
My third life: Mass Effect Gamer Edition

After taking a small break,Zach, has returned to his life as a gamer, this time around his system has been updated into a Grand Strategy edition, with his new empire at his back, how far will the Gamer go to ensure that the Reapers lose in the end? What will the Galaxy look like after he is done? (Heavily Au, Gamer, Dark Elements, Borderline Evil Mc, Harem, Fast Paced )

AFallenNoble · Video Games
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Spartan B312

Downloading Mission log...

Spartan Name: Redacted

Call Sign: Lone Wolf

AI: Redacted

Mission: Redacted

Location: Omega

Spartan Leathity: Hyper-Lethal

Displaying Information captured by AI !"£$ on the Order of !"£$$.

<September 27th, 99 Years until the first contact war, 3rd Person Pov>

It was a standard night on the shit hole known as Omega, the gangs completing the regular shakedowns, some partying after a successful raid on some merchants, and others planning more attacks. Three gangs in question were going to have the night of their lives, they had received the backing of the Queen of Omega herself to target the Newly found UNSC, the 'Emperor' as he called himself had annoyed her, sending Spartans to interfere in trade on Omega, messing with her business, something no one gets away with, not on Omega.

The Ecplsie, the Blood Pack, and the Talons had targeted the Spartans, forcing the Team off the station, a fighting retreat, a bad showing for the UNSC, mere mercs had pushed them around, some council races would laugh at the news, the UNSC's response was to shrug it off, if Omega wouldn't bend then it wouldn't bend.

Was the official response, but in the back channels a plan was being formed, one that would have profound repercussions for years to come, one that grabbed the station and those that lived on it by their throats.

<???'s Pov>

My first mission since I was re-enlisted, my task? Rid the station of the Blood Pack, Talons, and the Eclipse, then send the 'Queen' a message, simple really.

'Mary, are you ready?'

'Yes Spartan'

An Ai responds in my helmet, it's still weird being issued one of these but I have seen their success, especially since the Councillor's attempt on the Emperor's life, Bulldog took that personally, his reaction times are now considered supernatural.

'I have plotted the quickest route to complete all objectives, would you like me to display the map?'

'Please do Mary.'

A holographic display appears in front of me, lighting up the wall of the slums I'm currently in, according to the map, the closest to me would be the Eclipse, an Asari-Salarian, mercenary group mostly. Anti-Biotic rounds it is, as well as a dampener, in and out, kill as many as possible without alerting anyone to my presence.

I kept to the shadows as I prowled through the slums of Omega, no one took in my presence as they salvaged what little food they could, fighting over scraps, on occasion some would call out to me until they saw my weapons, smartly they quickly backed down.

So what you want about the Asari, they are attractive as a species, shame they crossed us, I may have mixed feeling about the 'Emperor' but the visions he has shown me, of what is coming for these people, if I have to get my hands dirty to prevent that, then I will.

'Mary scramble the cameras'

'Done Spartan.'

"Hey you can't be-"


A silenced pistol shot to the head, the hand cannon tearing through her weak barriers, grabbing her body, I hide it in a cleaning closet then I proceed to clear the rest of the reception room before I make my way toward the central hall.

'32 life signs inside the room, 12 mechanized security guards too.'

'Activate camo.'

My armor flickers out of existence as I slowly enter the room, slinking past the ongoing party, I make my way upwards, I need to cut the head off the snake before that body is found, slowly I make my way through the building avoiding guards left and right as I find myself at the door to the main office, an Asari exits just as I'm about to enter it, one not to kill, the Daughter of the Queen.

Using the opening of the door, I slink in, making my slowly behind an Asari hunched over a computer, I slowly place a dampener on my short sword, lifting it from my side, I jam the blade through the side of her cheek in one quick movement, killing her dead before she can react.

'Mary, can you hack into their security controls?'

'Already done Spartan. Set Eclipse mercs as hostiles?'


Screams echo from behind me as I vacate the building under camo, next up is the Talons, the Turian-based gang is sneaky, and their headquarters is a few levels lower than where I'm right now, will be a pain to get to, at least the blood pack are located near afterlife, making the final stretch easier.

There is someone within their ranks that interests me, the 'Emperor' said I could recreate my old team if it pleases me, I want to check and see if the intel we have on him is true, if it is, I may not have to kill all of the Talons, just a select few, the more aggressive ones, the rest can be used as bodies for us on Omega.

Instead of the front entrance like last time, I skirt around the warehouse where the current leadership team of the Talons resides, to be fair the warehouse is hidden well amongst other broken-down and battered buildings.

Slipping in undetected, I quietly circle around the group before stepping out of the shadows, grabbing the leader, and jamming my blade through his shield and chin, straight through his skull. Quickly turning, I use his body to absorb the incoming hail of bullets before returning fire with my pistol, three headshots kill the three Turians stone dead, and one Male remains, standing still.

"Are you the one who contacted us?"

The male nods his head, "Tell the rest of the Talons that those who do not want to die to go to dock 31c, any we deem traitors will be eliminated in 3,2,1."

A large explosion echoes throughout the floor,

'15 survivors, all that followed my commands.'

"15 of your men have survived, take them to the docking bay, they will be extracted and trained in our military arts, we will give Omega a chance, a single chance to be something better."

With a nod of his head, the Turian turns and scampers off towards his men, two down, two to go, the fun ones for last, stealth is out of the window for the Blood Pack, need to show what a single Spartan is capable of, beating Krogan in open battle should be a good showing.

The elevator music in this place is the first thing we should change, I mean it's all the same, I thought *Redacted* was bad.

The Blood pack compound is easier to find than the other two, simply follow the smell of shit right until you find Vorcha rolling in it, I reach for my pistol before changing my mind, it's time for old faithful, a M45E Tactical shotgun, two rounds is enough to tear through the Vorcha and its health regen capabilities.

Turning to the side I salute the security camera before Mary turns them off, two frags grenades into the room in front of me, followed by a few plasma grenades for good measure. Using the explosions as cover, I enter the room shotgun blasting, I would make *Redacted* proud.

I hear the grunts of my shots hitting something, two Vorcha go down but A Krogan stands in my way, blood pouring from his stomach, a primal roar escapes his mouth as he charges at me with a speed he should not be capable of, his wound rapidly healing as his shoulder comes into contact with my armor, forcing me back a couple of steps.

I smile under my helmet before I wind my head back and headbutt the brute, the weight of my armor causing him to stagger, seizing the initiative, I slam my blade into his ribcage, I stare for a second as the wound begins to heal around the blade.

Before he can fully recover, I rip my blade out of his stomach, and quickly, I shove a plasma grenade into the rapidly healing wound, for a second nothing happens before the Krogan explodes, painting the room red.

No recovering from that I guess.

Moving through the compound, I quickly tear through the remaining Vorcha and what appear to be weaker versions of my initial Krogan sparring partner, younger if I had to guess.

'This is the final room Spartan, three life signs remaining.'

I push open the heavily decorated door, a Krogan in extravagant armor stares me down from a primitive throne, on one side a Vorcha, the other an Asari dancer.

"I assume you know why I'm here Battlemaster?"

The Krogan gets up from his throne, kneeling down he picks up a giant war hammer, reminiscent of the Grav Hmammers back home. A smile appears on his face, "We poked a sleeping predator no? Is Aria your next target?"

"No, she will get a message, one she should have accepted the first time around. The Emperor doesn't like being disrespected, those Spartans were dealing in tech, tech Aria couldn't use. Well, it matters not, we both have our jobs to do."

The Krogan laughs at this as the giant hammer comes at me quickly, flaring in biotic energy as it tears through the floor where I was standing.

The air barely clears as the hammer comes at me once more, the fatigue from the night finally catching up with me as I fail to react in time, the blow arching overhead..

'Initializing Armor lock'

A familiar coating covers my armor as the hammer impacts with it, my body shakes as my armor dents the floor, the impact leaving a massive indent, the counter-force causes the Krogan to fall back slightly, using what little Stamina I have left, I force myself to move quickly.

Grabbing my blade I slice at the Krogans hands, cutting a finger clean off, I then ram my blade into where one of its hearts should be, unfortunately, the blade stops short of the target, pushing off its large frame, I give myself a second to breathe as the beast enrages itself.

'Unlocking Genome B-46 under the Protocal A15'

My body began to shake heavily as I feel something change deep within me. something I can't explain happens as a deep Biotic hue surrounds my body, moving on its own my body attacks the Krogan with a Biotic charge, slamming it into the wall.

A Biotic lance appears in my right hand, without thinking I jam it through the head of the Krogan, splattering his brains all over the wall.

'What the hell was that Mary?'

'The Emperor's gift to you, your reward for your actions in protecting Humanity.'

"As She said, it is a gift to you, you may return home now spartan, your job is done, I will meet with Aria myself, the Talons have been extracted and are waiting for you on Fortress Styx, forge them into a force you can use."

With a blink, I'm back in my room in the floating fortress...

Report closing, the interaction between the Emperor and Aria is not confirmed...

Felt motivated, not sure about this chapter to be honest but it is what it is, an Mc light chapter, if you know who the Spartan is, Kudos to you.

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