
My third life: Mass Effect Gamer Edition

After taking a small break,Zach, has returned to his life as a gamer, this time around his system has been updated into a Grand Strategy edition, with his new empire at his back, how far will the Gamer go to ensure that the Reapers lose in the end? What will the Galaxy look like after he is done? (Heavily Au, Gamer, Dark Elements, Borderline Evil Mc, Harem, Fast Paced )

AFallenNoble · Video Games
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<Zach's Pov, Imperial Fortress Styx, UNSC space, 14 Feb 2147CE>

My first date with Hannah Shepard was 'Interesting' we agreed to meet this Saturday again, I think I will go myself, and let my body doubles run this place for a while. No bites from the Krogan yet, there will be soon, I'm sure.


With a sigh I roll over, looking at Vanessa, kneeling at the side of my bed, giving me the perfect angle to look down her dress, it takes me a moment to gather myself, "Yes?"

"The Salarain Dalatrass has requested that she speak to you, she has intercepted a UNSC ship containing the first clan of Krogan, they were meant to arrive UNSC space this morning, the Salarians held them at the jump point into the Hawking Eta cluster."

With another deep sigh, I force myself out of bed, already missing the softness, I drag myself towards the cabinet, trying and failing not to laugh at the interest my head diplomat has in my body. I do a slight spin before chuckling as she briefly blushes, grabbing my formal clothes from my dresser, I quickly get dressed.

"Tell the Grand Admiral to send Protection fleet three to the Horsehead Nebula, they are an intimidation tactic, if the Salarians fire first we shoot to disable their ships, the Krogans are the priority, Salarian life is a secondary factor."

Vanessa bows her head before leaving the room, a take a second before I shift into my |Empeorr 'Form', my face distorts, twisting and contorting with shadows, my voice drops with octaves lower while my regal clothes are replaced by pure black robes.

Teleporting into my Holo-conference room, I answer the call with the angry lizard, this takes me back, to the time I freed Draig from her gauntlet just to trap her in a sword, her reaction was priceless...

Took two months for her to talk to me again, worth it if you ask me.

"Dalatrass, you and your people are walking a very fine line, your puppet on the council will have warned you about crossing me but you saw it as wise to test me. Have you asked the Turians about the consequences of that? They used to own most of the Attican traverse and now, they own next to none of it, their few remaining clusters are mine if I want them, not sure I do, to be honest. Frog might be my next choice of food."

<Half An Hour Earlier, Squad A3, UNSC Special Forces Leader, Melssia Manfort>

With a smile, I'm led with the Krogan into a prison section of the ship, I can feel the rage of the Krogan slowly seep from their bodies, some aimed at me, the others at the Salarians. The leader of the clan however is calm, a female who simply stares at me, "A trap? Have you led us into a trap?"

I shake my head, removing my helmet, a sin to some Spartans back home, showing my face to the Krogan, I smile "It appears that the Krogan's reputation has agitated the local pond life, may I make a suggestion?"

The Krogan slowly rises to her feet and gestures for me to continue, "How about we ride this ship home? I have a plan, you just have to trust me, the Emperor will guide us."

"You trust him that much?" The female questions me.

"He has yet to make a mistake, the Galaxy has yet to see the true might of our empire, much we have kept from prying eyes, our two flagships will be completed by the end of the year, once they are done, I assume we will be testing them on those who have wronged us."

"Your plan?"


With a click of my fingers, my Ai companion disables the shield holding us in the cell, "Fight for control of the ship, I assume some of you have some pent-up anger you all need to release? Well now is the time, go and smash some skulls. Try not to kill but if a few go missing, they go missing,"

A few of the male Krogan cheer at this while the female simply smiles, what happens next is simply a blur of blood and carnage, slowly we make our way toward the bridge...

<Zach's Pov, Imperial Fortress Styx, UNSC space>

A datapad pulses next to me, picking it up I smile as turn to the Dalatrass once more, it appears she just got the same information I did, the cruiser they used to seize my diplomatic ship has itself been seized by a single Spartan and a group of unarmed Krogan, Ironic.

"So your demands were? To not cure the Krogan of the disease that you gave them after they saved your ass from a Salarian mistake? The way I see it you just made TWO enemies, myself and the Krogan who I will heal, and any more that come to me, the thing is Dalatrass. seeing you with egg on your face isn't enough, I want a public admission of your actions as well as an apology."

I cut her off as she goes to speak, "You have until the end of the week before my strike teams move in, I know where your secrets are kept, remember that while you decide."

<Zach's Pov, Unknown Restaurant, New York, Earth,16th Feb 2147CE>

"So Hannah, have you done anything interesting since our last little get-together?"

The Redhead shakes her head, "Not much, I have applied to join the Alliance, the ruins are propelling humanity to the stars, I want to be there, helping us push forward."

A smirk covers my face quickly before fading,

"What do you find funny about that?"

I can't resist.

"Hannah take my hand."

Hesitantly she takes my hand and we vanish, appearing on the pavement of Gehenna, a major tourist city built on Lucifuge, Hannah falls, I quickly catch her and lift her up, "Welcome to Lucifuge, the capital city of the UNSC, I as the emperor of this Alien empire welcome you with open arms, want to go get some Ice cream, it is much better than the shit on Earth."

Hannah understandably stands there frozen, whelp looks like I'm stuck here until her brain restarts...

I finally completed one of the first chapters for my Dxd Re-write, it's been published if you are interested. Had some spare time in between work so I wrote this smaller chapter, hope you enjoy it.

The next chapter will solely focus on Hannah and the Mc as well as the city that they are in so I can show a bit more of the actual makeup of the empire on a day-to-day basis.

Thanks for reading, cya later.

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