
My Three Hot StepBrothers

Shiruo_Aishi_22 · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Shiruo POV:

I went to open the door and was met by the 6'4, Neon orange haired, beautiful, half-brother I will have to live with for the next couple of years.

"Shiruo!"Jeremy practically yelled in my ear. I moved aside to let him in.

"Hi Jeremy," I said trying to sound cheery but just ended up sounding sarcastic.

"Oh please, we're brothers, call me Jiro."

"Okay, Jiro."

"You got your bags packed?" Jiro asked walking with me to the living room.

"Yep, I just need to go grab my-"

"SHIRUO!!" A voice interrupted me.

Suddenly I was almost tackled by some unknown force until I looked up and saw the Spiky and Salmond haired boy from the picture.

"For God's sake, Andrei! Don't kill the poor kid!" Jiro said prying Andrei off me.

"But why? He's my brother and I'm a hugger!" Andrei wined. He turned to me and said "I'm Andrei, I'm sure you probably don't remember me but I'm sure we can make some memories"

"You guys left me behind, again." A boy's voice said, I could only assume it's John.

"Hi... you must be Jhon," I said with a smile.

"No, I'm you're brother Christian, John is out in the car" he said.

"What?" My heart sank as I said this, did I really forget one?

"I'm just kidding, I'm John. Call me Jay, John, it doesn't really matter to me."

Thank God he was joking, "You guys can call me Shiro."

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? Strippers for my birthday?" Angela said walking into the room.

"More like my brothers for my going away day," I said.

"So... you're saying you didn't get me anything for my birthday?" She said disappointed.

"It's not even your birthday," I said "Guys, this is Angela, my best friend"

"Angela May, charmed I'm sure," Angela said waving at them.

"Well we really should get going before it gets too dark outside," Jiro said.

"Let me get one thing from my room then I'll be ready to go," I said running upstairs and grabbing the last thing of value to me, it was a crystal that was almost see through. I found it with my mother once and she said it was my good luck stone. I made one last look around and ran downstairs and put the stone in a pocket in my book bag.

Jiro grabbed my suitcase and put it in his trunk.

"Well I guess this is goodbye," Angela said.

"Yep, I'm going to miss you. Please look after the house until we sell it," I said.

"You're trusting me to do that?" Angela asked.

"I'm kinda out of options."

"Hey don't forget about your necklace."

"I won't," I got in the car and we started to drive off.


As the drive went on my brothers all kept asking me questions about myself, "What do you like to do?", "What music do you like?", "What's your favorite movie?", things like that.

Andrei spoke up, "Do you like horror movies? Cause we do this thing where we all watch a horror movie or two every Friday night."

Shit. I never liked scary movies, they're called scary movies for a reason, I get scared easily. But I didn't want to miss out on a chance to bond with my brothers and I didn't want to make them change their plans for me.

"Sounds fun," I said mentally face palming.

"So what is there to do for fun in your, well I guess our, town?" I asked changing the subject.

"Well it's not a big town, so there isn't a whole lot to do," Jiro said.

"But we have a movie theater, a couple of parks, woods all over the place," Andrei said.

"And I work part time at the best pizzeria in town" Andrei said.

"Where do you work Jiro?" I asked.

He looked at me through the rear view mirror, "I work from home, but we don't have to work much because our mom was well-off and left us her money."

"Oh," was all I could think to say.

I looked at my phone and saw we had been on the road for about an hour. Three more to go.


It was about 10:00 pm, 2 more hours to go and sleep was slowly trying to take over me.

I looked around the car and saw John was having the same battle next to me. Andrei was in front of me and he didn't look like falling asleep any time soon, I could tell he was a night owl. Jiro, who was in front of John, showed no sign of falling asleep.

I decided to surrender.

My eyes felt like magnets that suddenly got pulled together. Good luck separating them now.


I was half asleep and heard Andrei and Jiro talking up front.

"Aw, aren't they just so adorable?" Andrei squealed. He sounded like Angela talking about youtubers or anime.

"Take a picture before they wake up," Jiro said.

What did he mean by that?

I slowly started to realize what he meant. I didn't need to open my eyes to see what was going on. I was cuddled up and sleeping against John and from the slight snoring I could tell he was asleep too. Then all of a sudden there was a flash. Great.

My head was in the crook of his neck, his head reacting on mine and his arm was wrapped around my waist. It gets worse. My hand was resting on his thigh, dangerously close to... um... you know.... his THING.

I tried to act like I was sleepily getting away, but as soon as I retracted my hand and tried scooting away his grip got tighter.

There was no way I was getting out, but I kinda liked being held. I felt safe in his arms.

I had no idea how much longer it's going to be but I decided to go back to sleep.


"Sleeping Beauties wake up," I heard one of my brothers say while shaking me, "we're here!"

My eyes opened and I removed myself from John's grip, which was much easier when he was awake.

I got out if the car and closed the door. I got one of my bags from the trunk and Jiro got the other one.

Andrei came up to my side "Here's the house!"