
My Twins Are Seducing Me!

Just a warning This Book contains Incest and Smuts if your uncomfortable reading this type of things please move on. I suck on giving descriptions so I'll Just let the story explain itself. This is Under Major Editing so be aware that there maybe some grammatical errors, lack of punctuation etc...

XyderHale · LGBT+
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42 Chs

Chapter 8

Sam's Pov

It was currently 7:30 so I got 30 minutes to get ready. Wow this feels like aim going on a date Vince and Bryan just got home they are probably taking a shower me on the other hand was in my room deciding what to wear I already showered so I dont need to take a bath I decided to wear something casual I wore a Black  long sleeve that says 'Im hella Sexy' in front and a grey jeans. By the time I finished it was already 7:50 I went downstairs to the living room where my Twins were already sitting they looked at me for about a minute, I cleared my throat and they snapped out of their trance but when they realize it Vince immedietly asked "Where the fuck are you going" he said, I knew this was a bad Idea I can see smoke coming out of him he's angry shit im in a lot of trouble he clearly said to me Not to go out but here I am going on what feels like a date to the person he clearly said to me to avoid. Sam your a stubborn bitch you know that my subconcious said to me.

"I-i" I paused "Joseph invited me to dinner and I thought it was rude for me to decline so I just accepted his offer" I said bluntly while playing with my fingers like its the most fun thing in the world. I could sense that Vince was about to say something but before he could we heard a car honking outside meaning Joseph is here. I was about to walked to the door when Vince said "I swear to god if you go out of that fucking door Sam I would choke you when you get back and I will lock you up and put a collar in your fucking neck and I will tie you up in my bed your whole life" when I heard him say it I instantly stop walking I looked back at him shock and afraid I look at Bryan with the same look that Vince was giving me, Im on thin Ice right now I was more afraid of the my Twins so I pulled out my phone and Texted Joseph.

Uhm.. joseph sorry but I think I wont be able to go to dinner with you I know your outside and its rude for me to cancel it on the last minute but something came up. Maybe we could go again another time, it would be my treat.


From: Sam💕

I send the message "good choice" Vince said with a dangerously low voice. I just looked at him still fazed by his words but he patted the space between him and Bryan ordering me to sit, I did as he said I sat down with the twins besides me. "Dont ever talk to him or go near him or else" Vince stop and gripped my leg, he tighten his grip and I wince in pain thankfully Bryan removed Vince hand "thats enough Vince" Bryan said while I was still there shock and shaking in fear. Why did everything has to fall apart this morning everything was fine we were happy and now this is happening. Vince grabbed my chin harshly so that I am looking through his eyes. "Sam I love you but I wont hesitate to hurt you if you disobey me. Do you understand" Im still shaking in fear but I manage to nod in response. After that he left and went upstairs to his room "He's just protective towards you, because to us you look so fragile that if someone touch you, you would break and we cant handle that" Bryan said to me trying to ease the fear Im feeling. I know that their only doing this for my own good. "I-i-i will go apologize to Vince tomorrow" I said to Bryan. "I just felt so lonely thats all, you guys are busy with your schoolwork and we dont get to hang around that much except in breakfast and dinner" I started. "So do you want us to quit school we'll do it if that would make you happy and besides we dont need to finish our studies were smart enough as it is" Bryan stated I dont want them to drop out, I think im being selfish I should consider the people around me sometimes I feel bad for doing this to them. "No you dont have to quit school I want you guys to graduate" I said to Bryan with a smile.

Im really tired "Bryan you should go to sleep its getting pretty late and Im also tired" I said to him but before he could stand up I pulled him to a kiss, when I pulled away I see him blushing Holy fuck even when blushing his still freaking hot while trying to be cute. "That's a Sign of my gratitude for comforting me" I said to him and he hugged me I couldn't breath he was suffocating me, but I still hugged him back after we finished I went up stairs to my room and Bryan did the same when I got in my bed I immedietly fall asleep.