

After I have my fill I drift into sleep.

A week later I notice my eye site is better since I can see my nanny's face clearly but only when she is close enough. Surprisingly she was really young not the everyday image of a nanny. Old, plump, and stone-faced. To tell you the truth this woman was the complete opposite of a nanny she was timid and had a difficult time changing me with that I could tell right away that this was her first time taking care of a child, a baby to be specific.

It was quite entertaining to watch she and the maid run around like headless riders. I deliberately gave them a hard time since I was bored to death. But during these few days, I got some information about who and where I was from my yapping nanny.

I was, wait for it....a princess. My father was the emperor of the Imperium and I had an elder brother the prince. Sounds like the perfect story right except my mother was a maid. And as if my bad luck was an overflowing fountain it turns out my father is a ruthless tyrant and my brother is a straight-faced person.

I haven't even gotten to the worst part yet apparently my mother was not only a maid part also my father's personal toy which he used to satisfy his lust. What a beautiful way to conceive me right.

Selena was my name in my previous life I was known as a genius back in my realm because of that an organization recruited me as an engineer and hacker.

I died on a mission trying to diffuse a bomb and save my friends and comrades in the end I could only reduce the range at which the bomb could reach I saved the lives of my friends but could not save mine. Surprisingly I miss those troublesome comrades of mine tears well up in my eyes as memories of our days flashed through my mind.

I was an orphan back then so my friends were practically family to me.

Just like that two weeks passed and I was still.... wait what is my name now? As far as I know my mother died before she gave me a name the nanny and the maid call me princess but that's not my real name is it? Huh I guess that guy really is heartless leaving your own flesh and blood to go nameless for two whole weeks. tsk whatever I'll just name my self.

Lets see name Cleopatra? no Ruth? naah Georgina?


As the princess was busy trying to become the first baby to name itself a figure was silently approaching the crib. It quietly thread until it came to a stop in front of the crib.

A pair of amber colored eyes stared down at the princess as her chubby face made a serious thoughtful face. (Author: I don't know but this scene reminds me of boss baby. cuuute)

Narrator: *Chains author to table and tapes mouth, dust hands and comes back like nothing happened* Now that we've got that nuisance out of the way. (Readers: You and who?)

Let's get back to the story, shall we?

Now the noticing a pair of sharp eyes looking at her she turned to the person who the gaze that nearly bore into her belonged to.

Above her stood a tall man who's good looks could be compared to a god with his red hair and amber eyes, his chiseled jaw and well defined nose.

Princess POV

What a good looking man. The atmosphere around me tells me without a doubt this is the tyran- I mean my father. The man stares at me like a thorn in his flesh. What? Not only does this irritant leave me nameless for two weeks but has the audacity to glare at me. Oh hell no even in my past life no one dares to stand me up and when they do they come back to me like humble slaves to beg for forgiveness and bribe me out of my anger. But this guy not does he stand me up but also he doesn't even look sorry.

I feel a lump in my throat as the anger inside me increases by the second I look back at him and glare right back at him with a threatening aura lurking around me.

"Heh." the man smirks. "Indeed my offspring and an interesting one at that. Okay it May live for now. Diana shall be it's name."

What the heck? Offspring? It? do I look like a Billy (baby goat).

How ever that's all he says before he leaves.

Wait a minute what is this thing i am hearing about staying alive for now?

Who the hell does he think he is king yama?

Any way my nanny and the maid now look like the family of an offender who has just been pardoned by the judge. Ones they make sure he is gone they run to me pick me up and and cheering my new name.

My nanny sets me down and starts yapping on.

There, I learn about how why it was such a good thing he left. Apparently not only is he not fond of children he is especially not fond of female children and the only reason my brother is alive is because of his aide's advice to keep my brother so as to silence the court on pressuring him to get a new empress.

After listening to my nanny or rather Helen's documentary I am put to sleep for the night.

In the middle of the night I hear a the door creak open. Probably Helen coming to burp me well she did forget since she was busy being a historian.

Suddenly I find a pair of amber colored eyes staring at me. Did he just change his mind and decide to end me now. Oh wait this person is shorter and according to historian Helen this should be my brother. I should get him to burp me. I stretch my hand motioning him to pick me up.

It takes some time before he realizes what I want him to do with a confused look her cautiously picks me up and start parting my back.

*BURP* I let out a big burp for someone my size.

Surprisingly he giggles in response. Wait isn't he supposed to be stone face or has my historian been out of date all along or is he like this because I am too little to know.