
My underrated elemental affinity

Edward a 35 year old scientist died trying to save his family and Tokyo from a rocket falling on them. God rewards his deed and gave him a chance to reincarnate in a world of magic. Follow Edward as he awakens his affinity and adventure on a road filled with obstacles. ***************************** i hope you like this novel be sure to drop support and a nice review if you like the story ***************************** Cover photo is not mine, if you are the owner and wish to remove it contact me

BigElf · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Storage ring

Azriel's Reflection.

That was the name that I chose for my new spell. It's the shield spell that I learned from Chrestos and the effect that I added to it was the treadmill effect.

Anything that this shield manages to stop would then be redirected with the same force it came with.

I kept using and practicing the spell until it was time for lunch; I ate a good amount and when out to get beaten by dad. He didn't show mercy, but still whenever he hit me it wasn't really painful or that would leave a serious injury.

We trained till dinner and went in the house. I managed to dodge a few hits from dad. My reaction time and situational assessment got better. I can dodge and evade a couple of hits from dad, but still no luck hitting him.

When it was time to sleep, I casted time acceleration to heal my bruises and injuries and went to sleep.

I kept practicing, getting a beating from dad, and healing at night until today, the last day of learning from mister Chrestos.

After lunch, I went to the forest and found him there, I was surprised. He usually came after me.

"Oh, you're here Edward." He said as he stepped towards me.

"Good evening master, I didn't think you'd be here early." "It's just I went to get you something we're using today and finished early, so I thought I just arrive here." My ears perked up when he said something we're going to use today.

"I remember you saying that you'll show me how to create storage accessories." "Right, storage accessories differ, from rings to amulets. The only difference between them is just the space inside. The thing that determines how much a storage accessory can hold is this" He said as he took out an object from his pouch. It looked like metal. It was shining with a midnight blue color. It was beautiful.

"This is called Azure Amaberite; it's a very rare metal, that can't be mined by everyone. It requires professional space mages to extract it and then bend it with their mana with precise control in order to shape it. It possesses an affinity to space which makes it special. The other thing that we space mages can feel its presence when it exits in large quantities. It draws us to it." The piece of metal inside his hand was rectangular with a length of 4 fingers and a width of 2. It was half a finger in thickness. "This piece of metal over here is worth 50000 gold coins. If we use all this piece of metal we should be able to make 2 storage rings which sells for 120000 gold coins each or an amulet that would sell for 250000. As I said, the metal is rare which makes it expensive but also space mages who are capable of making the storage accessories are even rarer therefore making the price for the rings and amulets even more expensive." "Now how can a ring differ from another ring? It is the amount of Azure Amaberite used in it. The more we use the more the storage gets bigger. This piece here could probably have 15 cubic meters of space, giving us two rings that could hold 7.5 cubic meter of space. The advantage of amulets is that they are bigger and could hold this entire piece of metal inside it." "Now, how does this stone stores things? Inside the stone is a special room that can hold a certain amount of stuff. We, space mages, inscribe a spell in a magic circle that allows us to transfer things from outside the stone to the inside of it and vice-versa just by inserting a small amount of mana inside of it." "Another thing that makes some rings special is, within that same magic circle, we cast a time spell that would stop time inside of the ring. Meaning, the food that is placed inside would not rot, and it would keep even the heat for a long time. These rings would cost around 170000 gold coins with the same amount of storage as the other rings." I was lost in thoughts. More than 100000 gold coins. A tiny piece of metal can hold 15 cubic meters of space. Time stop.

I decided to think about that later and focus on the task ahead.

"Now first, you have to know how to split this piece of metal. Try focusing your mana and make it in the shape of a thread." I did exactly like he said. I have been practicing my mana control since I was 4 years old. I made a one meter thread of mana from the tip of my index finger.

I could see Chrestos mouth twitching slightly but he got over it quickly.

"Now, you have to bend that thread around the Azure Amaberite and try to squeeze it hard until the metal splits in two." I did as he said. Rolled the thread around the metal and tightened it. The metal split in half.

"Good, hand me one half and look how I shape it to the form of a ring.

First, shape your mana a coat of mana around your hands.

Then, try to slowly bend the metal into a small circle. Do not rush it. The azure Amaberite is extremely sensitive to mana that has space affinity so, unlike other metals that require fire to melt; it only needs a perfect control of your mana. Insert a constant small flow of mana to bend it. Not too much, otherwise it would damage the metal. When you are satisfied with the way the ring is shaped, stop inserting mana." Chrestos was telling me the steps I should do while making the ring himself as to have an example.

I did as he instructed. I coated my hands in mana. And I started injecting a constant flow of mana. I began to slowly bend the metal from its edges forming it into a ring. It was not that hard for me. Manipulating mana was as easy as breathing. When I was satisfied by the way the ring looked, I ceased the flow. Chrestos took the ring, inspected it, nodded his head, and gave me back the ring.

"Unto the next step, inscribing the magic circle." He reached to a paper in his sleeve and handed it to me. A star was drawn on the paper. An 8 pointed star. Each tip was presented by a circle that contained a symbol. The middle of the star was big and it was empty.

"This is the magic circle; it can contain two spells inside of it. Try drawing it on the ground first; making a fault when drawing on the ring would completely make it useless. When you are confident enough you can draw it correctly on the ring, then tell me." I grab stick from the ground and started making the magic circle. It wasn't that difficult, you just had to have a very steady hand when drawing the straight lines.

I looked at Chrestos and told him that I was ready.

"Now, you won't be drawing on the ring with a stick. You will make a needle with your mana. You have to shape it to be very sharp. Then with the tip of the needle, draw the magic circle on the ring while leaving some mana where the needle passes." I form a needle with sharp tip on my right index. I hold the ring with my left hand and I start drawing the circle.

I took it slow and easy. Nothing was rushing me. I can't afford to destroy the ring, it was really expensive.

After half an hour, I managed to draw the circle. Chrestos took it in his hand and began inspecting it. In a few moments, he looked up to me and said:

"Good job, you have a very fine mana control. The magic circle is flawless.

Now unto the last phase of making the storage ring, casting the spells. Since we both possess the space and time affinities we can make the rings with the time stop effect.

But before anything, insert your mana into the ring, try to make your consciousness travel inside the metal until you reach the area where the storage space exits." I did as Chrestos instructed again, I pour my mana into the ring and I felt a part of my mind going inside. After some time, I could feel myself staring at a place that was surrounded by blue walls. The color was the same as the surface of the stone. I knew I was seeing the storage room inside the ring.

It was a moderate place. Seven and a half cubic meters big gab was surrounded by the blue walls.

I draw my mana back and the room disappeared from my mind. I look to Chrestos in confusion.

"You've seen the place. Now, the spell you're going to make is a simple gate spell going from the magic circle to the inside of the ring. When you cast the spell, the magic circle will automatically fix the spell and all is done. For the time stop, you just have to picture the room not being affected by time." I followed his instructions. The gate spell was easily fixed by the circle, and for the time stop I pictured time not moving by having a clock stuck and its hands not moving. It worked just fine. I decided to test doing it in the real world, time stop seemed to be too good to be true.

"Good job, let's test it" Chrestos took the ring and placed a leaf in it and took it out. It worked just fine.

"To get things in and out of the ring, just insert a small amount of mana and a part of your consciousness in the magic circle and select what item you want out." I did as he said and tried it with the leaf. I managed to do it just fine.

"Good job Edward, you really extraordinary. You managed to learn everything from me in just a month and a half. It took me many years to get this far. You are just a natural. Take these two rings." He handed me the ring he made, and I had the one I made. I couldn't believe it.

He casually handed me items worth nearly 340000 gold coins.

"I can't take these. These are really expensive." "Don't worry. I could afford more. And these are your graduation gift for successfully learning all my spells. I hope you grow up to be a great mage and the pride of this kingdom. I have great expectations from you." He said as he turned to leave.

I was really grateful for Chrestos. He taught me many things that if It weren't for him I wouldn't be able to know.

"Thank you Master, I'll make you proud."