
My Transmigration Daily Life

My name is Jay Oaks and I live a normal life, or well 'lived' a normal life, until I passed away at the age of 24. After my death I awoke to a place that looked almost the same but without a bunch of machines doing the hard work, and instead people having the ability to lift cars with their mind, create fire out of thin air and even fly. And this begins my adventures in another world.

Vanilla_IceCream16 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Day-2 A Peaceful Breakfast

"Where's Jay?"

"Huh? He was just here."

Jay rembered when he unequiped his talent earlier he was on the ground, so he decided to pick something standing. He shut his eyes, and repeated his process, before opening his eyes. Jay found he could move from shadow to shadow. Jay imagined himself and became normal again, well as normal as a transimigrater could be.

"I'm over here!"

Jay yelled out from under the dinning room chairs.

Ace walked over and saw Jay lying under a chair, which he was sure he wasn't there earlier.

"Why are you under there?"

"Testing out my talent..."

To Jay's displeasure, he was on the floor again. Jay felt a bit awkward lying under a chair while talking so he started to crawl out.

Both Ace and Jay sat back at the table and waited till breakfast was ready. Jay would have helped make breakfast, but he didn't know his way around the kitchen and decided he would only be a burden to Jasmine.

After a couple of moments, Jasmine walked out of the kitchen carring a bowl and a plate stacked high with pancakes. She set the plate and strawberry sauce bowl down on the dinning table and went back to the kitchen to collect an extra set of silverware and syrup. During that time the boys took it apon themselves to start serving food onto their plates. Jasmine came back shortly and got herself a mini stack of pancakes drizzled in strawberry sauce and syrup.

"I had an amazing dream last night. So first it start..."

"...And then I came in and was like..."

"...This client was awful. He called us and his only problem was..."

We told funny stories and about our dreams, Jasmine also told about some of the clients they had to deal with, we chatted all morning before Jasmine had to leave to go to the store and we had finished eating.

Ace and I cleaned the plates and dishes before Ace led me out to the shack again.

The shack was still as beautiful and glamorous on the inside as it was the last time I saw it but there were random objects in it now.

"Why is there a chair here now?"

"Oh yesterday I spent an hour placing stuff in here to help with your talent."

"Wait how did you know my talent?"

"Yesterday you showed me. And from a glance it's pretty obvious what your talent could be."

Jay flushed in embarrassment, as what Ace had said was completely true. In an attempt to cover his embarrassment he asked Ace a question:

"Cough...Anyway you know my talent, so what's yours?"

"Oh my talent? My talent is wind control."

"Wind control? What does it do?"

"Oh you know control's wind and allows me to see wind currents."

It seemed Ace didn't want to explain anymore, so Jay stopped asking and left a simple, but satisfactory reply:


Hello, I apologize for any mistakes I have made and for the short chapters. I will try to improve the length down the road.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Vanilla_IceCream16creators' thoughts