
My thoughts

Social anxiety sucks although it has its strength

Like you over think every scenario in your head and you fligth or fight instinct kick .

Online is a great way to be whoever you want to be type something and people will see it and it make you happy.

Being tall sucks I mean for people with social anxiety you get stared at every direction and some people are " I wish to be this tall" trust me you don't.

Smoking is bad that's all I have to say who am I to say I smoke so... But don't smoke it will ruin you life, it will tear you apart like sharks when you don't smoke every hour every.

Is it bad that I don't wanna have a partner or am I just a spineless bastard that wanna be alone forever until I die, I love life as a single person.

Exams are eating right now especially math, math can just go fuck itself in a corner next to history.

Lesson of the day: Math and history fucking sucks ass