
My Uneventful Camping Trip

First love – it could make you or break you. Kinsley— dense and self-centered— goes on the school's camping trip just to be with the only boy she's ever fallen in love with, Adrian. But things get complicated when a gorgeous and sweet foreign exchange student comes on camp, catching Adrian's attention and putting Kinsley in a tight spot between love and friendship. Things get much more worse when Jake Hill shows up, trying to drive Kinsley to the brink of insanity by making her feel emotions she has never felt before. And maybe, trying to win her heart. But she still wants Adrian and will stop at nothing to get her first kiss from her first love even if it means attending a camping trip she isn't meant to attend. ~sneak peek~ "I don't know who you are. Or why you're doing this but I won't let you ruin this camping trip for me." I whisper in a low voice more to myself than to him. As if he hears me, he slowly opens up his eyes and gives me a little smile, almost like he's challenging me. And I'm stuck staring into green eyes. —He was always around me, bugging me and ruining my chances of getting my first kiss. But when I found out who he was and why he was doing it... Everything changed. Everything became harder.— Kinsley Bardot (at the end of the book.)

lifeisdynamite_ · Urban
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108 Chs

The bad, bad scene


There's a saying that 'Every new day is filled with good things; making it a good day.'

That's a lie.

Growing up, I realized that every new day is filled with good and bad things, and sometimes just bad things. My mom only told me that every morning just to cheer me up after Dad really left. But instead, she should have said—

'Every new day is filled with good things; you just have to find that thing that makes you smile and everything else would be good, thereby making it a good day.'

But the problem is, we don't know what's good for us and what's bad for us these days, so we just act without knowing.

But I'm smart enough to know what's good for me—Adrian… I think. But then there's Madison and suddenly I feel like I'm the source of someone's bad day, which is really not a nice thing to feel.

"I'm telling you; I was terrible. I couldn't even float on the water; I was like stone." Jenny laughs as we walk side by side with our breakfast through the camp field amongst other campers. "I just kept on sinking and sinking."

"Yeah, I knew you were going to be terrible." I joke and she laughs more, playfully hitting my arm which held my bread. "But that was your first time, I'm pretty sure you'd do better next time."

Jenny's laughter dies down as she sighs, "Yeah, I guess so." She responds, moving closer to a table to drop her cup, having finished her breakfast. I on the other hand take my time in finishing mine.

Campeek! would continue to surprise me; I honestly didn't know we'd get delicious and filling meals; the only thing is, we eat just breakfast and dinner which most campers complain about but I guess its part of their training scheme—Most people don't get three square meals per day, so maybe we're being trained that way. Now I just realized how hard it must be for others who even barely eat every day.

Who knows, some of us might grow up to have financial issues in the future so we better start now in order not to get crushed mid-way through life. But still, two meals a day? That's pretty harsh. I guess I'll just have to eat a lot this morning to cover for lunch.

I stay in my spot as I watch Jenny walk back towards me after washing her hands while taking a bite off my bread—I think it's my third slice this morning.

She finally reaches me, drying the water off her hands.

I frown at her, "Are you sure you don't want to take more?"

She makes an uncomfortable face, "No. I don't want to."

I widen my eyes at her, "Why? How come?" I ask, "But it's delicious, how could you not want more?"

"Eh… I don't think it's any special."

"Are you kidding?" My eyes widen more as I stare between her and the delicious bread. "I've never tasted any flavor like this before. Its flavor is just so unique," I say as I take another bite, getting into the mood. "It tastes so sweet and savory and at the same time it tastes just plain and blank." I turn to her. "What kind of flavor is this?"

She frowns, "I don't think a flavor like that exists."

I give her a dead look, "Then why am I tasting it?"

"I don't know. It could be a psychological problem."

I bare my teeth at her, "Hey…" I groan.

She chuckles, "I didn't mean it that way." She explains. "Psychological in the sense that it could just be your brain telling you it tastes amazing when it's not. To me it tastes like plain bread. We've had better, Kinsley."

I stare at the almost finished slice of bread in thought for a moment then look at her, "I don't care. I love it." I shrug, throwing the last piece into my mouth. "I'm going to get more."

I quickly run off to another table which held more of camp bread. Mr. Sprayberry and Miss Sharpay are really good camp managers; they knew it would be totally wrong and unsanitary for the food to be placed on just one table for the whole campers. So instead, they placed tables on every side of the field with lots of food so we get to choose what table we get food from.

I -so far- have been taking from every table in sight.

I grab three more slices and quickly run back to Jenny, making sure I don't bump into any of the other Campers. I've been trying to be as invisible as I can since rumors spread round the whole camp that I was the only girl who played lacrosse on a boy's field and ever since, I've been getting mean stares from other girls. Even though the number one Campeek! rule states that—

'Everyone is equal irrespective of their classes or class ranks.'

I'm still a sophomore and they're Juniors and Seniors, most of them are bigger than me in size, so…

I hand Jenny a slice once I reach her. "Here, have it. You should eat more."

She pouts at me as she holds her tummy, "No, I already drank too much punch."

I hit her arm rather hard. "Why would you drink punch when you can eat bread?" I scold her. "Well, more for me anyways." I eye her as I eat my bread.

"Wait isn't that like your fourth slice?"


She laughs, "You know Kinsley, when I got on this camp I thought everyone would all lose weight but you might just add some weight."

I hit her arm again, "Hey…"

Then we both laugh.

"It's just so good," I marvel at the bread once more.

"Yeah, I guess so," She says. "Anyways, what about your day yesterday? What happened?"

My mind immediately flashes to the dreadful moments of the past 21 hours but I quickly shrug it off, whilst shaking my head.

"No, it's nothing. Let's not talk about it."

Jenny stops walking and I stop also to turn to her.

"That's not fair," She asks in an angry tone.

"What isn't?"

"I told you everything about what happened to me yesterday, I didn't leave anything out even if it was uncomfortable to say out loud."

I frown at her, why is she getting so angry now?

"How would I know you told me everything when I wasn't with you?" I defend, not really understanding what's going on.

"It's not my fault you left me for lacrosse." She says with her eyes almost red.

"Yeah, but why are you getting mad all of a sudden?" I widen my eyes at her.

She calms down a little as she lowers her eyes, "I didn't realize…" She trails then clears her throat, shifting uncomfortable on her feet.

Then it hits me, "Is it because I didn't go swimming with you? I thought you were past that?"

She gives me guilty eyes, "No, just that…" She trails for some seconds but continues speaking, "You always cut the conversation when you don't feel like talking and it can be annoying at times."

I stare at her scrunched up face for some seconds then burst out laughing, my bread almost falling out of my hands.

I feel her lightly hit my back, "Why are you laughing? It's not funny. I really hate it when you do that."

I hunch my back still bellowing laughter out when Jenny stomps her feet. Then I force myself to stand up straight and respond to her. "Really? Is that what all this is about?" I resume laughing and she pushes me playfully.

"Stop it."

"Well, you're right. I don't want to talk about it, so let's leave it." I resume walking as I put another slice in my mouth.

"Kinsley, that's not really fair. I walked into the tent yesterday to find you asleep and that Reyna girl told me not to disturb you, she even threatened me and pushed me out."

I frown, "She did?" I ask with a full mouth.

"Yes! And then I started hearing from people that you broke your leg during lacrosse but you're not limping," She says as she gestures to my feet. "And you seem fine. So, what happened?"

I go silent, thinking about this current situation. She's right. If something happened to Jenny and she didn't tell me, I'll get angry too. We are best friends after all, she deserves to know; this must be really confusing.

I sigh having swallowed my fifth slice, "I faked a leg injury just to be alone with Adrian and that messed things up with Madison." I say slowly.

Jenny sighs, looking elsewhere asides my guilty face. "Gosh, Kins. Why would you do that?"

"Madison looked hurt when she saw Adrian and I close up and it was just a misunderstanding," I look to her to explain with wide eyes. "he was forcing me to take the drugs for a pain I wasn't feeling in the slightest bit." Then I feel guilty once more. "Do you think she was really hurt?"