
The Date?


I don't know what it is but walking into school felt so weird today. Like my body just knew something was going happen and I don't know what it is and that's what scares me. As I was walking down the hallway I noticed that everyone was looking at me and I don't know why like is something on my face or does my clothes look horrible. I just don't know.

"Hey Caelan" I turned around to see who call me. And to my surprise it was Rafi with his brother Nico beside him. "Hi, how can I help you?" I said. In which I didn't get a reply back. Because he was just too busy staring at me which kind of creep me out. So I turned to his brother Nico to ask him what did they want. "Well good morning to you too." He said with a chuckle. "We just wanted it to ask you if you would like to go eat dinner with us." What why would I wanna do that I thought. Now it was my turn to just look at him like he's crazy. Why would I want to go to dinner with the same guys who basically harass me yesterday. And why did they ask me this in front of all these people.

"No" I said plainly. This seems to snap rafi back into reality. " No?" He said looking confused. "No I do not want to go to dinner with you." "Why not." He questioned. "Do I have to have a reason why don't wanna go to dinner with you?" "Yes, because who don't like free food and a chance to spend time with two insanely hot guys." I stared at him blankly and then turned around to walk away.

But once again I am held captive by this damn guy. What is up with him and grabbing me and he wonder why I don't want to go to dinner with him or his brother. Not that is brother did anything wrong I guess. Sharply I look at him in said "let me go or you will regret it." "No I'm not gonna let go until you agree to go on a date with me and my brother." Hold up when did thid turn into a date? "Wait you want me to go on a date with you and your brother?" "Yes" he said. "Do you have a problem with that?" "No because I'm not going." "You are!" He challenged. "How about this. I'm going let you go and at the end of school if you can get to the gates before we get to you I'll let you go. But if we get to you before you get to the gates you have to go on a date with us how about that?" "No! Now let me go." He smarked and then reply to me "Either agree to it or we could stand here all day and I bet no one will do anything about it. So do we have a deal."

Ignoring him I looked at his brother and asked "can you please get him to let me go?" He looked at his brother then looked back at me and smiled. This fucker is really going with what his brother is doing to me. Looking back at rafi. I hung my head and whispered "fine I'll do it." "So you will go on a date with us." He said excitedly "No I'll do the challenge. Because I know I will be able to get to the gates before you even get to me." Surprisingly he was just as excited for that too. "OK Deal." He said.

And with that he let me go without saying anything else. I turned around and start walking to my locker so I can get to class on time because the bell was about to ring in less than a minute. And I dont want to be late.

Time skip

I was waiting for the lunch bell to ring so I could leave school early. Because I am not going on a date with them and they can't make me. I really hate this bell it always take forever for it to ring. So I just sat there waiting and waiting and until it wrong. Jumping out of my seat I race to the double doors which lead to the outside of the school. As I sped to the gates I look to my right and I saw those beastly boys running full speed in my direction. And with that it shift me into high gear of running as fast as I can go to get to the gates. Just as I was reaching the gates I was lifted off my feet by someone strong arms.

A loud high pitch scream came of my mouth like a banshee. I struggle to get out the arms which was pointless because the more I struggled the tighter the hold on me became. It wasn't painful but it most definitely held me in place. And with that I gave up I was caught and now I have to go on this stupid date. With a defeated look... I look up to see who caught me and to my surprise it was Nico. He was gently smiling at me, waiting to see if I was going to try to get out his hold again. "I give up so you can put me down now." I said. Without a word he gently bent down to put me on my feet and let me go. I turned around to them or just him I guess. "So when is this so called date going to happen." I said tiredly trying to catch me breath. "Tonight at 6pm" Nico said. "So be ready." He said and walked away. Standing there I watched him walk to where Rafi was standing and whispered something in his ear. Which I am guessing it has something to do with our "date." After that they head back to a table with a whole bunch of other people who where looking at me trying to figure me out. Sighing hard I turned and walked out of the gates because who in their right mind would stay to school after going through that.

I was so mad at myself for getting caught. If only I could have gotten to that damn gate I would be free but No. My short legs betrayed me. I thought sadly. I might as well go home because I refused to have to see there happy faces for the rest on the day.

As I unlocked my door I thought back to the whole incident and what really got me really angry was the fact that Nico didn't even look like he was out of breath but me on the other hand was barely able to catch my breath... Wheezing like I'm about to pass out. Walking through the front door I asked God why he did me dirty like that.

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