
Chapter 917: Dragon, Dragon, and More Dragons.

Chapter 917: Dragon, Dragon, and More Dragons.

On that morning, the landscape unfolded with a unique delicacy, like a finely written romance. The sun began its journey on the horizon, painting the sky in pastel and soft hues. The first rays of light touched the landscape with an ethereal caress, bathing it in a golden glow.

On the bank of the tranquil river, majestic trees gracefully leaned, their branches almost brushing the water in a caressing gesture. The leaves, like pages of a book, were turned by the morning breeze, revealing the hidden story of nature.

The mountains, imposing and enigmatic, served as a backdrop. Their silhouettes stood out against the sky, appearing as mysterious characters waiting to enter the plot. Lazy clouds drifted around the high ridges, casting ever-shifting shadows.

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