
chapter one Halimah at school

It was a beautiful morning and Halimah packing her bag to leave for school and her mum at the car waiting.

Halimah quickly and hurriedly carried her bag downstairs " mum,where are u am downstairs" Halimah said in happy tone,"am outside,please hurry"Halimah's mum replied opening the boot of the car.

Halimah quickly took her bag outside and put it in the boot and entered the car,and her mum drove off.

"mum am going to miss u guys ooo" Halimah said in soft tone, "same my love, just face your studies and make us proud" her mother said.

An hour later Halimah got to school,and her mum dropped her off and left.

Halimah took her bag inside her room,she took her phone and went online to chat her friend Zainab, telling her that she has arrived,her friend became very happy to know that Halimah is home,and she planned to pay Halimah a surprise visit.

Two days later. Halimah was sitting in her room chatting,when she heard a sudden knock on the door,"who is there" she asked in surprise, cause she wasn't expecting anyone, but the person knocking kept quiet,"who is there" she asked again, "ma your friend sent me to you"she replied,"ok am coming"Halimah too her hijab and went to open the door.

"ahhh"Halimah screamed in surprise,"you did not tell you were coming" she said laughing,"i wanted to surprise you,that why i did not inform you about it"her said friend smiling, they both hugged each other. "can i come in now" zainab said to her Halimah, Halimah smile "come in if you want or should i carry you inside"Halimah said holding Zainab hands.

Zainab came and dropped her bag on the bed and sat down,"wow Halimah,i really missed you" Zainab said holding Halimah's shoulder. "Before you start your stories, tell me what you want to eat first", Halimah replied smiling,"hmm okay i want to eat my favorite, hope you remember my favorite food"Zainab said looking at Halimah with her facing another side , Halimah smiled "madam indomie,i remember"Halimah answered in a sweet tone.

Halimah went inside the kitchen and prepare indomie for her friend.

some minutes later Halimah brought in two plates of indomie,one for Zainab one for herself.

they both ate and after which Zainab told Halimah that she was going to spend two days with before leaving .

Halimah became very happy to hear that from from Zainab.

the next day after eating breakfast, Zainab took Halimah's phone to watch videos on Facebook, in the process she accepted some friend requests for Halimah "ooo my God see the way Halimah snubs people" Zainab said while accepting the friend requests.

Halimah was in the bathroom and couldn't reply to what Zainab said.

Halimah came out of the bathroom and started laughing, "what is funny"Zainab asked steering at Halimah, "don't mind me, what are u doing on my phone,hope you are not accepting friend requests" Halimah said frowning at Zainab,"yes no"Zainab replied Smiling,"what is yes no,abeg hand over my phone to me"Halimah said in hash tone,Zainab became angry and handed over Halimah's phone back to her.

Zainab stood up and walked out.

and other hand Halimah took her clothes and dressed up,after which she jumped on the bed and sleep.

Three hours later Halimah woke up,she called out for Zainab but Zainab was no where to be found. Halimah knew she was angry at her,so she carried both of their books and left for lectures, she knew that she was gonna find Zainab there. Halimah rushed out running to comp us.

Halimah got to comp us and she went straight to where they both sit to read or eat,getting there, she met one of Zainab course mate,so she decided to ask her wether she might have seen her,but it turned out to be that Zainab did not go to school.

Halimah became worried, and her heart started beating fast,she became frightened. She quickly took her phone to call Zainab,but her line was not reachable,"oh my God where can she be,please Zainab come back am nothing without"Halimah said with her face full of worries. Halimah turned back and went back home to see if perhaps she might had went back home.