


The ball continued with laughter and joy it was nothing like the gloomy ball Diana imagined in the empire of a tyrant. Everyone seemed relaxed and cheerful in the presence of Jake and Elliot. Jake supported Diana on his lap while she observed the spectacular scene before her.

Everyone carried himself or herself flawlessly as they came to greet him. But a particular person caught her eyes. It was Archduke Castella and his family. The father and son had shining golden hair but their eye color looks like they jumped out of a Twilight book. They were so scarlet red and breathtakingly handsome. The mother on the other hand look average. Their son even with that dangerous looking eye color, Diana found him adorable. The three-year-old looking boy had chubby cheeks big beautiful expressive eyes despite their ominous color and clear porcelain skin with his little pink lips.

Despite his adorable build he showed grace and elegance when it came to greeting the Emperor. When they were given permission to rise so Jake could exchange pleasantries with the Archduke and his wife, the little boy and Diana locked eyes. The boy stared at the little girl with amazement it seems to be the little boy's first time seeing a baby.

"Karl. How have you been." Jake's sudden attention surprised the little boy who recovers immediately. "Thanks to your grace, I'm doing well." The little boy responds with excellent posture. "Good. I was wondering this Diana seems to be bored when I'm not around. I'd like it if you would visit the palace on weekends to keep her company."

His words leave everyone stunned for a moment. Karl on the other hands seemed excited to do so so agreed almost immediately. When the ice wave left the room (Referring to the state of shock people were in) people started murmuring discreetly to each other.

Karl seemed to be in deep thought before he dared to ask. "Can I carry her?" Elliot sent a blazing glare to the young lord. To everyone's surprise, Jake agreed without malice. He gently hand Diana to the little boy who had surprising strength for his stature. He took her to the corner of the room and played with her making funny faces and stuff. One funny face made Diana laugh so hard that the entire ballroom went quiet at the sound of her beautiful laugh.

It took a while for Diana to realize that she was now the center of attention. But when she did she quickly buried her face in Karl's chest out of sheer embarrassment. The people in the hall were looking at the little princess with sparkles in their eyes. They whispered all sort of praising comments to each other as they gushed at the little baby but to summarize all these comments they all say one this Diana was an adorable princess.

When the ball ended Elliot quickly snatched back his little sister while looking at Karl with pure malice. It was obvious that the little prince did not appreciate any boy coming near his little sister. Karl on the other hand did not sit down quietly her returned the glare to Elliot. Diana could not help but giggle at their childish behavior. When they heard her sweet little giggles the looked at her in awe. She gave Elliot a kiss on the cheek to calm him, the little boy who looked like he was about to rip Karl to shreds.

The were oblivious to both the huge crowd behind them and the whispers. "Wow the princess hasn't even started walking yet and she already had admires" "Our princess will definitely grow up to become a breathtaking beauty." "What an adorable little princess we have." "Our empire is really lucky." "Our adorable princess." The whispers continued in favor of the little princess.