
My underrated elemental affinity

Edward a 35 year old scientist died trying to save his family and Tokyo from a rocket falling on them. God rewards his deed and gave him a chance to reincarnate in a world of magic. Follow Edward as he awakens his affinity and adventure on a road filled with obstacles. ***************************** i hope you like this novel be sure to drop support and a nice review if you like the story ***************************** Cover photo is not mine, if you are the owner and wish to remove it contact me

BigElf · Fantasy
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34 Chs


Back to the present, we got in class and sat at my usual place. Philip sat at my left and Charlette on my right. I didn't know why she still sits beside me but I ignored her. Since that day, she stopped throwing remarks at me and weirdly she started trying to impress me. I knew why. but I still kept giving her a cold shoulder.

Her change of heart was probably because of her dad. They were minor nobles and would try to take every opportunity they saw. My parents were bigshots and Grand Mages so I, as their son, would have great potential and a golden future. Her attempts to impress me were probably because her parents made her do it so I would take notice of her and probably marry her in the future. I read that it was a common occurrence in this world.

Political marriage was normal here. but I despised this kind of thinking. How can someone force his own child to think of these things at such a young age. It was a sick thinking.

Never mind that. Today, we weren't going to study anything. We were just waiting for the teachers to hand us our exam results and the principle to give his speech.

The teacher greeted us and started to hand over a paper to each student whose name was called.

"Sati Igerna"

"Philon Henriette"




"Marc Monet, You did better than before, Good job"

Marc rubbed his nose and smiled than he got back to his seat again




"Philip Skanda, Excellent as always, but unfortunately, you came in second this year"

Philip thanked her and got back. Charlette to my right beamed with happiness when she heard it, I guess she thinks she would take the first place. But I was dying with laughter from inside.

Why? because..

"Edward Raiden, Excellent, you are this year's top student. Congratulations"

It was because my hand writing improved hi-hi. I thanked her and got back to my place. I really didn't care about my ranking. but Seeing her snobby face break down. It was kinda childish of me take pleasure in a kid's sadness but I hoped it would put her down on ground for a little bit.

Philip congratulated me and I thanked him. After giving all the results paper to the students, the teacher hoped us good luck and went out. Then the principal gave his speech.

"Today, you complete your years of study in school. Tomorrow you will be leading this kingdom towards an unforeseen future. But looking at you now, I am sure it is a bright one. I hope all of you awaken your desired affinity and become a Grand Mage who will lead this kingdom."

The principal finished his speech and we gave him a round of applause. Charlette looked towards me and stated that she would awaken the best affinities ever and join the best Academy in the kingdom. but again, I ignored her.

Today, we finished early so me and Philip and a group of friends went out and had something to eat from a stall and played for a bit. I got back late evening. Mom gave me an earful because of being late but she didn't seem mad at all. She liked when I got out and played with kids my age.

A month from now would be my tenth birthday, and it passed in a blink. I was really excited to awaken my affinities and sometimes I would fantasize about holding fire in my hand or making giant tornados with nothing but a breath. Nothing major happened, I kept going to the library and training and sometimes meeting some of my friends.

Some of them have already awakened their affinities. Many were feeling down because the didn't get what they hoped for and some because of their low magical prowess.

Marc awakened fire and earth affinities and slightly above average magical prowess. Jack on the other hand awakened an evolved attribute which was ice and a wind affinity while his magical prowess were both rank 5. the average would be rank 4. Marc's magical prowess were above rank 4 but not quite rank 5.

Jack kept teasing Mark and they were fighting almost daily. Both their Families were really happy and they said that they would allow them to go to Academy. It was slightly expensive but their grandparents would take care of it because both of them were the most promising youths in their generations. I was very happy for them.

Tomorrow would be the day I go to awaken my affinity and I was really nervous. My parents tried to cheer me up and told me not to worry. They said:

"Don't worry Edward, We're sure that any affinity you end up with, you are going to shine with it, even if it was the worst one. You are a smart boy after all."

The way they said it relieved me and I thanked them then went to sleep. Next morning I woke up early. we won't be going that early to the Magic Hall but It was a habit by now. I sat down in the kitchen and ate breakfast. Endric came and gave me a fist bump. He won't be going with us because he had to attend the Academy early. And Sacha left the house two weeks ago to start her journey. She finished her training in with dad. and he said that she was able to protect herself.

He was quite hesitant about letting her go, but mom insisted on it. and she said she is no longer a little girl. she is now a woman. Endric was doing the combat training with dad and he said that Endric's abilities were quite versatile.

When we went out of the house, I saw Philip waiting next to the house. He wished me good luck and left. His birthday was two months from now and he would have to wait until then.

We made it to the Magic Hall and it was busy as ever. I went to register with my dad and were done pretty quickly. It was something basic. Name, Surname, date of birth and address. nothing much.

We waited until my name was called and we got in the same room as before. The same guy from last time was there. He greeted us and urged me to step forward. He did his usual explanation and told me to put my hand on the density measuring orb.

I did as he said, I put my hand on it and sent a small amount of mana inside. It was shining very brightly and all present had to cover their eyes. The guy was shocked but he soon got over it and told me to put my hand on the mana pool measuring orb.

I did as he said and emptied my mana until I was becoming very tired and my face went pale. He told me to lift my hand. then It was time for the most important part, The affinity awakening. I place my hand on it and sensed a foreign mana entering me. I did as the guy said and did not fight it.

After some time, the orb projected a purple glow then it shined with a white glow and finally the orb turned into dust. Everyone was shocked. I didn't know if the had any idea about what just happened or if it is a first.

The guy looked at my father who looked at him and nodded. The guy quickly replaced the orb and got out. I returned back to my parents and asked them

"Is that normal?"

My dad looked at me, smiled and looked ahead. I sensed confusion in his eyes.

"We'll find out later"

That was all he said.

After a short while the guy came back and spoke:

" well, I got surprising news for you. Edward's mana density is a unbelievable. it's measured at Rank 9 It's the first time I heard someone even coming close to Rank 8. Probably by the age of 12 it would reach Rank 10."

My parents were very pleased and shocked with news. I knew I would get a high rank for mana density because I sensed mana at an early age but this is too much. The guy resumed speaking:

"As for his mana pool, it is also extremely vast at Rank 8, by the time he reaches his prime I guess It would be also at Rank 10"

My parents were even more shocked. But the next second, they saw the broken face of the guy as he said

"As for his affinities, he got the space and time affinity and I assume a possible third one that affected the orb"

I saw the look on my parents' faces, they looked heartbroken. I thought that my affinities were really bad. but I didn't get why. Being able to control space and time to suit one's desire seemed pretty overpowered to me. So why the gloomy faces.

Dad and the other guy went out of the room for a while, then dad got back with a paper. I assumed he went there to verify.

We left and got back home, no one spoke. I made up many assumptions in my head and I couldn't help but think that my future was ruined. After a while my dad came to my room, sat on my bed and said

"What's wrong Eddy?"

He asked as he rubbed my hair.

"Why do you pretend like there is nothing wrong?"

I said as I drop my head on my knees. I was feeling betrayed. I had high hopes for a strong affinity but it all came crashing on me this day. And my parents were acting like they knew nothing.

"Because, there is nothing wrong"

"What do you mean, there is nothing wrong. I awakened a useless affinity and you are acting like it's fine"

"Who told you you're affinities were useless?"

"Everybody says Space and Time abilities are useless and by the way you looked earlier. I confirmed it. You even went to very the orb."

"Eddy, don't go around making assumptions, who told you I went to verify"

"If not going to verify then why did you go with that man"

"listen Eddy, the reason why I went with the guy was because I wanted to guarantee your safety"

"Safety? How?"

"Come on Edward, You're a smart guy. Imagine people learning about your magical Prowess. How many would be after you trying to kidnap you and make experiments on you. And Secondly, The orb turning to dust that means you have awakened a new affinity that wasn't even mentioned in the Legends. And that also means more people on you. So I used my privilege as an army General and Modified your information. On paper, you have a Rank 7 density and a Rank 6 mana pool like Endric. And the Orb thing turning to dust that didn't even happen. Do you understand?"

"Ohh, sorry dad, for doubting you. But still it doesn't change the fact that my affinities are useless"

"As I told they are not useless, I will prove it to you."


"You and I are going somewhere tomorrow"

"Where exactly?"

"The capital"