
Chapter 562: An Unpredictable Man.

Chapter 562: An Unpredictable Man.

In an abandoned house somewhere in Europe, a man in armor and a woman wearing a black business suit accentuating her voluptuous body were standing, looking down at a table.

"As expected, huh... He's not here." Victor narrowed his eyes in annoyance. Even though he knew the man wasn't here due to observing this place with his eyes before, he still had some hope that Mizuki would find some clue about him.

Concern for Mizuki's safety? He had some, but he also trusted the woman, and she was much stronger than before now that Scathach and himself trained her.

This was all due to her efforts. He would not treat her gently, but he would also keep his eyes on her. 

The proof was that even if Mizuki left, Kaguya's shadows were still merged within her shadow, so if Mizuki got into any dangerous situation she couldn't handle, Kaguya could pull the woman into the shadows.

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