
My Trapped Lover

How can two birds of different feathers fly towards the same direction? Leo who wasn't a human accidentally met with Carl a superstar in her early 20s, Leo! An Handsome young man who never associate with humans rather killed'em got trapped to Carl a young beautiful damsel who was not interested in him. Leo Who had lived for the passed 250 years without the signs of the weakness of humanity got stocked by the affections he had derived for Carl. Carl who simply thought Leo wasn't good enough for her later understand her emotions towards him. Could it be him? Carl thought as she looked back to her passed broken relationship. What a coincidence turning into a path of Fate and Destiny

PhilipEfeisi1 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Episode 2

I didn't understand the dream, who could that be? I asked myself

I Stood up from the bed and went to the living room. I checked my phone and it was passed 5am, I wasn't feeling sleepy again because the nightmare. I decided to watch some videos to whirl away my time. After some minutes, Michael came out from the room and gave me a soft kiss on my cheek and greeted in love.

Good morning my all, he whispered.

Good morning, I replied smiling.

Hope you are going to work today?He asked as he looked towards the tv direction.

Yes of course! I will, I just woke up early and wanna whirl away the time by watching some movies.

Alright! Babe guessed what! He said giggling.

Honey you know I'm not good at guessing, what's the good news? I asked.

I got a job, and I'm traveling this morning to the Company's residential neighborhood. He said smiling.

Wow! That's good, but I will miss you so much, please keep me close to your heart. I said chuckling.

Alright! Trust me, I love you and will do that just for you. He said as he touched my hair smoothly.

Let me go and have my bath, I will be ready within 45 minutes he said. He went to the room and closed the door.

A Job? He didn't mention that to me! How all of a sudden? I asked myself. No, something must be fishy. I took my phone and walked gently to my room's door, surprisedly what I heard was like a rare bomb inside my ear. I quickly open my phone to record their conversation.

(Michael POV)

Hello sweetie! How are you doing? He asked the feminine voice over the phone.

Am good sweetheart! And you? She asked back.

Am cool! I have a good news for you. He said giggling clamorously.

And what's it that makes my husband so happy she said in a cool tune.

I finally got accessed to her bank details. We are finally rich. He said jumping.

Wow, what we'd plan came to reality, now you need to withdraw plenty of money and disappeared from her sight, She advised.

That's what I want to do, infact, I have called my friend who is a bank auditor that Carl is my sister.

That's good...

(Carl POV)

I was shocked hearing those conversations. I quickly saved the records and went gently to the sitting room. I placed a call on the police and they required for an evidence which I sent to them in no minutes.

This is unbelievable, this can't be happening to me. I wept gently so that he could not have any clue of what's going on.

The Police arrived at house and parked in front of my gate. They came in and I opened the door of the sitting room for them.

Miss Carl, one of them addressed me. Don't worry, we are going to handle this situation. He said as they say.

Alright sir, thanks once again. I appreciated their effort for coming.

After some minutes, he came out, only to see police men sitting in the living room.

Good afternoon sir, one of the police men greeted.

Afternoon, he replied. Who are you people looking for? He asked them with caution.

They are here to guide you to your destination. I lied as I smiled wickedly.

Wow that thoughtful of you, but I didn't want any escort! So they can go back. He said smiling.

Alright! Mr Michael, you are under arrest for fraudulent activity plan with your wife, you are to remain silence or any thing you say shall be used against you in the court of law. Officer, Arrest him. The Head-police officer commanded.

They handcuffed him and led him outside.

What have I done? I asked myself as I walked to and fro. Why am I even concerned! He deserved to be imprisoned even till death. So this was how all I have laboured would have turn to vain within the twinkle of an eye. That wasn't thoughtful of him, how could he break my heart like this! I cried and cried, no one to console me, I cried into sleep and have same dream, this time, he lifted me up and turned his back against me. Hey, I wanted to call when I woke up.

It was 30 minutes passed 9, I have to run some files today, I remembered but am too weak for that now. Being in the crowd after breakup might make you forget you had a breakup that very moment. I decided to go out for work.

I summon courage and freshen up, dressed and get into my car and drives out.


I drive into the company and parked my car. I went into the company going straight ahead without any greetings.

What must have happened to her? The secretary asked as he looked her going to the elevator.

Buzz. The elevator arrived in floor 12. I went into my office and relaxed.

Ting ting! Someone rang the bell.

Come in! I hurriedly reply and pretend to be fine. Lauren entered and greeted.

Good morning ma! She greeted with a little smile.

Morning! I replied. How is everything? I further asked.

All is okay. She said chuckling.

Alright, go and get my documents from the receptionist. I ordered.

Okay ma. She said and went out.

Umm, how can I cope with this kind of situation? After many breakups, I thought Michael would make a different but still he was same devil who came looking for my money. I yelled.

Maybe I was too careless of having a man! Or did I really need a man? I confusedly asked myself as I wept all over and over.

I cleaned my eyes when the elevator buzzed. I pretend to be fine, but a psychologist can see the deep pains in my heart.

Miss Lauren came with the documents and handle them over to me.

Good, I have prepared an office for you where you can work. Follow me I ordered as I stood to leave.

We entered the office which is opposite mine. This is your office as my Assistant. Your work is to remind me of any of my schedules, the file in the table is all about my schedules meetings, and appointment. Make sure you read them and always check on time to remind me.

Okay ma, thanks once again for the job, she poured her gratitude like a river.

You don't need to appreciate that much. I said as I walked back to my office.

(Leo POV)

It been long I ate some foods prepared this humans, I am in taste of it now. I murmured to by self.

Oh I didn't have money! What should I do? I said as I scratched my hair slowly. I think there's this business man close to this forest! I tried to remember. Yes he stays very close, I remembered because I have a business transaction with him 20 years ago which make him more richer.

Oh my life! I exclaimed. How could all of a sudden ran out of the city because of someone I called my love. I sympathized. I really did wanna make her a wealthy and loving wife but she cheated on me and betrayed me of my secret! Oh what a fake life. I wondered. So no one can be trusted. If not for the mistake of falling for the wrong woman, I would have still be the CEO of Star Move Production. She betrayed me. I cried and regretted why I should have met her.

Anyways, I am not that concerned right now! I have a peaceful life as far as it's a long time ago, but my face is still the way it is before. I murmured.

I should be going now, this time around, I will stay low. I said as I prepare to leave.

I made up my mind to leave like one, and try to kill the hunger for blood.

I came out of the hut and decided to burn it down. I took two gravel stones from the front yard of my hut and placed the hut on fire.

I left the forest and went straight to the business man's house.

After arriving at the front of the house, I was really beautiful and different from that of the passed 20 years. Now it was heavily guided; the guards walk to and fro inside and outside the house.

How can I enter without been noticed. I asked my self. I decided to be one of the guard. I quietly hid beside the gate, and I knocked two times harder. The gate keeper came out to see who is knocking, but didn't saw any one. So he decided to move forward if he could see anyone near the front of the gate. As he moved forward, I entered the compound and hid at the corner of one guards post near the gate. I sneaky near the guard and twisted his head letting him fall down quietly. I unclothed him and get dressed up with the guards uniform, then I clothed him with my clothing.

I looked towards the gate keeper and I saw him seated at the front of his house. What am I to do? I asked myself as I looked around. I decided to leave him there and take another route to where the man was.

I passed the backside and saw an hidden entrance on the floor, I just my force to break through the key and went in. I didn't want to alert any of the guards so I closed the entrance back; I just want to do it in a calm and secure way.

How will I get to his room? I asked myself guessing how secured the place might be.

I passed through the secret road into the kitchen store. I spy through the door and saw no one, I entered the kitchen, and took a glass and a cold juice from the refrigerator and poured some into the glass and drank it to cool the hot temperature!

I went to the door and saw four guides standing opposite each other along the way to the entrance of one room.

What should I do? I asked myself as I looked around. I saw an electric decoration light upward in the center of the kitchen, i calculated how I can distract them from their post. I got an idea, I have to pull that down and kill them silently. I said smiling wickedly.

With the full speed of light, I ran and jump up to the light and pull it into my hand. I slowly came down. I released it and hid. Thud.... The glass light scattered. What's that, three ran into the room and was observing, I looked and didn't see the last one, I decided to throw something to call him in. I picked one spoon under the cabinet of the and throw it up allowing it to land on the ground. Thud... It landed and I watch to see if he will come. In no time, he came in and asked them what's going on, and they explained that something strange is in the kitchen but they couldn't find it. Before he could turn back to leave, he saw me at the front of the door.

Who are you? He asked as he placed his hands on his gun.

Can't you see am a guard? I said with smoothly. What's happening? I further asked as I closed the door!

Umm. Something strange is in the kitchen, one of them said.

Ohh. Something strange? Could that be me? I asked loudly as they turned and saw no one only to hear their colleague creaming for help.

The remaining three brought out their guns and started hunting for me. I came from a dark corner and took all of their guns without them knowing.

In surprised they asked themselves, do you took my gum? They were at this point terrified and they began to beg.

I showed up and asked them if I should free them?

They answered yes!

On one condition! I cut in. How can I meet your boss? I asked as I turned back.

One of them wanted to strike me with a knife, but instead, I stabbed his throat without his concept. Thud he fell as the others became more terrified.

Are you ready to tell me, or you wanna die like him? I asked.

Room 40. One of they shouted in fear.

Thanks. I said and wanted to go but suddenly turned back. I can't leave you two alive because you have a clue that something is going on. I rushed them and cut off their throats.

I cleaned up the mess and his their body at the store. I cleaned my hands and went further.

I entered into the room which linked to the other rooms and saw a huge guard, he saw me and asked who I am? And why am I going into restricted areas.

I couldn't explain rather wanted to turn back.

Stop there. He said as he ran towards me and gave me a heavy punch on face. I staggered and staggered then I stood only to see him pointing a gun on me.

Wait! I said as he released the bullet from it's camp against me.

All I could see was bullet coming straight and very fast to my eyes.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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