
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Power Struggles in the Shadows

On this fateful night, within the confines of The Hunters Association (THA) headquarters, specifically on the topmost floor in the president's office, the clock struck 11 pm, marking the commencement of a heated debate.

Sylvetta found herself entangled in discussions with the president and some senior members, with Klauss at the center of the discourse.

Sylvetta had candidly shared with the higher-ups the peculiar request made by the young super rookie — Klauss wished to shroud his hunter rank in secrecy, opting to maintain a modest D rank for the time being.

While the act of concealing such information posed its own set of challenges, the crux of the matter revolved around why an esteemed institution like THA should accede to the wishes of a fledgling hunter.

The dissenting voices, particularly from two senior members, echoed skepticism about Klauss and a desire to subject him to individual tests. Despite his mercenary status, Klauss had managed to captivate the attention of the senior echelons within a mere few weeks.

Unaware to the young mercenary, his presence had become a pawn in an ongoing power struggle within THA.

At the apex of THA's hierarchical structure stood the president, revered as "The Messiah" — Joshua, aged 60. A legendary figure who had weathered the storms of the Great Catalyst, Joshua served as a pillar for all hunters.

Directly under the president were three senior members of THA, individuals who commanded respect both in the present and during the Great Catalyst.

Magnus Ironheart, aged 46, had earned fame as a formidable tank, wielding a sword and shield to carry the burdens of many. He stood as a stalwart pillar in the association, known for his open-mindedness and an unwavering acknowledgment of strength.

Gabriella Silverclaw, the oldest among the senior members at 50, brandished dual swords that struck fear into her adversaries with their sharpness and speed. Despite her prowess, she carried an air of bad manners and an icy demeanor.

Completing the trio was Stefan Stonefield, a 40-year-old wizard who excelled in earth and water magic. As the youngest mage to attain wizard rank, Stefan's strength was unquestionable, yet doubts lingered about the rapidity of his ascent and the secrets he concealed.

Beneath the senior members, 20 executives and directors operated in accordance with the president's and senior members' directives. This group comprised not only hunters but also ordinary humans, contributing to the overall stability of THA.

Further down the hierarchy were team leaders, instructors, and senior staff members or representatives. Sylvetta, holding the dual role of executive and head of the science department, stood as one of the president's trusted allies. V

ictor, a seasoned hunter, served as an instructor within THA.

While the structure within THA appeared absolute and well-defined, the shadows concealed a more complex reality. Two factions existed within the association, each harboring distinct viewpoints.

One faction ardently supported the existing president and the established regime, while the other advocated for change, believing THA should wield more authority both within the country and on the global stage. 

This ideological clash injected an additional layer of intricacy into the already elaborate dynamics of THA.

As the debate surrounding Klauss unfolded, it became increasingly apparent that the enigmatic newcomer had unwittingly become a focal point for these internal tensions, deepening the rift between the opposing factions.

In recent times, the once-respected senior members, Magnus, Gabriella and Stefan, renowned for their prowess as hunters, had become increasingly entangled in political maneuvers within the Hunter's Association, more so Gabriella and Stefan.

Despite being part of opposing factions, both saw Klauss as a strategic asset capable of shaking the foundations of their world.

However, their public stance in front of the president hinted at opposition, concealing their hidden agendas. 

"By keeping his identity a secret, allowing a random D-ranked hunter to become a mercenary is unprecedented. People will ridicule our authority," vehemently stated Gabriella Silverclaw.

Stefan Stonefield added fuel to the fire, saying, "Not only was he made a mercenary without our approval, but we have yet to meet him and test him for ourselves."

The room was fraught with tension, with the president maintaining a stoic silence amid the heated exchange. Sylvetta attempted to make her case to the senior members, but her arguments fell on deaf ears, lacking the authority to sway them toward the belief that accepting Klauss as a mercenary was in the association's best interest.

Magnus Ironheart, more receptive to the issue, welcomed Klauss as a mercenary but questioned the wisdom behind concealing his true strength.

"If one wants to make a name for himself, he must showcase his abilities and skills to shut up the haters. Why hide such a feat?!" he exclaimed.

Stefan retorted arrogantly, "Why else? He is definitely cheating or up to something in my opinion. We must investigate him."

Magnus responded straightforwardly, "Look who's talking. He defeated a rank B boss on his own and brought back its mana stone. He deserves some credit on that aspect, right Sylvetta?"

Sylvetta nodded in agreement, prompting Magnus to share his perspective. "Would you look at that? He did, so you can't question his strength, at the very least. What we need to know is his mindset and goals."

What Magnus implied was the importance of understanding where Klauss stood and discerning his alignment.

The three senior members were still unaware that he had been approached by Shade and the secret organization Daedra—a revelation that would soon come to light.

Gabriella, with a cold expression, declared, "I still must test him. Being a mercenary doesn't mean anything to me, but if he is to be proclaimed as a rank B hunter; his skills must be put to the test rigorously."

The debate continued until President Joshua finally stood up, signaling his alluring aura and his engagement in the conversation.

As he approached the large windows with arms crossed behind his chair, he spoke in a cool and calm voice, "What matters most here is him and the future of the association. You might not be aware, but he was approached by Daedra, and I don't know why."

With this revelation, Joshua discreetly observed the reactions of the senior members, suspecting the presence of spies within THA from the secret organization. The extent of their influence remained uncertain, and the president aimed to gauge their responses with this cryptic statement.

The revelation hit the senior members like a speeding car soaring through three buildings, leaving them in a state of shock and disbelief. Their exchanged glances confirmed that they all had heard the same unexpected news from President Joshua.

Amidst the profound shock, Gabriella voiced her astonishment, "How, why?! Who the hell is this kid to have such an ominous cult on his tail? This is unbelievable."

She clutched her head, struggling to process the weight of the revelation. 

President Joshua maintained his calm demeanor and continued, "I see that none of you were aware. But that is the situation, so he must be extra careful about how we handle this. What I need from you all right now are ways and strategies we can protect Klauss and the association from Daedra's diabolical hands."

A heavy silence descended upon the room, punctuated only by the sounds of the bustling streets, the night's whispers, and the ticking clock.

Sylvetta, already informed of the situation, expressed her opinion more assertively, "If you would permit me, Mr. President, we can start by ensuring his identity and rank remain hidden for as long as possible, as Klauss suggested. THA should strive to maintain a strong relationship with him, despite his cold and arrogant demeanor."

Stefan, failing to fully comprehend the gravity of the situation, foolishly suggested, "Do you think him wanting to hide his rank is proof that he has already made a secret agreement with Daedra?"

In response, the president emitted a dominating aura that seemed to suck the air out of the room, leaving those present gasping for breath.

Silently pleading for mercy, the senior members and Sylvetta clutched their necks. As the pressure lifted, Stefan, stuttering, attempted to explain, "But…it is…a…possibility…sir."

The president roared like a lion, dismissing such thoughts, "I will not entertain such thoughts Stefan! If you use your head, from the report Sylvetta gave, he had no idea of this organization and Shade, the mysterious figure."

Gradually, the room returned to normalcy as everyone regained their composure.

The president continued, "For the meantime, we shall coax the young hunter and uphold his wishes. Give him access to gates and let him participate in expeditions from time to time. Sylvetta is already his representative, but I want you to get him an assistant who will be with him most of the time and handle his schedules."

Despite the evident power struggle within THA, Joshua's orders remained absolute, asserting his dominance as the strongest hunter.

Sylvetta, composed and efficient, noted down the president's directives and proposed to their members the idea of allowing Klauss to act as a genuine rank D hunter.

"There's an expedition happening, organized by one of the top guilds. They've requested an additional member, as they lack low-rank hunters. Should I include Klauss in this party?"

The president returned to his chair, addressing the three senior members and Sylvetta, "Hmm, it might be a bit premature to involve him with guilds, but proceed. Let us see how he reacts to this". 

"Very well, sir. I'll take my leave then. Have a pleasant night. Please excuse me," Sylvetta replied formally, exiting the room.

The air lingered in silence, the faint echo of Sylvetta's heels tapping on the floor fading away in the distance.

Magnus Ironheart, breaking the silence, addressed the room boldly, confronting the two remaining members, "Whatever schemes you have laid out, do well not to get in his way."

He concluded with a smile and added, "Sir, if there's anything you need from me, I'm at your disposal. I will now take my leave."

As Magnus departed, the president turned his gaze toward the remaining two members, a look that silently conveyed, 'Well, are you not also going to leave my office?"

With a sigh, the president remarked, "Look, I know you two don't like another hot-blooded teen having all the spotlight, but behave yourselves. Let's act as proper senior members of this institution. Now get the hell out of my office!" he exclaimed.

As Gabriella and Stefan exited the president's office, they found themselves alone in the corridor.

Gabriella, her cold expression replaced by a sly smile, leaned in towards Stefan and whispered, "Did you hear that? Daedra has its eyes on the new kid. This could be our chance to shift the balance in our favor in this power struggle."

Stefan, equally intrigued, responded in hushed tones, "We must do everything possible to get Klauss on our side. The president might think he can control the situation, but with Daedra involved, there's more at play than he realizes."

Gabriella nodded in agreement, her sharp eyes gleaming with determination, "Let's work together on this. If we play our cards right, Klauss could become a valuable asset in our pursuit of change within the association."

With a shared understanding, Gabriella and Stefan parted ways, each contemplating the strategic moves they could make to sway Klauss to their side. 

Unknown to them, as they schemed, Klauss lay comfortably in his bed, immersed in meditation, oblivious to the brewing power struggles and alliances forming behind his back.