
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Cassius awakening and new threat looms

With the key figures of the association and the country cognizant of the looming threat, a directive was dispatched to all major and medium guilds, urging them to prepare for potential eventualities. 

However, the government, cognizant of the need to avoid causing public panic over an uncertain hypothesis, refrained from issuing a lockdown or state of emergency until investigations yielded clearer insights. 

Instead, the government initiated the construction of safety bunkers, presenting them to the public as additional safety measures. This strategic move aimed to cultivate public trust and establish a solid foundation for the upcoming presidential elections.

Hunters, instrumental in the nation's defense, received a more discreet directive. They were encouraged to intensify their training, enhance their gear, and focus on leveling up. The association justified this call to action by attributing it to the escalating difficulty of gate instances and a corresponding rise in casualties—a claim not entirely unfounded. 

This approach served dual purposes, ensuring that the public remained focused on improving their preparedness without unnecessary distress while also providing a plausible reason for increased hunter activity.

Meanwhile, in Klauss's apartment, a serene atmosphere enveloped the room as both Klauss and Cassius assumed their meditation poses. Cassius, once struggling with the correct posture, now displayed a newfound ease in concentration.

Klauss, wearing only in sweatpants, rose from his meditation and guided the young boy to visualize the ebb and flow of mana within his body.

Instructing Cassius to maintain his composure and embrace the warmth of mana surrounding him, Klauss shared the secrets of controlling and sensing mana.

Under his guidance, Cassius began to immerse himself in the process, and a sudden glow enveloped him. In a dazzling display, a radiant yellow beam illuminated the apartment—Yes ! Cassius had awakened.

As the realization set in, Klauss couldn't help but entertain a mischievous thought. "Forcing someone to awaken is so broken. Maybe I could start a business. Earn some money and recruit those with excellent mana control," he mused, his expression taking on a devilish tint.

Lost in his entrepreneurial musings, Klauss's scheming was abruptly interrupted as Cassius, with a puzzled expression, broke his mentor's contemplative momentum.

"Brother Klauss, what happened to me? I feel strange, lighter, and warm at the same time. Is this how it feels to awaken?" Cassius inquired, a confused yet elated smile playing on his face.

Klauss paused, assessing the enthusiastic boy, and then lightly smacked the boy's head.

"Listen, Cassius, awakening is just the beginning. It doesn't mean anything unless you can control your power. Now, get back into your meditation pose and try to cloak your hand with mana," Klauss instructed, his tone firm but encouraging.

Cassius, slightly rubbing his head where he was smacked, readily assumed the position, determined not to disappoint his mentor. He concentrated intently, focusing solely on the instructions.

As he concentrated, beads of sweat formed on Cassius's forehead, a testament to his earnest efforts. Gradually, a light yellow aura enveloped his arm, evidence of his continuous concentration.

"Good job, Cassius," Klauss praised, a proud smirk on his face that filled Cassius with a sense of accomplishment and joy. The journey of learning to control his newfound powers had just begun.

The duo spent the entire day immersed in training, meditation, and familiarizing Cassius with his newfound powers. Cassius's journey to becoming "The Templar King" had officially commenced.

They stuck to this intense training regimen for a week, never leaving the apartment and relying on food deliveries.

After a week of isolation, in the afternoon, a knock on the door disrupted their routine. Opening the door, Klauss was surprised to find Sylvetta and Aisha standing on the other side.

As the door swung open, the warm scent of sweat and stuffiness wafted out, instantly irking the two ladies.

Holding her hands over her nose, Sylvetta couldn't help but comment, "Klauss, there's definitely something wrong with you. Is this what you've been doing for the past week? Staying indoors with all this sweat? At least, pick up your phone for Christ's sake."

Klauss, looking a bit bewildered, wondered why they both covered their noses and responded, "No one called me though, and I've been training very hard with my student."

The apartment's atmosphere, a result of their rigorous training, was certainly not what the visitors expected.

Standing tall in the middle of the doorway, Klauss made way for Sylvetta and Aisha to enter the apartment. The two women glanced past him and were astounded to see young Cassius seated in the middle of the living room, enveloped in a vibrant yellow aura of mana.

Their wide-eyed astonishment quickly turned to Klauss, seeking an explanation.

Aisha, taken aback, stumbled a bit and exclaimed, "Is that Cassius, the cute and adorable Cassius? What have you done to him? He, he looks like a mini you with blonde hair. Nooo!"

Cassius, in his meditative pose, maintained a stern expression, his bare upper body covered only in sweatpants, focusing intently on controlling his mana.

Sylvetta, sporting a devilish smirk, glanced at Klauss and remarked, "You never cease to amaze me. I guess we will have a mini Klauss in our midst soon, haha. I look forward to that. But, Klauss, I have more pressing matters to talk to you about."

Her tone shifted to one of seriousness, and her expression became rigid, signaling that the jovial moment was swiftly transitioning to more important discussions.

Klauss shot a glare at Sylvetta, recognizing that his brief respite had come to an end. It was time to get back to work. The time for serious discussions had arrived. Sighing, he ushered them to have a seat in the living room.

"Don't bother Cassius, ignore him, and let's get down to business," Klauss directed, focusing on the pressing matters at hand.

Sylvetta began by briefing Klauss on the recent discoveries her team had made regarding the surge in mana around the country and eventually the world.

Speculations were rife, with many, including Sylvetta herself, considering the possibility of a second Great Catalyst. Klauss's eyes widened in shock, and he exclaimed, "What!? Another catalyst? Impossible!"

Suddenly, Klauss's mind raced, contemplating the potential repercussions of his regression. In his previous life, there was no mention of a second Great Catalyst.

Although the number of gates, particularly high-ranked ones, had increased over time, it never reached the scale observed now. Random gates used to randomly appear, but not simultaneously on this level.

Confusion and a tinge of rage filled Klauss as he grappled with the reason for returning to a world more chaotic, perilous, and unfamiliar than before. The weight of the situation bore heavily on him, leaving him questioning the purpose of his existence in this tumultuous reality.

Sylvetta called out multiple times to Klauss, who seemed lost in his thoughts before finally returning to the present moment. "Yes, I know, it's very unsettling," Sylvetta acknowledged, understanding Klauss's sudden reaction.

"Over the past week, we've implemented measures to safeguard civilians and ordered every hunter to intensify their preparations."

Klauss fell momentarily silent before posing a question to Sylvetta. "I understand the gravity of the situation, believe me, I do. But given the circumstances, why would you personally come and deliver such news? Aisha would have been more than enough."

Sylvetta nodded in agreement with Klauss's observation. "Why, you don't enjoy my presence, and I missed you," Sylvetta said with a wink, eliciting an expressionless reaction from Klauss.

Clearing her throat, she continued, "Obviously, there's more. Yesterday, we received reports of a gate forming not too far from here. Our initial investigations suggest it's a rank D gate. However, the tricky part is, we don't know what to expect from it. After lengthy discussions with the president of THA, I've decided to put you in charge of this gate expedition."

Klauss's immediate acceptance surprised Sylvetta, who had anticipated a bit more negotiation. "Umm, that's it? You're willing to enter a gate we have no information about without asking anything? Why?" Sylvetta questioned, her curiosity evident.

Klauss's swift agreement was uncharacteristic, yet at the same time, it resonated with his impulsive nature.

"Obviously, I'm not doing it for free. It's a big risk, but I'm willing to take it. I am very, very curious about this whole situation," Klauss responded, his demeanor reflecting a sense of intrigue and eagerness.

Sylvetta, with a worried expression, remarked, "Hmm, does Klauss do anything for free or without something in it for himself? I don't think so. Good thing I came prepared. I know you so well."

Klauss nonchalantly shrugged his bare shoulders and inquired, "Nevermind that, is it a solo mission? And am I acting as a mercenary agent for THA?"

Sylvetta adopted a more serious tone. "Yes, you are. Only the president and I know of this, and you are to report everything you see and do in there. It is a very top-secret mission and confidential. Of course, you get to keep anything you find in there plus a hefty bonus for taking on such a risk." 

The gravity of the mission became palpable as Sylvetta laid out the details, emphasizing its confidential nature and the need for utmost discretion.

Klauss couldn't hide his smirk when Sylvetta detailed the potential bonuses for a successful mission, and with just one final question, he sealed the deal. "When do I start?" he inquired, eager to embark on the mission.

Sylvetta wasted no time, urging him to get ready immediately. The urgency stemmed from the need to resolve the situation as quickly as possible. This revelation surprised Klauss, who had anticipated a bit more time before the expedition.

Hastily, he made his way to take a shower and prepare.

As Klauss hurried, Sylvetta and Aisha calmly observed Cassius, who remained focused in his meditative pose. Aisha, ever playful, remarked, "He has been in this pose for a while. I wonder if I can try?"

Sylvetta, however, remained focused on her phone, perhaps attending to other pressing matters related to the mission. The atmosphere in the apartment shifted as the impending expedition set the stage for a cascade of events.

Meanwhile, in a dark room, a clandestine conversation was taking place. 

Mysterious person 1: "Everything has been put in place my lord. The time is nye"

Mysterious person 2: "Good, while the world blindly prepares hastily, we shall move more openly. And how goes the other thing?"

Mysterious person 1: "Yes my lord. Seems they took the bait and he will enter the gate soon".

Mysterious person 2: "Very good, very good indeed. I look forward to another impressive show, my dear Klauss. Haha, hahaha, hahahahaha" !!