
My undefined love

A doctor who is a genius fell in love with a cute, simple but coward girl. Bella (female lead) :- An outstanding beauty, intelligent girl, working as secretary of a domineering C. E. O (Alex) of City X' s biggest business empire Hurricane group but very coward for love. Has a stepmother (Jennifer) who wants to sell Bella in name of marriage to a lustful man (David) who is mesmerised with Bella's beauty and want to bed her. And if Bella's problem is less she also has a stepbrother who also has lust for his step sister and molested Bella whenever she is home. When Bella was 17 years old, her step brother (Cavin), slide his hand under Bella's panty when she was sleeping to touch her vagina but thankfully Bella woke up at time and ran out of her house for life, but what she can do being a girl who is just 17 years old having a stepmother and alcoholic father, but from then she started to live in her college form and being a scholar she got a scholarship for her college fee and indirectly she cut her relation with her family and become a secretary of his classmate Alex.

sanakuuu · Fantasy
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2 Chs

When I could loose this virginity

Alex :- Bella, I want all this files done in 2 hours. And no excuses, first bring my coffee to my cabin right now.

Bella :- How the fuck can I go through so many files in 2 hours?, ofcourse she can only say this sentence in her mind as only a cold glare of her Boss is enough to freeze a volcano, how a little lamb like her can have guts to question his boss.

Yes, boss anything else?? Oh yes, boss you have a meeting with Mr. Charles in afternoon.

Alex :- Cancel all the meetings for today. Today I want to take my wife in a date.

Bella (in her mind) :- Boss it took a month to confirm the meeting with Mr. Charles how can you just cancel the meeting to just go in a date with your wife, but yes, rich people can do anything specifically when it comes to this hen pecked husband.

Again the voice of Alex wokes Bella from her trance.

Ahmm, Bella what do you girls like in a date?. I want to give a very special and memorable date to my wife as a surprise.

Bella (in her mind) :- Ofcourse, from secretary to being a personal assistant is my job, since Boss got married i have to handle his personal matters too from buying a sanitary napkin for his wife to arranging dates for this couple, no one thinks about this single dog whose land is barren since 25 years without a sex life and always have to eat dog food around this couple without a salary raise. Poor girl ☹️, where is Harry only he can comfort a single dog like me I would sure let him eat this dog food with me.

Bella :- Yes boss, what about watching stars at night with the lady boss in a romantic candle light dinner at beach side and camping there for whole night and watching stars.

Alex :- smiling,obviously happy and impressed with the suggestion. Bella, that's why only you could work with me from the start till now, start the arrangement for the date but first complete the files I m going to accompany my wife.

Bella :- Yes, boss.

After leaving the cabin of C. E. O

Hushh, no one predict the mood of the boss, how the lady boss handles this cold devil 👿, let's start Bella otherwise this Devil will eat you alive. But, wait a minute where is my partner Harry i have to let him eat this dog food with me otherwise I could get indigestion. Lets, call him.

After a ring Harry pick the phone immediately.

Harry :- Hello, my darling, what do you need now, Mr. Harry is at your service madam.

Bella :- Stop kidding Harry, i need your help meet me at the terrace of the company in 10 minutes I am waiting for you there.

Harry :- So mysterious, I will be there my darling just wait for me.

At terrace :-

Bella is standing in front of the railing like a lonely sole, having a cigarette in her hand and making a perfect smoke rings. No one knows what she was thinking but anyone who sees her can be mesmerized with her beauty but her expression and the loneliness makes anyone sympathies with her and embrace her to give her warmth to disperse all the loneliness surrounding her.

Harry, Hi my darling what you are doing standing alone in front of the railing, are you planning to suicide or what?. Don't tell me what would happens to your lovers. And by the way your Ex called me he wants to patch up with you, you can not die so soon you have to deal with so many flies still and don't forget you are still virgin do you want to be a virgin ghost.

Bella, oh my god Harry, how could you spout so much nonsense in one breath, and stop rubbing salt in my wounds. I was just standing here and thinking when I could loose this virginity.

The answer makes Harry shocked. But Bella just smirked watching Harry's expression, what Harry only you boys could get horny or what. I just don't know where my life is taking me i just now want to enjoy my life like no end, being a nerd i realized I lost many pleasures of my life and one of them is being a virgin at 25 years old. I just want to now end it soon. You know what I m planning to go a club and get a random man and fuck him like no end.

Harry :- Ommh my god, my beauty why do you need to find a random man you have so many flies around you why don't you choose one of them.?

Bella :- hush, i just can't go with them they always salivate while looking me which makes me disgust 🤢. They are all just really very disgusting and I was just pondering about my idea of finding a random man but I m still scared what if I find a bad man who would blackmail me in future and you know right i dont want to go in a relationship, this word only makes me creep, I can't commit to anyone at this stage but I m just fed up with my boring life.

Harry :- Why just don't you go with a vibrator, self pleasure is the best pleasure my girl, do you want it I have many sex toys at my home i always like to watch my girlfriends putting vibrators and other sex toys inside their vagina and enjoy their selves, it just makes me so thrilled only by watching them.

Bella :- shut up, Harry what a pervert you are, how could so many girls fawn Over you, i m talking about loosing virginity and real sex and for self pleasure my fingers are enough I don't need a vibrator for that.

And by the way I forget to inform you get ready to eat dog food our Boss prepared a date for his wife i have to be their to check the arrangements and you have to be their to click pictures for them. Get ready to rub the salts in our wounds.

Harry, shut up Bella only you are virgin here, oh fuck i invited two girls today to do threesome today i surely want a salary raise from Alex, because of him I m missing this golden opportunity.

Bella looks Harry with a disgusting face.

Harry :-, what you haven't tried so you don't know what's the pleasure and addiction of having sex.

Hussh, single dog like you can't understand let's go back to the work other wise Alex can erupt like a volcano any time.