
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Combat experience and teamwork

The ogres in the Ogre Village are formidable creatures with immense physical strength. Towering at 9 feet tall, they possess robust builds and are armed with menacing spiked clubs and axes.

While their strength is a notable asset, they lack agility and speed, making them relatively slow and less nimble in comparison to other adversaries. The combination of their imposing stature and sheer power makes them a formidable but somewhat predictable force on the battlefield. 

These ogres proved to be the perfect adversaries for these young hunters, providing an opportunity to test not only their might but also their strategic acumen in battle.

While the team leaders constructed the initial strategies, being a hunter necessitated preparedness for the unexpected and the ability to think on one's feet.

Despite the ogres not being the most intelligent creatures, their formidable strength posed a significant threat, emphasizing the importance of unwavering concentration to avoid fatal missteps.

Despite their collective movements, the ogres exhibited a sense of pride, opting to engage in individual combat in most cases. There would be occurrences when an ogre will rush into a fight just because it can.

This characteristic made them an ideal practice ground for the young squad, fostering teamwork and collaboration. The dynamics of facing these powerful yet somewhat predictable adversaries added an extra layer to the challenge, demanding that the hunters not only work together efficiently but also remain vigilant for any deviation from their anticipated strategies.

Each encounter with an ogre was a lesson in adaptability, teamwork, and the delicate balance between offense and defense in the unpredictable dance of battle.

A seasoned hunter held the role of team leader, but it was Roger who swiftly assumed the mantle of squad leader, showcasing his innate leadership qualities. His previous experience as a guild leader, predating Klauss's regression, came as no surprise.

As the horde of ogres thundered toward the expedition group's position, Roger clenched his fists, mentally preparing for the imminent combat.

Their squad leader signaled the commencement of engagement, instructing them to secure the left flank, while the other groups focused on various fronts. The squad efficiently encircled the onrushing ogres, forming a defensive line that effectively engaged the creatures from all four sides.

The clash of steel, the roar of ogres, and the orchestrated chaos of battle echoed through the Ogre Village as the hunters faced their formidable adversaries with precision and determination.

"Alright team, just like we planned! I'll lead the charge and draw their attention. Cyrus, strike at openings when you see them. Veliry, give us cover fire. Maria and Daemyn, unleash magic hell!"

The squad comprised five hunters, each playing a crucial role in the orchestrated dance of battle.

Roger, acting as the squad leader, assumed the position of the main tank, skillfully maintaining aggro and drawing the attention of the ogres. Cyrus, a nimble and agile damage dealer, wielded a mighty spear, delivering continuous strikes with impressive mobility.

Verily, the archer of the group, provided crucial cover fire from a distance, utilizing her mana-infused arrows to keep the ogres at bay. Maria, the prominent mage, unleashed devastating magical attacks from a safe distance, dealing significant damage to the approaching enemies.

Lastly, Daemyn, designated as the healer, displayed unexpected versatility by occasionally casting fire attacks, though not his primary specialty

The battle unfolded on the outskirts of the Ogre Village, where the terrain transitioned from dense forest to an elevated clearing.

The encounter took place amidst the disheveled huts and pens, with the distant echoes of ogres' roars and shouts reverberating through the area.

The lack of central planning in the village's design added an element of unpredictability to the skirmish, as the young hunters engaged the formidable ogres on the outskirts, navigating through uneven terrain and utilizing the haphazard structures to their advantage.

Their squad let out a battle cry and launched into action. Roger activated his gauntlets, mana surging to enlarge his fists as he landed the first punch on an ogre's torso.

The towering creature recoiled from the blow, grunting in surprise. Angered, it swung its spiked club down viciously.

Roger raised both arms, bracing as the weapon slammed against his gauntlets. The bone-jarring impact made him grit his teeth.

"Is that all you've got, ugly?" laughed Roger. He could already see another ogre rushing in haste to join the fight. "Cyrus, heads up!"

On cue, a young hunter carrying a gleaming partisan spear darted past Roger, ducking under the ogre's next swing.

With adept footwork, Cyrus sliced his spear across the ogre's thigh then rolled away before it could retaliate. Dark blood now oozed from the laceration.

"Maria, Daemyn, light 'em up!" yelled Roger.

The ogre had no time to regroup as mystical bolts of energy pelted its torso as Maria showered the ogre with magic missiles and Deamyn with little fire shots. Maria and Daemyn had circled around to gain decent line-of-sight.

Together, their combined magical artillery bombarded the cluster of ogres closing in. Bursts of fire and magic found their marks, burning flesh and charring wood and straw structures.

The village now echoed with enraged roars.

From higher ground, Roger spotted their squad's archer Veliry kneeling to take aim. Her Huntress attire blended in with the foliage.

"Veliry, watch your left!" warned Roger. Two brutish ogres were attempting to flank her, their beady eyes filled with murderous intent.

With inhuman reflexes, Veliry rolled sideways as a spiked club smashed the ground where she knelt moments before. In a single graceful motion, she took aim at the ogre's face and loosed three mana arrows in rapid succession.

The glowing projectiles pierced the eye, nose and mouth - dropping the lumbering beast instantly.

"Great shooting!" yelled Roger. The remaining ogre circled back toward Roger, away from Veliry. 

Cyrus had re-engaged, his spear gashing ankles and hamstrings in a blur. An ogre, over seven feet tall, closed the distance and aimed a punch with its meaty fist. The young hunter attempted to deflect with his spear shaft but misjudged the brute strength.

Cyrus took the punch squarely across his torso - the resounding crack of ribs audible over the din of battle.

The ogre raised both arms above its head, ready to pulverize the dazed hunter. Just then, a brilliant convex barrier materialized around Cyrus right as the giant fists hammered down.

Daemyn, their squad's designated medic, had cast the protective ward just in time.

Seeing his teammate injured fueled Roger's fury. With a blood-curdling war cry, he yelled "gauntlets gatling blows" into the ogre's torso.

Ribs and organs caved under the ruthless impacts. Roger grappled the dying creature before hurling it straight into another ogre, buying time for Daemyn to pull Cyrus to safety.

Maria unleashed consecutive fireballs, setting alight two ogre dwellings. A new ability she learned watching Daemyn but on a far more superior scale and much more impactful.

A show of her adaptability and talent. Smoke billowed as the flames spread aggressively, making it tougher for Veliry to scope for targets. Maria realized they needed to be more tactical with their elemental attacks.

Maria displayed an overeagerness but quickly remarked her mistake which would prove critical in her future battles.

"Regroup around Roger!" commanded their leader, overlooking the battle with joy as he appreciated what he was seeing from these young hunters.

"Focus your efforts, don't get surrounded!"

Cyrus, though injured, rejoined the clash with Daemyn lending supporting fire. Roger continued tackling ogres head-on, the ground now littered with wounded beasts.

Despite being powerful creatures, the ogres lacked any real coordination. Their attacks were frenzied, making it easier for the hunters to counter.

Working in unison with Roger drawing aggro, Maria and Daemyn coordinated their spells for maximum effect. Elsewhere, Veliry sniped any stragglers attempting to circle behind them.

Within twenty minutes, over a dozen ogre bodies lay scattered, the squad panting from exertion. The village structures still burned, acrid smoke Singeing their lungs. Roger walked among the dead, checking for any sign of movement.

"Area secure!" he finally yelled. "Get injuries tended to."

Daemyn hurried to patch up Cyrus's broken ribs while Veliry descended from her perch. The squad leader ordered them to take ten minutes to recover strength and mana power.

Maria leaned wearily on her staff, fatigued but exhilarated. "That was tougher than expected!" she said with mixed emotions. But they had emerged victorious through coordinated teamwork.

She smiled proudly at Roger who grinned back with an enthusiastic thumbs-up. This was merely the first skirmish, but together they would prevail!

Meanwhile, the other three squads faced more cunning ogres with slightly more intelligence but were no match for the experiences of the seasoned hunters.

Squad Two: Led by the seasoned hunter, they faced a particularly cunning group of ogres that employed measly ambush tactics. Though initially caught off guard, the experience and strategic prowess of the seasoned hunter allowed the young hunters to adapt quickly. The hunters skillfully navigated the treacherous terrain and emerged triumphant, having eliminated the ogre threat.

Squad Three: Led by a young but seasoned hunter named Elena, they encountered a group of ogres with a unique ability to camouflage themselves among the thick foliage. The hunters struggled momentarily with the surprise element but eventually deciphered the pattern, neutralizing the threat and securing the area.

Squad Four: Led by a confident yet cautious hunter named Garrett, they faced a massive ogre wielding a crude but deadly club. The brute strength of this particular ogre posed a significant challenge, but with calculated teamwork and strategic positioning, the squad managed to bring down the behemoth, solidifying their victory.

All squads, each facing distinct challenges, emerged successful in securing their respective zones.

As the hunters regrouped, a collective sense of accomplishment filled the air, signaling that the Ogre Village expedition was off to a promising start.