
my three alpha mates

Dead Wolf Walking... That's me. Jessica Brown I'm supposed to be mated to the Alpha of the Crescent Moon pack. Except when he finds out my secret, he rejects me in front of everyone. Worse. My own pack turns their backs on me too. I have no one, no protection, nothing. I'm on my own against hunters who want to kill us all on sight. And without anyone to help me during the fated blood moon and my first shift, I'm screwed. Until three wolf shifters find me. They ignite a passion in me that I fear I won't be able to walk away from. And my wolf longs for a fated mate even if it's the one who rejected us. But I can't stay with these strangers, it's too dangerous. Once thev find out the truth about me. But I never knew they has other plants for me the three Alpha made a deal with a group of which for the exchange of my life for them to be free so I don't know who to trust I can't even trust myself I just want them to help me find my mother so that I can break this spell

Divine_Gold_7735 · LGBT+
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31 Chs

the game

Raven's words taunt me and I move to the kitchen to be alone. He doesn't believe I can become a wolf or do anything but cause trouble. Maybe I'm doubly cursed. This has to be the worst time of my life.

Thunder booms nearby and I jump. Ragged drops of rain hit against the roof like someone opened up the sky. Lightning streaks across dark clouds and my heart sinks.

So much for going outside now.

I can't face Raven or Aspen or even Dex right now. To keep from curling up in a ball and crying myself to sleep, I find a broom in the pantry and start sweeping the floor. The motion soothes me and I even knock down spider webs from the corners and light fixtures.

I move onto the living room, cringing every time the thunder cracks.

My mind mulls over everything that's happened in such a short time. Michael. My wolf lets out a pitiful wail.

And the more I think about what he did, the more I know I can't go back to him. Not after he rejected me. Not after he was such an ass without even trying to help me. 

unless I figure out how to release my wolf both from my physical body and from the fated mate with Michael, I'm doomed. Our wolves will pine for each other forever.

I can't stand that. Knowing I'm trapped just as much as I was before I got kicked out of my pack. All my life I've felt trapped and now my wolf has added a layer to my prison.

By the time I'm in the hallway that connects the bedrooms, my lower back is aching. Who knew how much dust and dirt a place could have?

There's no sign of the guys, but my skin prickles like they're talking about me in the back bedroom.

I square my shoulders and head back to the kitchen, intent on cleaning something else to get rid of the nervous energy coursing through my veins.

"Care for a game?" Dex's voice sounds behind me.

I squeal, spinning around with the broom in my hands.

His green eyes twinkle with mirth as he shuffles a deck of cards. "Didn't mean to scare you."

"You didn't." I prop the broom

the cink and bruch my hair out

next to the sink and brush my hair out of my eyes. "Where'd you get those?"

"Found them in a dresser. It's missing a king and an ace, but it's got two jokers." He shrugs, "Figured we could bend the corner of one to differentiate. You up for a game?"

As long as it's not strip poker. Barely stopped myself from having sex right here with Aspen earlier today.


Dex whistles and Aspen lopes around the corner with a smirk that makes me think they both might just be wanting me to lose and strip.

"What are we playing?" My voice is breathy and not as strong as I want it to be.

"Poker?" Dex's auburn eyebrow shoots up.

"Regular. That's it."

"You're crushing our hopes."

Aspen gives me a puppy dog look, but I cross my arms.

"Take it or leave it."

"Fine." Dex pulls out a chair at the table. The leg wobbles, but he takes off his shirt and stuffs it under the leg.

His muscles bunch and I sit on his right, trying not to stare. What have I gotten myself into?

"All right, what are the stakes?" Aspen pulls up a seat next to me with the chair flipped around the wrong way.

"Bragging rights," I say with determination. Though images of us naked play along the edges of my mind and Dex's bare muscled chest isn't helping any.

"Fair enough." Aspen grins like he's thinking anything but. "But I propose something more interesting like a favor."

"How do we know how many to bet?" My voice squeaks and I clasp a hand over my mouth.

"We don't," Aspen says, obviously enjoying my discomfort. "How about this, the loser has to do something for the winner, within reason."

"Like what?" I can't help but look back and forth between them.

"Whatever he wants?" Dex tilts his head and grins, but the gleam in his eyes makes me nervous.

"No. No way." I shake my head.

"I'm game, but I want something special." Aspen smiles.

I squirm, feeling a tightness in my core that's seriously not helping.

"Can't do that." I shake my head, not wanting to get into more trouble with these two.

"Nothing bad. Just a little fun," Dex adds.

"And what if I say no?"

"Then you can counter with another offer. Like if I ask for a foot massage, you can offer-"

"Not to break your toes?" I ask sweetly. But I'm not letting them get the upper hand here. Something tells me they'd wish for me to be naked and each of them kissing me everywhere.

Now that my mind has drifted there, I can't tell myself that I'd hate that idea.

Dex finishes shuffling the cards, dealing out three to each of us.

"So, how far have you both traveled?" I ask conversationally. The wolves around my hometown never talked much about the world beyond our border.

"All over. Even saw a circus once." Aspen mimics juggling and I laugh.

Dex's eyes light up. "Those acrobats scared the crap out of me."

"He was a late bloomer." Aspen winks at me.

"Shut up man" Dey grumb

"Shut up, man," Dex grumbles. "You gonna draw?"

Aspen and I both draw a card and Dex follows. I peek at my cards. A queen of hearts, three of diamonds, and a spade. Not much to go on. My new card is a two of clubs. "I fold."

Dex whistles and draws another card, then Aspen does the same.

"Okay. What have you got?" I

lean forward on the table.

"I'll go first," Aspen says, laying out his cards. A queen, king, and jack of hearts. "Three of a kind."

"Nice." Dex grins and lays down his cards. "A full house."

"Damn it." Aspen throws his cards down on the table.

I start laughing and they both stare at me like they want to do more than play cards. I blush and turn back to Dex. "Your deal."

"Let's play again and see how you fair against us." Aspen gleams, looking like he's about to get what he wants.

"This isn't going to end well for me, is it?" I groan.

"If you're careful," Dex says, sharing a knowing look with Aspen.

Jackpot World

mempo ORLD

Have fun at anytime and anywher...

thank you everyone for your love and support I know I am new here and this is my first book your support means a lot to me please Like it ? Add to library! thanks

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