
My Twins Are Seducing Me!

Just a warning This Book contains Incest and Smuts if your uncomfortable reading this type of things please move on. I suck on giving descriptions so I'll Just let the story explain itself. This is Under Major Editing so be aware that there maybe some grammatical errors, lack of punctuation etc...

XyderHale · LGBT+
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42 Chs

Chapter 35

Unknown's Pov

I held the Compass in my hand because it started reacting and it haven't done that in Eon's maybe The Vail has return, Just to make it clear when I said Compass I didn't mean the round thing with a North, South, East, West stuff.... What I mean by compass is a Necklace well to be specific its the Necklace of Michael its a Sacred artifact for us Angel's, I was sent on a Mission to Find to find The Vail of Uriel.

Uriel was once an Angel that Michael Loved dearly but Sadly that didn't last long because she past away due to unknown reason, Michael was Angry when He heard that Uriel died but what can we do we cant control life.

After a Few Years someone found a book, it was hidden in Uriel's Bedroom Chamber so Michael check the content of the book, but it was empty there was no word written on it except the Last page, It was a Letter it says 'My dear beloved Michael, I hope you read this after that I am gone, I wanted to tell you this I foresaw something in the future, that a new being will be born, I don't know what kind of Monster it is but I saw wings a white wing with hint of red a beast that was born from a human. But all I can say is that this being is Dangerous and can destroy the Balance of the world, so Find The Vial that I have hidden in the human world Find it and Destroy it before he is born'.

So Michael gave me the Mission to bring The Veil to him so that he could lock it away for good, he didn't want to destroy the only thing that Uriel left of her before she died so Michael wanted to treasure the Veil until his end.

I followed the compass that was suppose to lead me to the Veil then I came into a house, It seems like no body is home so open the door, By the way Locks are never a bother to us Supernatural beings so we could just enter whenever we want cool right?

I entered the home and Compass started heating up which means the Veil is close, I came and enter the living room the Television was On so who could be watching, I heard a light shuffle in the couch so I came to check it out, There I saw a man sleeping the Compass start going crazy until it vanished then I remember what Michael said when he gave me the compass 'The compass will Vanish into thin air when you are closest to The Veil' which means, This Man has the Veil, I thought it was to be a bottle or something because of its name but I never Imagine that it would be a person more over a Man.

The man started waking up, He open his eyes and I was met by his green eyes he looked at my grey ones with a half asleep expression, he rubbed his eyes before his stupor disappear making him Flinched when he saw me, "W-who are you" The man stuttered.

"My name is Zarachiel and I come to take you with me" I answered his question, "How about you What is your name?" I asked him then he froze for a minute before answering "Sam" that's all he said "What do you mean take me with you, Take me where?".

"To heaven where else" I said bluntly making him look at me as if he had seen a ghost "Heaven!?! B-but I'm not dead" I almost laughed at his comment, Just because your alive doesn't mean you can't go to heaven, Humans are funny creatures they are good for entertainment, I wipe the none existing tear in my eye "Do you want me to kill you? So you could go to heaven" I raised a brow at him, he started trembling in fear oops... Looks like I went to far with my joke.

"N-no I don't want to die yet, I still need to take care of my Twins" he have Sons? "You have The Veil of Uriel, so I must take you back to Michael" I inform the little man in front of me.

"Veil of Uriel?? What is that ??" He stared at me with a questioning look. I sighed oh well, guess I need to answer that "Okay, so The Veil of Uriel has the power of Creation, I don't know exactly what it does for a female but all I know is that when The Vial is Reincarnated as a Man he will have the ability to reproduce meaning you can get pregnant" His jaw drop when I said the last part I don't know why thought.

"Oh wait I forgot to tell you, You can only be impregnated by a Supernatural being like Angel, Demons and so on. Although I'm surprise that no one attacked you yet, because I was told that The Veil will attract many creature in its path" He stood there listening to me intently "Pregnant???? I can get Pregnant?!!!!" Wow all that explaining and all you get is the pregnant part.