
Chapter 235: Reunion

[Master, you need to wake up.] Kaguya's voice resounded in Victor's head.

[Yes, Master. You need to wake up.] Like Kaguya, Bruna spoke in a gentle tone.

[Master, wake up.] Eve spoke in a neutral tone.

The three maids called for Victor to wake up, but the man appeared to be in a deep sleep.

"..." A silence fell on the spot... I mean, in Victor's mind.

[What do we do...? He isn't waking up..] Maria asked.

[Hmm...] Kaguya seemed to be thinking about what to do.

[...Did he die from being burdened with breasts?] A gentle voice spoke. Although it spoke in a gentle tone, the voice carried a tone of exasperation that was clearly perceived by the other Maids.

[...Master is not a Japanese protagonist, he won't bleed from his nose and die because of it. He's just sleeping soundly.] Eve narrowed her eyes.

"..." Once more, silence fell upon Victor's mind.

[... Eve...] Maria spoke in a dry voice.

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