
My Twins Are Seducing Me!

Just a warning This Book contains Incest and Smuts if your uncomfortable reading this type of things please move on. I suck on giving descriptions so I'll Just let the story explain itself. This is Under Major Editing so be aware that there maybe some grammatical errors, lack of punctuation etc...

XyderHale · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Chapter 10

Warning contains sex scene/ incest

Sam's Pov

Vince continue to thrust his fingers in and out scissoring me at the same time, I focused on Bryan's cock in my mouth I bob my head up and down which I was rewarded by a groan, Im pretty satisfied because they are both feeling good because of me. "I think its time" Vince said darkly he pushed me off his lap which also cause myself to remove my mouth on Bryan's dick. "Get on all fours" Vince ordered, I immedietly comply I got on the ground like a dog. My ass was facing them both I could feel them staring daggers behind me. I felt a Hard shaft playing with my hole I couldn't help but moan I look back to see Bryan stroking his cock on the sofa while Vince tease my hole. "Who would have thought that you have such a small dick compared to your sons. To be honest this doesn't have the right to be called a dick, am I right?" Vince commended while he grab my already leaking cock he squeezed it lightly but I could feel the pain. I love the way they degrade me I love how they would call me their slut Because I was, They own me I dont have the right to complain I should follow them their my masters.

Vince slowly pushed the head of his cock in my hole but then he pulled away making me whine. I want him so bad "Such a needy bitch" he said then he thrust his full length in me I "ah-h" I yelled I felt pain and pleasure He kept pounding into my ass, constantly hitting my prospate making me moan louder like a bitch. Im sure all our neighbor have hear me from how loud I was. I cant help it its just to good I cant get enough "m-mor-ree" I moaned Vince thrust in deeper if thats even possible I know his near his Climax. I look back to see Bryan rubbing his cock I could tell that they were both close Vince kept pounding in and out until it got sloppy which mean he was close to cumming "Im gonna mark you inside, so that you know who you belongs to" Vince said then he cum I could feel his hot semen Coating my walls and Bryan aldo cum on his hand I felt bad that Bryan didn't get to fuck me so when Vince removed his cock inside me I crawled towards Bryan and I said "You can do me tommorow" and I didn't know what happen next because I passed out due to exhaustion. This was tiring the last thing I heard before I was consumed by darkness was "Your Ours. Remember that".