
Chapter six

a/n hey pups I missed a day of writing but that's Oki cuz yk I was Ina writer's block.

anyway I'm getting the kitten soon! maybe a couple weeks to a month 🥰🥰🥰 haha. I'm excited.

Morgan's pov:

the shit- did I just call Leo sexy? I wouldn't be lying the way he looked was feminine, cute and sexy, I'm not even ashamed, anyone who has eyes could clearly see that, doesn't mean anything, I'm not gay.

Leo's pov:

I sat there on my phone scrolling through TikTok with my earbuds in, I could feel Morgan's gaze on me, maybe he was just worried about me? I dunno I got up and went to the kitchen I grabbed a box of cereal and started up the stairs I ran down the hall and plopped on the bed I grown slightly and shoved my hand into the box picking out the marshmallows from the Lucky charms that s*** hits differently I yawned and laid back shoving a fistful of cereal into my mouth I put the box down and rolled over onto my side looking out the window I heard faint voices down the hall and I got up to go see what was happening I peeked around the corner to see Morgan on his phone arguing with somebody I think it was his girlfriend or something I don't even know what his sexuality is or his relationship status but I honestly don't care he may be hot but I'm not attracted to him I don't think okay that's a lie I'm quite attracted to him his tall frame and muscular shoulders leading down to his toned waist and thick thighs I mean he is a soccer player damn soccer boys are hot s*** I need to check on Carl and make sure his parents are okay with me staying the night I walked past Morgan knowing he was staring at me I don't know why I could feel his gaze on my ass it was weird but I didn't mind. I ran down the hall and took the stairs screaming hey Carl your parents good if I stay he answered with a of course doofus and get your dumbass in here and watch the movie with me and Matt the love bugs snuggled together I gagged I was just in hook up some one night stands nothing serious though if I got a chance with Morgan or someone like that I take it he is insanely hot holy s*** God help me I'm getting hard.

a/n I used speech to text LMAO IM LAZY XDXDXD 💀💀💀💀💀💀