
The Story Till Now

It all started when i was born 17 december 2003. Im a nepali who is living in india. That time i was the only son of my parents, i grew up without going to kinder garden or junior classes as i was intelligent enough so, i took 3 monts tution and went directly to class 1.

First i struggled but later i had lots of friends then it was all good, i hated girls, was very naughty but always got excuse because of my intelligence till class 3 i studied in that school and later my parents put me on another school. It was the first day of my new school every thing was new, i sat at the last bench corner and waited for the period to start, "tring ,tring,tring" as the bell rang, all the students rushed inside the class, as i was the only new student, they stared me as if it was a new discovery of a new creature, "Akward" the best word i could use to drescribe my feelings that time. After some moment every one sat to there respective places. Then entered she a typical girl, wearing spectacles was the only face looking familiar to me, she was damm gorgeous. I stared at her, she stared at me, we both stared but with different feelings, she stared in attemp to recognise me but i dont know why i stared. Then she sat on her place fist bench corner, as the period went on i tried to focus on the lessons, but was attracted by her again and again, the only girl i got attracted to, sat the most further away then any other students, yet from one end of the class i tried to get a glims of her, but i cold only see her well during the breaks. The whole of class 4 went just like that without even a single conversation. Second day of Class 5 was the luckiest day, she came to me and asked about me, we shated in formations in a friendly manner then she shook my hand, then we both said "friends" together, it was a matter of coincidence but she laughed a little, it was like a bonus to her beauty. Then we often used to talk atleast once in 2 days, some times i used to go some times she use to come. Then joined another girls named solomi and tenzin to our group, solomi had a cheerful and kind personality and tenzin had kind and tom boy type of personality both were beautiful and gorgeous, it was going all good, we four always looked out for each other. I had a crush on her, i wanted to tell her, but then she said that our relationship were like best brother and sister. It was very sad, but i thought it didn't really matter untill im talking with her, as a brother, friend or boy friend it doesn't matter. Her smile gave a smile to my heart and so went class 5 and 6 happily. Then on class 7 she proposed a boy from junior class, I thought she loved him but later did i found out she had 5 ex and the boy was her 6th boyfriend. I dont know why i was angry at that time, when i heard this news, maybe because i love someone who played with boys. I thought of showing anger towards her, but how could i, i had no right on her life or on her, i was just a classmate who used to talk with her well often, but still i felt hurt, so i decided not to talk with her. I didn't talked with her for days, she came again and again to know my reasons but every time she came i avoided her. She too got angry and she didn't talked to me either. some weeks passed, then i realised that my feelings were true, yes i loved someone but it was just that she was not right and I was just spoiling the relationship of friend ship that we shared. so i wrote an apology letter, in a copy and gave her the next day she gave me my copy back, but didn't say a word, was it her ego or attitude i didn't know, but when i went back home, suddenly it came that she might had written a reply in the copy, so i checked the copy, each and every page but nothing could i find worth a reply. Then i saw in the middle page there was written "I LOVE U savikalpa". Savikalpa was her name and it was written by me, as i remembered back months ago when i felt for her. She got really pissed. we didn't talk after that incident i avoided her and she avoided me .....