
A new beginning.


I went down because I could smell food. And trust me I live to eat.

I went down just to find Helen engrossed in cooking. Waah this girl can literally do anything.

I stole a look at her.....

So pretty just like a painting. Her hair tied in a messy bun, a green apron tied tightly moving along her working body, her cheeks were red due to the heat and her skin shining due to little sweat. Her headphones looked like a headband and her body moved to the songs beat.....

But why am l admiring her??

I suddenly came back to life and concentrated on food. Damn I am so hungry but manly ego you see, I can't just go and eat.

So I went to fetch water.

I didn't know when my feet took me towards where she was.I leaned over her shoulder to see what she was making.

Suddenly she turned around.

Oh shit....


I was so busy cooking that I didn't realise Vadim was behind me. I turned around to get the plates and bumped into him.

I took off my headphones.

To brush off the the awkward moment I said" I am sorry for what I did earlier. It was my anger that spoke. I prepared food for you as an apology. Go to the dining room I ll bring the food over."

He did as l told and I lost all my composure once he was out of sight. Damn he was so close...

I went to the table with the food. l prepared enough for two.

I was about to put food in my plate when I looked at Vadim.

This boy was gulping food like he hadn't eaten since days.

I retreated from eating .

He looked at me and asked " You are not eating??"

"Um... Nope."

"Oh..okay " and then he started eating again.

In just a few minutes all the food was gone.

I put the plates back in the kitchen and directly went back to my room.


l went to the kitchen to thank Helen for the food but she was gone.....

This girl just won't let her guard down that easily. l remember how long it took me to become his close friend a few years ago but....

Misha that bit*h ruined it.

If not more we will definitely become best friends again. l want to see your carefree smile again Helen. I know this won't be easy but l ll give my best.

This is gonna be our new beginning.