

What if you found out that you are gay? What would you do if you found out that you fell deeply in love with your best friend? What would you be able to do to defend your relationship with your best friend? Would you be able to shout from the rooftops that you are gay and that you cannot live without him? These are some of many conflicts that Adrián and Agustín must overcome, if they really want to be immensely happy and must put an end to an evil that can threaten to end their love. A love, a destiny and many problems are the ingredients of this love story.

VULCANO · Realistic
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36 Chs


The García Garcés family are Peruvians and come from a working middle-upper class, and for generations, they have started working, since they were fourteen, to be able to help with the economic income and at the same time, to be able to bring food home.

Thanks to that, they know the true meaning of the following phrases "earn their daily bread" and "be the family support and what little they earn, they share it with the rest of the family, friends, acquaintances and help others, in everything they need.

Juana Garcés, meets Antonio García at school. In the beginning, they were with their respective groups, and after two weeks, they were already the best of friends, and at the end of the year, they were already a couple.

They went to university together because they did not want to and could not be far from each other, and there was also the fact that they wanted to know each other deeply.

After two years of career, they decide to get married and the wedding (both ecclesiastical and civil), were super romantic, simple, but above all, you could see the immense love they have.

A year later, Juana and Antonio became Antonio's parents, and they decided to call him that, after his father. After two years, Juana and Antonio had twins named Renny and René.

Juana and Antonio decided to call the twins that way in honor of their respective parents. There were complications during Juana's delivery and the García Garcés family, as good Catholics that they are, left everything in the hands of God and, the only thing they asked of him is that, if the twins were born without any problem and if he did the miracle that Juana would continue alive, as a form of gratitude, they would go every weekend to give hot chocolate with a sandwich, and they did.

They have the custom of going every day to the entrance of each hospital to sell hot chocolate with a sandwich and they sell it for free.

Despite the fact that the García Garcés family does not earn much money, what little they have and that they earn, they share with all the people whom they see having trouble.

The following year, Juana, Antonio, their children, their family, and friends, gave a warm welcome to their last son, who is named Agustín.

Everyone was happy to see how the family was getting bigger and bigger, and they were more and more united and grateful to God, for everything they have and for the incredible moments they shared with him.