
My Twins Are Seducing Me!

Just a warning This Book contains Incest and Smuts if your uncomfortable reading this type of things please move on. I suck on giving descriptions so I'll Just let the story explain itself. This is Under Major Editing so be aware that there maybe some grammatical errors, lack of punctuation etc...

XyderHale · LGBT+
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42 Chs

Chapter 37


Arch Angel - is the highest class of Angel

Fallen Angel - is the one who was banish from heaven for a mission to redeem themselves


Sam's Pov

I'm currently in the room with someone named Zarachiel who is suppose to be an angel, And for a bonus he said I could get pregnant?!! I'm still in daze by the new information that has been given to me, Zarachiel was just standing there He said he'll take me to Michael who is an Arch Angel, "If I refuse to go with you what will happen?" I ask the Zarachiel.

"Well the answer is quite simple, I'll just drag you with me" He smiled innocently, For an Angel he sure doesn't look that innocent "B-but I really can't go, I-i have my family here" He just chuckle at me, "Not really my problem" He said. Now, I'm sure this asshole isn't an angel, I thought angel was suppose to be kind and pure but this guy is the opposite.

Before we could continue our conversation a red beam of light was drew on the wall, it looks like a symbol with the pentagram in the middle of a circle, then suddenly it vanish and it created some sort of Hole and in the other side of it was the room I woke up in my dream, Zarachiel's Face became livid as if he was about to go into war, He was about to pull me with him when a voice boom to the portal, Wait I've heard this voice before... Could it be? 'Asmodeus' I whispered in my breath as the guy from my dreams decent to the portal, Wow dreams really do come true, I chuckle at my own joke before coming back to my senses.

3rd person's Pov

Asmodeus Emerge from the portal to the human world only to see his mate was next to an Angel, It made him furious. Lets just say that Demon's Are very territorial creatures and doesn't like other beings being near their beloved.

In Zarachiel's Mind he was confuse on why the King of the Netherworld came specifically at this Location, 'Do he know about Veil' The angel thought to himself, It would be bad for him to get his hands on the carrier of the Veil.

On the other side of the story lies the separate adventure of the twins, Bryan was taken by a werewolf as his mate, While Vince was being held captive by a Vampire and now add another problem... Sam was between an Angel and a Demon and that isn't the best combination in this situation.

Bryan was still in the room where Crest left him, He was still naked because and was under the covers, taking a nap.

As he was in his nap he heard a voice in his head 'Hello, Master' and Bryan was startled awake wondering where the voice was coming from, the voice speaks again 'Do not try to find me master for I am in your head, I am your wolf' Bryan stare blankly before he spoke 'what do you mean your my wolf?' Bryan as the voice, 'I am the spirit of your wolf master, it means that I am the source of your power' The voice inform him.

'What's your name?' Bryan ask, 'Sorry but I do not have a name for I am newly created in this world, Would you like to give me one master?' Bryan thought of a name for his wolf 'hmm how about Breaker'.

'I love it master thank you for the name that you have given me' The deep Baritone voice said, 'If you have any desires Master, I shall try my best to make them true, I am at your service' the voice added.

Bryan was intrigued by his wolf, I mean who wouldn't, in the history of werewolves never has one Call their human, 'Master' it was very rare or more than impossible to happen because wolves are prideful creatures and most of them doesn't listen to their Owner.

Bryan was thinking of Having Crest teach him how to shift, He already forgot about the Mate thing with Crest, He doesn't care about Crest whether their soul mates, To be honest Bryan think its absurd for some goddess to pick the one you who you'll be with, for the rest of your life, Who would like that?

Once I know how this wolf thing works I'll leave immediately, I'm sure Sam will worry but Vince was beside him so its gonna be okay... Little did Bryan know Vince was in the same situation as his.

Vince sat in the bed the pain and uncomfortable feeling in his teeth was not fading no matter what he do, He has this urge to bite something He was still thirsty he can't deny it, The blood he drank was delicious, he wanted more. now his regretting of throwing the glass in the floor.

Hours past and it was Nighttime meaning its time for him to complete his transformation, Daemon walk in the room with a tank top that shows his bulging muscles it was almost enough to make Vince feel fear... almost, Daemon a sweatpants that hug the huge bulge in his pants but Vince didn't pay attention to the man.

"Let's Start, Come here" Daemon ordered Vince, He was gonna refuse but for some reason his body started moving on his own, He tried stopping himself but he failed, "See you obey everything I told you, You are Sired to me "Daemon tease the Boy in front of him.

"Bastard!" Vince yelled at the man but he was cut off when Daemon grabbed the back of Vince head to the crook of his neck, Vince smelled the swear scent that was coming from his neck, He could hear the pumping of the artery which make him lose his mind, Daemon didn't need to say anything because Vince bit his neck and he suck hungrily as if he was starved for days.

"Slow down Little one, I'm not going anywhere" Daemon said as he was caressing Vince hair, Vince was too busy with the taste of blood to disagree with the Nickname that was given to him, The metallic taste of blood filled his mouth groaning at the indescribable feeling that filled his stomach.

Vince didn't even realize when Daemon Move them selves to the bed now, Daemon was sitting on the headboard of the bed while Vince straddle in front of him still drinking his blood.

Vince stop drinking and removed his fangs from the skin, He licked the would to clean the blood around it, Daemon almost slipped a moan in his lips by the action, Vince didn't know that Licking a would for other Vampire is a sign of Affection, so he continue licking the would.

Daemon grab the head of the boy and he move his hand to the side of his face as he lean closer closing the gap between them for a Kiss, Daemon felt euphoric after Vince drank from him the feeling is addictive now he wants to taste Vince, he wanted to see the Large boy submit to him, he wanted to see Vince cry in pleasure as he thrust his huge cock deep inside Vince's Tight hole.


Oh godd!!! Their about to kiss... No!!! Vince is Mine

As I mention on chapter 3 of this book, Vampires and Werewolf are natural born enemies, Now the twins are each of these race, I wonder what will happen when they meet.