
My underrated elemental affinity

Edward a 35 year old scientist died trying to save his family and Tokyo from a rocket falling on them. God rewards his deed and gave him a chance to reincarnate in a world of magic. Follow Edward as he awakens his affinity and adventure on a road filled with obstacles. ***************************** i hope you like this novel be sure to drop support and a nice review if you like the story ***************************** Cover photo is not mine, if you are the owner and wish to remove it contact me

BigElf · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Genesis and Fulham

The next day I woke up late. I barely slept last night. Every time I closed my eyes the goblin's twisted body would appear in my mind and I would lose sleep again.

I went to have breakfast, but I barely ate anything. My mom sensed my strange behavior and she came and held me in her embrace.

I could feel the warmth from her hug, and it calmed greatly. I remembered the time when I was still a baby and she would carry me around the house.

"Eddy, I am sorry you had to pass through this at such a young age. Killing is always hard, and it should be. Remembering the one that die at your hands, means that you still keep your humanity." I figured dad already told her about yesterday.

"I mean, if you didn't do what you did, we would be the ones crying over losing you. Life isn't easy. Some peoples comfort and happiness comes from others losses." I agreed with what she said. Sometimes you do what you got to do.

"Mom, I can't stop thinking what if. If I just controlled myself and made a normal gate and just letting the goblin transport away and let dad deal with him. If dad didn't throw me back then into the air, then he could have dealt with the goblin himself." "Don't say that Edward. You can't just keep relying on your parents for the rest of your life. You even asked for it when you were at school. And your father did what he did because he knew it would come a day where you have to make that move." I suddenly figured something.

"What? Dad threw me to the goblin on purpose?" Mom paused. She face palmed. She said something that was supposed to be a secret.

She was silent. I knew then that it was true.

I rush out of the door, and when to dad who was in his office.

"Father, did you do it on purpose?" Dad was sitting behind a desk, he was writing something. When I spoke he raised his head and said:

"Yes, Edward." I got my confirmation. I knew that at this point anything I do or say is pointless. The deed was done. There is no turning back, but still I asked him.

"Why?" He put the pencil he was writing with and said:

"Because it is inevitable. The day when you have to kill someone will come whether you like it or not. Conflict is always present, and in order to survive you have to kill whoever is coming to kill you.

Yesterday was the best chance. Those goblins came for us by their own will. If we didn't kill them, then your mother would be the one to crying now.

Throwing you towards the goblin was a way to let you experience your first blood where I can protect you. If you collapsed in a fight like you did back then, then you would have been killed too. I just wanted to make sure that it happened in a controlled environment, where I can save you if anything happens.

I hope you understand this Edward." I stood there silent. Till this moment, I lived this life naively. All I cared about was making myself strong but for what purpose. If I got killed because I was too scared to kill then everything I struggled for would be in vain.

I guess this world is very similar to Earth. The world has a single rule:

Survival is for the fittest. And the strongest make rules.

No matter how much earth advanced and how many rules were made. If you are the strongest you can bend rules. If not, then struggle to survive. Being soft-hearted in the wrong time would get you killed.

I now appreciated what dad did. Even when throwing me in danger, and making go through this, he did all this to ensure my safety in the future.

I bow my head to dad and said:

"Thank you dad" I was grateful, even though what he did might seem cruel, but it was necessary.

"Come Eddy, I have something for you." "What?" "Remember the reward you're supposed to have after the race?" "Oh, I totally forgot about it" I step forward towards dad and stop in front of his desk.

He reached to his amulet; it shined slightly and from it, a weapon popped out, or more precisely, a spear.

A steel headed spear. It had a diamond shaped sharp head is bound to the shaft with a silver ring. Its 2 meters long shaft is made from a jet black metal and engraved with a golden metal.

It was very…, attractive. I couldn't lift my eyes from it. I could feel the power coming from this spear.

"This is the thing that I asked Ralf in the previous month. The tip is made of Smeontine, a very sharp metal; it has a deadly piercing power. The shaft is made from Lathuitrium, a good metal for inscribing spells that would last for a long time. And finally these golden engravings are made using Ustrum one of the best metals know that can conduct mana into it.

You can say that this spear is the best creation of Ralf till now. He even refused to handed it over saying he'll make another weapon for you. Here take it. This is your reward for your hard work during the last 2 months. You deserve it" I take the spear in my hand and inspect it closely. I was fascinated by it. This was no normal person's weapon. It was made for an Overlord.

"Aren't you going to name it?" "Name?" "Of course, every weapon needs a name." I was thinking of a name that would be suitable for this majestic spear.

"Genesis, the dawn of Ragnarök" "I don't know what that means but the name sounds imposing." "Genesis is the beginning of everything even time. Ragnarök is the end of everything, its destruction. The name implies that, before destruction comes creation. And before creation comes destruction." "I didn't know you would go this deep for a weapons name." "oh, did I over think it?" "No, such a weapon deserves such a name." I had something, but I hesitated to say it to dad. He sensed that I was troubled so he decided to ask:

"What's wrong Eddy, you don't like the weapon?" I wave my hands in a hurry and say:

"NO dad, the opposite, I really love it. But something bothers me. This weapon is too powerful, but I just don't want to use it casually, I mean I'll train with it, but as you said, we have academic activities and combat in academy, and I want to use it all the time against my peers. I won't be able to measure myself and even may end up seriously injure them." "oh, so that's it. I knew you would say that, so I bought a sword from Ralf. It has the same proprieties as the spear but way less powerful." I saw the sword that dad took out from his amulet. It was a plain Gladius sword.

"I'll name it, Fulham" "It has a nice ring to it." I went out to try the sword; I wanted to familiarize with it. I chose to go to the backyard my usual training place.

I raised the sword high up and held it over my head. I could feel my muscles tensing when I tightened my grip on it. I take a deep breath and then slach downward.

*swich* I could feel the sword cutting through the air fiercely. I stopped the sword's movement just when It was going to hit the ground. The air that was pushed by the sword continued and hit the ground and made the dust on it to flow outwards.

I felt the power I generated with that strike, even without powering up myself, my attack was heavy. It was practically due to the training I did; the weight lifting and pushups. I returned the sword to the amulet and took out Genesis. I grabbed firmly with two hands, I part my legs while slightly moving the left one forward. My right hand held the upper half of the spear. I started pulling my right hand back over my shoulder, while moving the left one forward.

Suddenly, I felt that my mana was reacting to the spear, I felt like it wanted to get in the spear. I became hesitant about making the attack. I was near the house and I didn't want to damage anything.

I decided to go to the forest where I trained with mister Chrestos. It was an unpopulated place and perfect for doing dangerous things.

I took my previous posture and clenched the spear. This time I sent a small portion of my mana into the spear. The golden engraving on it started shining brightly from the base of the spear to its tip.

When it was fully shining, the diamond shaped tip glowed with a white glow.

I threw my right hand forward while pulling the left one to me. All of a sudden, a white arc came out when I completed the attack, it kept going forward for a distance of 1 kilometer, destroying everything in its path.

After the arc dissipated, all I could see was the destruction left behind. All that was left was a huge ravine, it was nearly 100 meters in width and when I looked down It was more than 20 meters deep.

I instantly put the spear back in the amulet. I felt goosebumps from that aftermath.

(How ironic, I named it Genesis, Dawn of Ragnarök but the first I do with it is destroying the forest, Hah.)