

What if you found out that you are gay? What would you do if you found out that you fell deeply in love with your best friend? What would you be able to do to defend your relationship with your best friend? Would you be able to shout from the rooftops that you are gay and that you cannot live without him? These are some of many conflicts that Adrián and Agustín must overcome, if they really want to be immensely happy and must put an end to an evil that can threaten to end their love. A love, a destiny and many problems are the ingredients of this love story.

VULCANO · Realistic
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36 Chs


Adrián and Agustín, met when they were six years old and met in kindergarten.

At first, they weren't friends, because everyone had their group of friends and they were just acquaintances.

Little by little, they began to treat each other and get to know each other thoroughly; until, they ended up being friends.

They did not care at all about social classes; far from it, that they could not mix. All of Adrián's family is wealthy and Agustín's family belongs to the working class.

There was nothing they didn't do together, and when they dated, they did it together and with their friends. As friends, they became the best of friends and over the years, the friendship they had became unbreakable.

They didn't know anything about the LGTB world; far from it, that it existed because their respective relatives have done the impossible so that they do not know anything about that world.

Because Agustín comes from the working class, he, all his family, and his friends do know about the LGTB community, because some of his neighbors are gay and get along well with each other and with all the people who live near them.

Despite their social differences, they were always aware of each other; until Adrián's father got a millionaire job in Singapore, and he had to travel that weekend.

The farewell they had was sad, and they swore they would never forget.