
Episode 6

"Lia..!" Someone screamed.

He held her waist turning her around the next side of the road...making her arms cling onto him.

"Harry..!?" She said.

"You have blue eyes.." Harry says..

Lia takes herself out of Harry's arms and it gets awkward between them.

"Don't u have brains...?" Harry scolded her...

"Who waves someone standing on the middle of the road.." Harry keeps saying.

"Started his shit again.." Lia sighs and says and gets going.

She enters the class....

"Hey...Lia! " Hana waves at her ..

"Hey!" Lia says..

"So did you decide anything for the fest.?" Hana asks.

" Huh...is it necessary?" Lia asks..

"Nah...not really" Hana says

"Then I'm out of it ..." Lia says..

"Yea.. but--" Hana tries to convince her and Mr.Han enters.

"Ok children...so ..for the fest..who is interested in photo booth?"

Reachel and Elle raise their hands for it....

"Ok ..anyone else we need 4 .."

Max and Pete raise their hands for it..

" Huh...them two?" Elle says annoyingly.

"Elle could you sit down please" says Mr Han

Elle sits while Rachel says her to calm down

Now this year we are having a drama.....Romeo and Juliet .

The person interested can forward their name.

"Sir..! Me and Ali...Mr.Han " Hana says excitingly

"What the...no...sit " Lia whispers her from her desk to sit down"

"Pls...just....Ali! Ali..." Hana convinces her .

"Alright...Fine sit down" Lia says her annoyed.

"And we need two handsome boys for the role of Romeo ...uhh...Harry and Jeff why don't u?"

Mr. Han asks them ..

"As you say Mr.Han " Harry replies.

"Hmm...cool I have nothing to do " Jeff replies.

"Good then ..I will take four of your name " Mr.Han says.

"Oh..no You have your 1st period now I have written other booths on this paper...Harry please pin it on the notice board.." Mr.Han says

"Yes Sir" Harry replies and takes the paper and pins it on the board.

Teacher teaching*





Bell rings*

"Finally..class ended " Hana said yawning.

Reachel and Elle come to their place.

"Uuuuu....Lia's gonna be Juliet." Elle says teasing

"Hana is gonna play the role " Lia says.

"No...never I don't wanna be the main lead and speak...I get stage fear " Hana says.

"Yaa ...in 9th grade she almost fainted ." Elle says

"What was the act ..?" Lia asks

"Frog and the Princess,she had to kiss the frog...and fainted . We had to go on the stage to lift her up" Reachel explains .

"Let's go have lunch..I had there is French fries today." Hana says.

"Hmm..let's go" Lia says while keeping her books inside her bag."

They go to have lunch and find a seat where Jeff and his gang members were sitting.

"Uhh do we have to---?" Lia says while Elle goes and sits beside Jeff .

"She is mad in love" Reachel says.

"Let's sit.." Hana says to Lia.

Lia sits right across Jeff.

"Uh...hey?" Jeff greets Lia.

"Hey...?" Lia says.

"Hey Jeff...remember me?" Elle asks.

"Uh...Elle right..?" Jeff asked

"Oh my ..!" Elle says excitedly.

"I think I am done.." Lia says and takes her plates.

"You didn't eat anything " Hana says to Lia.

"Not hungry.. " Lia says.

"Hey..Lia?" Jeff calls Lia.

She turns back and Jeff gives her a keychain.

"Where did you---i thought it was lost." Lia says.

"You dropped it on the terrace." Jeff said.

"Terrace..?" Elle asks.

"Yea I got it from here and there . " Jeff says staring Lia.

"Ohh...thanks." Lia thanks Jeff and gets going.

She goes to her classroom and lays down .

"Lia..?" Harry calls her.

"What....now!." Lia says annoyingly.

"Cream bread and Juice." Harry gives her.

"I don't need it." Lia says.

"Don't worry it's from the money you gave me ...throw it or eat..is up to you ." Harry says in his rude accent .

She takes and eats it and Harry goes to his place and stares outside the window.

"Lia..!" Hana comes.

"Hey ..!" Lia says

"We have to go after the bell rings to the assembly hall" Hana says .

"Oh...cool!" Lia says.

"Ahh! I have to use the washroom ...could u inform this to Harry and Jeff"

"Huh..!" Lia says while Hana runs to the washroom .

*Oh God have to talk to him* Lia thinking .

"Hey..Harry we have to go the assembly hall after the bell. " Lia goes to his place and says him in a rude manner.

"Hmm.." he replies.

Jeff enter the class

"Jeff...we have to go----" Lia goes and says while Jeff interrupts.

"--on a date..?" He replies.

"Could you stop..!" Lia says annoyingly .

"Oh my..!" Jeff teases her.

"Just come to the assembly hall after the bell."

Lia says.

"Oh my...what do u wanna do with me....alone..?" Jeff says.

"Can you stop we have to go for the drama" Lia shouts while the whole class stares her.

"Easy..cool!" Jeff says.

The bell rings*

Lia waits for Hana.

"Go..we will say her to join...hee stomach was not giving me good vibes." Reachel says to Lia.

"Ok.. thanks." Lia says and gets going.

She goes the Assembly hall and finds only two chairs beside Jeff and Harry.

She goes while Hana shouts.

"Lia..! I am here.."

Everyone starts staring them

Hana goes and sits beside Harry and calls Elle.

"Why do i have to sit beside Jeff..." she whispers on her own and goes to sit.

The drama teacher arrives.

I have already talked to all of your homeroom teacher and Juliet will be played by Lia.

And Romeo has to be decided between Jeff and Harry..

"You both come here." The Drama teacher calls them.

"Speak these lines and I will decide who will be Romeo " The drama teacher says.

" But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?

It is the east, and Juliet is the sun" Harry speaks staring Lia...while all the girls staring him.

"O sweet Juliet

Thy beauty hath made me effeminate

And in my temper softened valor's steel! "

Jeff goes to Lia takes her hand and speaks while everyone falling for his voice and as soon as he finishes Lia takes her hands out of Jeff's.

"Bravo , both of them were amazing....so the Romeo will be played by----
