
I grew without knowing me

I grew up in christian family of eight people, that's five of my siblings, my mother and my father. We are four girls, and two boys. And I happen to be the last born (even though this makes me feel always cheated). I was admitted into the elementary school St. Anthony Montessori which I attended in 1987, and of course, I found it very pleasing, I loved my teachers, especially Miss Iniobong, who was always fond of making me smile, no matter how down I ought to have been. Pupils in the then elementary school which I attended were always fun to be with (even though a hand full of them used to behave as though they used to dine with the devil). But I still enjoyed every bit of my stay in the elementary school which I attended. I actually grew without knowing me..... It was time to take the First School Leaving Certificate Examination (FSLCE), in order to gain entry into High School, which I did and had a distinction in my FSLC. And then I enjoyed the full holiday between elementary school and High School. Which actually lasted from July 1992 to September 1992.