
My Truest Identity

"You're God's beloved!" That's how Princess's mom used to remind her. But how could she believe it nor accept the fact that she's beloved by God if one day she woke up her beloved mommy was already lying on the floor with her blood and was killed by her atheist dad? Will she hold on to those words? Or will she harbor hatred for God? Well, that horrific situation turned her to live a life far different from what she desired. A life without knowing God. It's a story of a lady, a prodigal daughter of God who struggled to find her truest identity by battling over all the dark forces dwelling inside of her.

Godsbeloved1012 · Teen
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11 Chs

The mysterious Twin


For God will command his angels concerning you, and with their hands, they will support you, lest you dash your foot against a stone.

                      - Psalm 91:11-12


With a dazzling black off-shoulder dress, dark makeup on her face, and black lipstick, Princess of all-night parties and hangouts confidently walked on the lady in one of the luxurious 5-star hotels ever existed in the whole world. Whenever people passed by they can't stop glancing at her for she was like a witch who has astonishing beauty.

She entered a big room where a group of people the same age as her and some minors were waiting for her presence.

"Finally, here comes the Real Queen of witches." They all said in chorus.

"Everything is all prepared. Shall we start?" A good looking man said and showed her a table filled with strong liquors and some illegal drugs. The man then handed her capsules. It will be her first to take it.

"It's the best cure to completely forget your nightmare. And surely it will help you feel better," the man continued.

Without hesitation, she got some wine and was about to drink the drug when someone's hand appeared and quickly took it. As she looked at who was it, she was surprised to see that

in front of her was standing an angelic and beautiful twin. One of them has a blue aquatic colored eye while the other, her eyes were light red. However, by their looks and styles of fashion, it seemed that they came from an ancient time for they wore long robes. One of Princess companion, a girl asked them,

"Who are you? It seems that you've entered the wrong room. There's no theater room here," after she said this all the others laughed.

" I'm Acqua," the one whose eyes were blue aquatic and who took the drugs from her. "And she's Sangue," she turned to her sister whose eyes were light red, "my twin sister. We're born at 3 in the afternoon on Good Friday."

Then a pervert guy approached them and whispered in their ears.

" Good Friday? Come on, be specific. There are so many good Fridays that happened in life. Would you like this Friday night to be added to that list?"

But the twin remained calm and Sangue with a very serious tone responded to them. "We're telling you the truth. It's the Good Friday after Holy Thursday."

The twin's responses sounded weird for all because these youth before them were not churchgoers nor interested in religion.

" I don't care about who you are or where you came from! Just give me the drugs and mind your own business!" Princess irritatingly said and took back the drugs from Acqua. She was on the point of swallowing it when her hand became numb and heavy. When she turned around all her companions inside the room weren't moving nor breathing. They all became like mannequins.

Stunned by the situation where she was in she trembly said to the twin,

"W-what have you done with us?"

Sangue assured her, " Don't be afraid Princess. They're fine, 30 minutes later they will move. We're here to help you wake up from your horrible nightmare and these drugs aren't the cure and will never be. The devil who is the king of all lies uses these weapons to trap God's poor and weak children." She then took from her hand the illegal capsules and burned it with a single snap of her finger."

"NO! Give it back to me. You two are the real liars." After she uttered those insisting words they overheard someone knocking on the door.

" Open the door. You're all under arrest because of drug trafficking. We will count one to three if you don't surrender, we're going to ruin the door and forced to hurt you ." Princess's body started to shake. She's aware of all her flaws but she never wished to stay nor to sleep inside the prison.

" Acqua, hurry up. We have to go before they can enter." Then Sangue holds Princess's hand and as the door opens they immediately disappeared.

With all the unexpected situations that happened a while ago, Princess was still trembling. She's now inside her room.

" I think this time you need this." Then Acqua handed her a glass of water. " It's far better than all the alcohols and wines you used to drink," she continued. After having drunk and was able to breathe normally she asked them straight to their eyes.

"What are you?"

Before the response, Sangue gave her a mysterious smile. "You've asked the right question. It seems that you have already an idea. But it's still very soon for you to know our identity. Maybe later when our mission with you will be fulfilled.

Princess: "Your mission with me?"

Acqua: "Yes, were sent to help you heal your sickness," she said calmly.

Princess: "I'm not!"

Sangue: " Really? You may appear physically fine but you're not. Your body always lacks a lot of water and you're often experiencing di hydration. You always bleed and sometimes suffer from rapid loss of blood because of your severe ulcer and serious anemia. Is that what you tell your fine? What if we tell you about your spiritual condition, would you mind if right now your soul is grieved ill and critical?"


Acqua: " No. That's not true! He cares and loves you.

It's Him who sent us to you.

It's you who stopped loving Him.

It's you who walked away from His love and left Him. But despite all you've done God still loves you and always at your side. You have only to open your heart and mind for Him."

Princess: " NO! YOU TWO SHUT UP!" This time she's crying and covering her ears with her hands.

Sangue came closer to her, "Princess, listen. Now is the time for you to wake up from your nightmare and meet God. Not the God your mind has created or the god that is defined by your bad experiences or those people around you. You can't create God, He was the one who created you. Who are you then to judge Him? Do you know Him that you harshly treated Him this way?" With all her questions Princess was puzzled.

Sangue continued, "This time open your heart to meet the real God. Not the dead or the punisher one but the loving and merciful God." Then she turned on all the lights in her room.

" And the little light deep within you covered by darkness must shine."

Acqua on her part went to the window covered by black thick curtains and opened it. " And as the sun rises every morning and shines each day so must you, too." Then she showed to Princess the beautiful sunrise painted on the sky. She didn't notice the time, it's already 5 in the morning.

She turned to thank the twin but they're already gone.

Looking at the beautiful sunrise Princess realized that it's been a long time she never saw it. She missed it so much just how she missed her deceased mom. Later, she remembered her childhood and was moaning like a dove wanted to be free from its cave.

After a week, the twin kept on following her. Wherever she goes or whatever she does they were there too.  She hated them for they were like mushrooms who appear and disappear without signal or her knowing. But what she disliked as they aren't only following her but keep on bothering her.

Acqua who every 30 minutes would remind her to drink water and give her lectures about the importance of it. While Sangue of course she never asked her to drink blood but she cooks and prepares something for her to eat and drink so that her red blood cells will increase for she used to collapse once a week and visits the hospital twice a month for blood transfusion and she was her blood donor. Though their presence often irritates her, little by little she started to enjoy their company and for the first aside from Nanny Sunny, she was treated sincerely by other people.

Some people come into her life only to take advantage of her wealth.

The twin helped her realized the beauty of life but still, it's hard for her to accept that

' God loves her.'