
My third life: Mass Effect Gamer Edition

After taking a small break,Zach, has returned to his life as a gamer, this time around his system has been updated into a Grand Strategy edition, with his new empire at his back, how far will the Gamer go to ensure that the Reapers lose in the end? What will the Galaxy look like after he is done? (Heavily Au, Gamer, Dark Elements, Borderline Evil Mc, Harem, Fast Paced )

AFallenNoble · Video Games
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7 Chs

Setting up a meeting.

Chapter Two

?'s Pov, 26th March, 99 years to the first contact war...

The ship lands gently and with precision, something I wasn't used to with our old Salarian pilot, speaking of, I wonder what they did with the rest of the crew on the ship? From what I can tell they weren't loaded onto my ship...

Maybe they were killed...

No positive thoughts, they are fine and so am I, nothing is going to


One of the soldiers snarls?, not knowing what he said, I sat still in my cell, before I was forcibly thrust onto my feet, they motioned for me to move, and following their orders, I walk out of the ship into some sort of spaceport, again not matching anything have seen from any of the Citadel species once again confirming that whatever species we have stumbled onto is new to the galactic scene before I can take in any more of the sights, a bag is thrown over my head...

Bulldog's Pov

Dragging the now limp alien towards the citadel, I smile as the crowd cheers as we walk past them, they see this as us successfully defending our borders from a hostile threat, a lie the emperor has told to keep morale high, it was just a science vessel for now.

The emperor is sure that a military scouting fleet will follow the vessel's path as the area they went missing is a 'Danger Zone' to the Council. I do not know who this council is but the venom in the Emperor's tone when he speaks of them has convinced me that they are not going to be helping us in the future.

I smile and wave to the crowds, making sure the Alien's appearance is not seen by the public, for such a small creature, 'she' is heavy as hell, moving forwards we finally arrive at the Citadel, the giant blacks walls shimmer as we pass through the forcefield that protects the building from bombardment.

?'s Pov


I awake in pain, feeling the coldness of a stone floor, I'm forced to kneel while the bag over my head is removed, and the first thing that comes into sight is a large black throne made from a type of crystal I can't recognize, atop the throne is an animal like Humanoid? He smiles as he stares down at me, pointing to his left, I turn and what I see causes my body to freeze in place as tears fall from my eyes.

The bodies of my former crew lay in a pile, their blood covering the bottom step of his throne,

"They made their choice"

A masculine voice says in my head,

"They refused my offer and as a result, their silence had to be bought in a less useful way, tell me Asari are you going to be useful or not?"

I couldn't tear my eyes away from my former crew, the captain looked like her head and been ripped in two,

"Earth to Asari, Anyone home?"

Her second in command was missing both of her arms, her corpse lay face first on the floor, her mouth open over the bottom step,

"Last chance before I take the information directly from your head and you end up like those you once followed."

Zach's Pov

I know who the Asari is, she happens to be the daughter of the Asari councilor, to say I lucked out would be a massive understatement, I have a way to control the first meeting with the council races, I know from the Crews' memories that the daughter in front of me is heavily doted upon. So this will either go one of two ways, her mother unleashes the full force of the Asari military on me and I'm crushed or she will cede the surrounding systems to my upstart Empire and I will have a few systems worth of resources to use to kickstart the economy and military.

I need to quickly expand out of my sole cluster if I want to have any say at all on a Galatic stage, am I risking everything on a clingy parent, Yes, yes I am. Some may see this as short-sighted but to win you need to risk it now and again, my fleet is expanding rapidly at this point in time, 30 frigates armed with the latest torpedo tech, 70 corvettes built with a mixture of kinetic and laser weapons, research focusing on improving the shields and armor is ongoing while my biology team focuses on cloning technology, I need it ready for my plans with the Asari counselor...

"I will tell you what you need to know"

The tear-stained Asari squeaks up at me.

"Good, you will be moved to a separate room within the castle, and food will be prepared for you while our scientists prepare to do studies on your biotics and genes, they will not harm you unless you give them a reason to when the time comes you will be returned to Council until then I suggest you behave yourself."

I gesture to Bulldog who quickly knocks the Asari out, dragging her off to the 'Servants' quarters, honestly, this can go either way, I hope it will fall my way but that remains to be seen.

22nd of April, 99 years till the first contact war, Vanessa Del Deray's Pov.

Just under a month passes and like clockwork the Emperor's words come true, a military-grade fleet of thirtyish ships arrives in the Mulla Xul System via the mass effect relay, our fleet sits there waiting just outside of the range of their weapons, "Scan them"

I command, "We need the command ship, once it is located, open communications, forcefully if needed, as the Emperor wishes to bargain."

My crew to their benefit find the command ship quickly, I have to say being in charge of such a gifted crew is nice and makes my job easier, I was unsure when the Emperor appointed me as his lead envoy but he mentioned my natural charisma stat is the highest amongst our people, whatever that means.

The beautiful view of space is instantly replaced by the inside of the command ship, their bridge is significantly bigger than ours but that fair consider the class of the ship is also bigger, the Emperor refuses to build larger ships claiming without the right technology it would be a wasted effort, he has yet to steer us wrong,

"You are in UNSC space, state your intent or you will be 'Escorted' back to where you came from."

For a second silence reigns from their ship until a woman on a large blue-tinted chair jumps to her feet and screams "WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER!"

With a small smile, I repeat the Emperor's demands as the woman falls back into her chair, her face paling as I speak, for a second their ship's weapons heat up before they power down again, smiling at the screen, I Speak once more "I look forward to meeting you in person Lady councilor, The Emperor has also expressed his desire to meet you, a shuttle will approach you now, I hope you enjoy your visit to the Imperial Shipyard."