward twist of fate, Klauss's towel fell, creating an unexpected and awkward moment between them.

They briefly brushed off the awkwardness with a shared laugh, and Aisha, still puzzled, decided to momentarily set aside the mysterious encounter. She urged Klauss to hurry up and get dressed, reminding him that Sylvetta and others were waiting for him. 

Klauss, although still curious about the enigmatic figure, complied with Aisha's request.

As they left the locker room, the lingering questions about the purple-suited stranger and his cryptic intentions hung in the air, creating an undercurrent of suspense as they made their way to meet Sylvetta and the others.