
My System Turns Anime Bloodlines Into Cultivation Technique

reborn in a new world with a lottery system that can give many anime abilities, but I have to collect people's rage... this is going to be troublesome

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

reason? I destroyed it

Sora sat within the heavenly court as he overlooked the top experts within the court, Ling Han had entered a deep sleep after drinking the ultra-divine water, So, Sora had to take charge of the court. the war was just about to break out, as the wat emperor, Sora was already being eyed. but Sora knew everything there was to war, he could come up with the best strategy, and had a sharp sense of opportunities.

It didn't take long for the war between the 7th heaven and the first heaven to break out. portals opened up all over the first heaven, and waves of armies rushed out. but they were greeted by an army from the first heaven.

both armies got into their formation, forming a huge avatar. the immortals from the 7th heaven eyes shrank seeing the formation the first have has set up, it perfectly counters their formation, and made a much stronger avatar. just 100 million experts, ranging from mid golden immortal to half step immortal emperors came together to form an avatar with power no less than a half step late immortal emperor.

Nothing needed to be said, some were slaughtered, and some became prisoners of water, the 7th heaven was pushed back, and only those top experts within the 7th had hopped off facing these formations. but there were 3 of such avatars, and no one was foolish enough to believe they threw their full power out just like that.

Back to the heavenly court, the top experts were watching a screen showing the battlefields all over the first heaven they were dominating. Sora drank from a golden wine glass, the wine within the glass made everyone within the court light head, and even space and time were affected by this wine. but the wine glass had some magical ability that suppressed it and kept it in stop conduction.

this wine was a powerful lesser god live wine from the treasure, of course of not low grade. the wine glass was also a treasure, it was a half-step gold grade treasure with the ability to increase the quantity of a liquid place within. the cup was infinite in size and could infinitely increase whatever was within. so long as a simple drop was within. the effect was instant, of course, if there was energy.

"Lord, these formation desks?" an expert said softly as he looked at Sora. the reason why the formation could show such power was because of a formation desk Sora gave them to become the core of the formation. this desk made sure everyone within the formation was one, their mind was one, and their teamwork was perfect. this formation desk also connected all their energy, fusing it, and sending it back to them both pure and stronger than any normal formation could do.

before even a trillion of experts would barely have strength at the mid immortal emperor, but now. that level of power was gained with only 100 million experts. this is not even adding the fact Sora suppressed the desk slightly.

these desks belonged to the top experts within the 21 and above experts, it's as if once someone reaches the 21 heavens, it's a brand-new plane of existence. on that heaven, it's longer than all 20 heavens below it combined, the number of experts and power horses there were endless. they also limited the knowledge of those below the 21 heavens, so these desks were something that should have ever appeared within the first heaven

"that's nothing you should be worried about. send formation D to the 7th heaven, have them slaughter everything which refuses to submit. have them start with the heavenly court there." Sora said calmly, a expert nodded as he went to pass down Sora's order

moments later, a new screen popped up which showed the group Sora sent entering the 7th heaven and heading towards the heavenly court of the 7th heavens. the experts within the 7th heaven were already panicking, how could they expect the first heaven to be so powerful? the whole 7th heaven was panicking,

nothing needed to be said, this army was stronger than the other, having power over the late immortal emperor, even those half step late immortal emperor with the power capable of matching those at late immortal emperor was helpless and forced to submit.

it was forbidden for 1 heaven to take control of another, this was something the heavenly race had ordered. but would Sora care? of course, not, he began taking over the 7th heaven, and within 500 years, the whole heaven was under his rule. but he announced it as it being under his rule, and not of the first heaven

Sora then steps his eyes on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th heaven. for the heavens, Sora just had their heavenly court, demon court, Buddha court, all-out sect leaders, and powerhouses placed under the supreme illusion, loyal towards him.

after which, Sora just sat back, and began looking for the world core of the heavenly realm, this was something Sora couldn't wish for as it was above his power. so, he had to start studying the heavenly realm closely.

another 500 years went by, on this year someone that happened rarely happened. all the 33 heavens lined up perfectly, it was rare as the heavens were always moving. but for 1 minute every trillion or so years, all the heavens would line up in order.

but something was off this time from all of the other times this had happened. all the top experts noticed something happening within all 33 heavens at the same time. a formation starting from the first head, which went through the countless planets which were perfectly lined up, then connected with a formation within the second all the way to the 33rd heaven suddenly happens.

every expert in the world was alerted, and everyone watched as a huge circle that transcended the limitation of space, connected all 33 heavens. the circle began turning into a portal, a powerful dragon aura come out of the portal, and with a heaven-shaking roar, a huge dragon came out of the portal, this dragon was shockingly within every heaven at the same time.

a dragon that could be in more than 1 place at the same time, ignores the rules of space and time. every expert instantly knew what dragon this was, the ancestor dragon. the father of all dragons, even the dragon sovereign would fear this dragon.

"... I forgot about the dragon empress," Sora said as he facepalms, around the time he came to the immortal realm, he rained into an expert who was a mayor of a small city. he was placed there by the orders of the dragon empress and was only waiting to follow orders to slaughter the whole city to make a blood sacrifice. Sora was going to cause trouble for that dragon empress, but he lost interest after reaching a level of strength.

the dragon ancestor was a half-god realm expert, but he was killed by the combined forces of all the sovereigns when he tried to absorb the Dao and become one with it. if he was allowed to follow through with his places, then he would have become as powerful as the Dao. this was why the heavenly court was so important, without anyone protecting there was a chance someone would trick heaven into thinking they were dead, as the heavens tried to return them back to heaven and earth, they could counter that and instead absorb the heavens.

the heaven Dao no to conscious, it treated everyone equally. if one had the capability to do something, then they could. if the dragon ancestor had the capability to pass heaven's wrath, then the heavens would stop resisting. this was something that they couldn't ignore, and not the dragon ancestor has come back from the dead.

but killing a god was easier said than done, gods transcend the concept of Life and death. they are beings that can't be truly killed, as so long as their concept is around, they will come back one way or another. the dragon ancestor although a half step god realm expert, he had something similar, so long as even a memory of him exists, he was alive. he just needed someone to summon him back, and allow him to come back to this world and not exist as a memory.

a powerful roar that could destroy all the heavens below the 4th heaven sound, making all of the experts which those heavens shake in fear. this was the power of a half step immortal, a whole heaven could be destroyed just with a roar.

"Interesting," Sora said as he sat on a beach, sunbath, he removed the sunglasses from his eyes and looked at all 33 heavens, he was relaxing within the 4 divine beast empire. they were planning to have a party for this rare event of all the heavens lining up, but the roar was even felt here. even the deepest levels of hell felt that roar

"So, you hear that. but my cries for help when a sea monster almost drowns me are ignored." Ling Zichen said unhappily

"You can't drown," Sora said calmly, Ling Zichen seemed to be hit with lightning, seemly remembering she didn't even need air to live.

"I would be worried that the water damaged your head... but let's be honest, it could only help you at this point." Ling Yiyi said calmly as she read a book.

"5 eye freak." Ling Zichen said angrily, Sora sighed as he ignored them. they were over a thousand years old now, you would expect them to grow up.

"Dad." Song Tian said softly as he walked up to Sora, Sora sighed as he removed his eyeglasses to look at him. but just as he was about to speak, Song Yu covered his mouth from behind and said something through her spiritual sense. Song Tian nodded before leaving, leaving a confused Sora who was looking at Song Yu waiting for an explanation

"I think it some come from me... but Song Tian and her girlfriend broke up." Song Yu said quietly, Sora nodded slightly, but he frowned slightly. Song Tian went told his mother this before him, his own father. Sora sighed as he put his glasses on.

Song Yu sat next to him and began to think deeply before she spoke

"what's your idea of two people of the same sex being married?" Song Yu asked, Sora took off his sunglasses and looked at her with a frown

"you're thinking of leaving me for a woman?" Sora asked, Song Yu, frozen slightly before frowning

"Yes, I've been holding it all my life, I ask a simple question and you think I'm leaving you." She said with a roll of her eyes, Sora shrugged slightly.

"If it's a male, it's disgusting. but for females, it's just the most romantic thing in the world." Sora said making Ling Yiyi, Ling Zichen, and Song Yu speechless. Song Yu frowned as she left, leaving Sora confused he knew she was mad. but what did he do?

"and you think she got it from mom..." Ling Yiyi said with a shake of her head as she walked off, Leaving Ling Zichen and Sora confused at what she meant by that...

but Sora had to leave as he noticed the dragon ancestor was moving to destroy the heavenly court within each heaven. the top experts within the heavenly race have already moved to stop him, but they didn't move to stop those below the 21 first heaven

Sora flashed as he appeared before the dragon ancestor within the first heaven, and his clones appeared within all the other heavens, from the 7th heaven and below. the dragon ancestor was huge, larger than galaxies, which were of course countless times larger than those within the lower realm. But Sora simply grew to be as large as him

"you got a nice cloning technique boy... and your physique." the dragon ancestor said with narrowed eyes as he eyed Sora up and down.

"Interesting, you are one with all of the other you within the other heavens, yet you are different. it's like a clone technique. yet it's not a cloning technique," Sora said softly seeing how he couldn't copy this technique of this dragon

"Haha, I exist on all planes of existence within the heavenly realm." The dragon ancestor laughed as it opened its mouth and tried to swallow Sora, but Sora's hand flashed slapping the dragon across the face. the dragon ancestor froze, it took it a few seconds to understand what just happened. it had a hard time understanding that someone at mid-level 6

"Have some respect. I thought we are having a nice chat, and out of the blue, you attack me? I'm hurt." Sora said helplessly, the dragon ancestor's eyes turned bloodshot as he attacked Sora angrily. Sora frowned as he held his palm out, catching the dragon with one palm,

Sora was always within a Super Saiyan: War God form. Sora was always in the settlement state, the completely mastered state. transforming into his self-movement form, it would be too much to remain in that form for all of the time, but to simply handle someone with his level of strength, it was simple, with just level of power alone Sora could handle a peak immortal emperor.

"Haha, good. brat you are strong, but you are too arrogant for you to own good." the dragon ancestor said with bloodshot eyes, as though the void, his other self which was within the 2nd heavens appeared and fused with him. his power which was only at half-step peak immortal emperor suddenly shot up to peak immortal emperor. this happened almost instantly, even if Sora wanted to stop it, it was something he was too slow to do.


Sora was sent flying out of the 33 heavens and appeared within a special dimension which was still within the 3 realms, while at the same time not. it was a dimension known as the forbidden land. a dimension in which the heavens had no effect here. Sora was brought here by the dragon ancestor, as battles between beings of their power could not take place within the 1 to 10th heaven, or else they could destroy it.

he didn't want to destroy any heavens, as they would only land to his death at the heavens of the heavenly Dao, and it would be true death. completely existence from all of existence, there was no way for him to return after a death like that.

"And I thought I couldn't of all out within the 3 realms," Sora said softly as he looked around, this space was not small. even with his mastered level of space and time, he would not see everything within this world. it was no small than the 33rd heaven and could be said to be bigger.

The Dragon Ancestor didn't bother to say anything as he attacked Sora, Sora had 73 peak emperors Dao at the moment, meanwhile, the Dragon Ancestor had over 10 thousand. more than a hundred times stronger, a good challenge that Sora went all out against.

Sora opened his mouth as he released a Dragon God Roar, but the dragon ancestor flew threw it and with a slam of his dragon claw, almost ripped Sora into pieces. blood flow into the air, as Sora flew backward, slamming through countless dark planets and killing all the lifeforms within it.

the dragon ancestor flashed, and he appeared in front of Ling Han. He only took one step, yet he didn't appear one step ahead of him, but in front of Sora who was still flying. his power and understanding of space were so great that he could ignore the logic of space. if he wanted to

"This is a true dragon roar." the dragon ancestor said as it opened its mouth, black flames shot out as it rushed towards Sora. these flames ignored space-time, as it took no time at all to appear before Sora. just as the attack was going to hit Sora, Sora suddenly switched with the dragon ancestor. the dragon ancestor screamed in pain as he was sent flying by his own attack,

Sora wrapped the cold sweat off his forehead, with his current strength he could barely dodge stuff that move instantly, but thanks to his self-movement technique, he himself didn't have to react to that attack.

The dragon roared in rage as it shot toward Sora, Sora placed his hand forward. but his eyes suddenly shrank as the dragon ancestor appeared behind. Sora flashed as he twitched placed with the dragon ancestor, and with a punch, Sora shot the dragon fist forward. the dragon was ready for this, but he was not expecting the dragon although the dragon was fast, he had infinite speed.

Infinite Speed is the ability to travel anywhere instantly or move an infinite distance within a finite amount of time. Teleportation does not count, but this level of speed is pretty much teleportation

he easily moved and destroy the attack and eyed Sora closely. He closely looked at Sora, reaching infinite speed was easier said than done, the gap between those who have it and those who do was infinite. this was why those at peak immortal emperors were so powerful. they will kill anyone with speed below this.

yet Sora could react, to this level of speed with only 73 peak emperor Dao of power. on top of that, Sora could use a technique that allowed him to switch places with him when he was moving at that shocking level of speed. to the dragon ancestor, time had stopped. time truly did stop for him, it was similar to Sora in the lower realm who could move so fast that time stopped and moved backward. that level of speed Sora showed there was Immeasurable, as you can't measure speed which turns the clock backward

there was a reason why the dragon ancestor only brought back enough of him to reach more than 10 thousand emperors, Dao of power, that was because the requirement for a person to move at this level of speed was 10 thousand, he did this to make sure he couldn't lose, he was careful yet before him, he realized Sora was not normal. he couldn't keep up an infinite level of speed for too long, only in short jumps, yet that should have been enough for this brat

"... are you an avatar of a god?" the dragon ancestor asked with a deep frown, gods could bring down avatars of themselves to this world. but doing this was hard, as creating an avatar needed some resources to handle the will of a god, and to slow hide from the heavens. creating an avatar as strong as Sora was more trouble, although he had heard that powerful gods can just use their energy to create an avatar as strong as they wished. gods had infinite energy, so they can create as much as they wished.

"Trying to flatter me isn't going to get you anywhere," Sora said with a smile as he waved his hands for the dragon ancestor to come at him. the dragon ancestor's anger skyrocketed, countless years of planning, working through the dragons as a simple memory to have them bring him back to life, only for him to return and be treated like this by a brat.

"Boy, long ago I almost absorbed the heavenly Dao. do you think what I absorbed was all taken?" he asked coldly as a powerful aura filled him, Sora frowned as he sensed the same energy from tribulation coming off him. the dragon ancestor power began raising, his power didn't go up but he could further ignore the Dao

with a thought of space-time shattering around the dragon ancestor, as his past and future self was summoned. Sora looked at the 10 dragon emperors standing before him, none weaker than the other.

Sora frowned as he felt his use of the Dao being restricted, at his moment, the Dao he could use was weaker than before. Sora eyed them all slightly

'When he appeared, he was in more than one place, but each of him was only at the peak level of power under each heaven. I wonder how powerful he is when going all out. he also wants to end this quickly, it seems like he wants to deal with everything before the sovereign makes their move' Sora thought as his power suddenly doubled as he grew 2 new arms. war god shield, war god sword, and monkey king staff appeared in his hands.

"Brat, before I kill you, what's your name. I will remember a genius like you for as long as I live." The Dragon ancestor said as killing intent filled the whole forbidden world.

"Haha. call me Ba." Sora laughed the dragon nodded as he remembered this name, his past and future self all shot forward, Sora flashed forward as he pulled the hair off his arm and threw it into the air.

"This is something I never got to do," Sora said as a bubble, Sora punched forward as he flashed with a past dragon ancestor. the dragon ancestor's eyes widened as his durability was ignored destruction from the inside out.

the dragon ancestor was sent flying as he slammed, every dragon ancestor was shocked by this. the attack was something they never saw something.

"It rare to have someone I go all out against. so, come. fight me. I want to test some more abilities I never got a chance to use." Sora said with a smile, the dragon ancestors all looked at their past selves before they rushed forward. Sora laughed as a bubble covered the weapons, giving them the ability to ignore durability

but what happened to the dragon ancestor will not affect it twice. energy covered which blocked the Armament Haki's ability, at first it was good enough and was still injured. but the 3rd time, he was able to counter it perfectly.

"Haha, not bad. how about this." Sora laughed he used the lightning cutter which covered the war god sword, with the bubbles, and the secrets of the gentle fist. it slammed into the dragon ancestor, the speed of this attack, and power had reached 10 thousand, the dragon ancestor's attempt to block this attack was shattered, as he was slammed by the bubble, followed by the war god spear stabbing into him.

the dragon ancestor roared in rage, but all of the other dragon ancestors were alerted as they watched the dragon ancestor being sucked into a jar. the speed the dragon ancestor was absorbed was too quick,

"... was this not one of your past selves? yet you still are alive." Sora said with a raised eyebrow. attacking a person's past was a hard thing to defend against. just going back in time and killing someone who was an immortal was 1 way to bypass an immortal's Immortality. that is why most experts would find items or techniques which could cut them off the effect of their past selves. Sora's armor had this effect, as it shielded him from everything. his war god shield also did, as its defensive ability was wider than the war god armor

the dragon ancestor just came back to life, he had no armor. and Sora didn't see any technique in use, technique couldn't protect one for long, as it would give them time to go back to the top to stop their past self from dying or something else.

"Snort, gods, transcend such things as past and future. brat, I can't allow you to exist." the dragon god said as he summoned billions of himself from the past and future. Sora smiled he could just summon the dragon god he just absorbed and have it fight on his behalf, but where was the fun in that

"Haha, then show me the power of a so-called god," Sora said as he rushed forward, but this time the dragon ancestor was not playing around. he was caught off guard by the power behind the lightning cutter, and so on. but this time, he was treating Sora as an equal.


the dragon god's tail slammed into Sora's clone's stomach, causing the clone to be hit so hard its eye popped out. the clone was sent slamming out through space and time, traveling to some point back in time or future within this forbidden realm. but the dragon ancestor didn't care and followed, moments later they return. this in a heated battle

Sora's other clones and the main body were also given a good beat. the dragon ancestor was speechless at Sora's endurance, taking a beating for 10 hours straight, and he was still up and kicking and wanted more. he couldn't help but wonder if Sora had a sick twisted pleasure for all of this.

"... I had enough." the dragon ancestor yelled as he summoned himself from the 3rd heavens. this battle between him and Sora could take years, and he didn't have that among of time. 10 hours was already it. seeing Sora's countless techniques, he had lost many of his past and future self.

as soon as his 3 self returned to him, his power skyrocketed once more at it he reached 99 million peak emperor Dao. Sora frowned as he saw this, he couldn't help but wonder how strong he was when all of his bodies reunited.

"Sigh, you had to go a ruin my fun," Sora said with a sigh as all of his clones disappeared, 99 million peak emperor Dao was enough power to one-shot him at his current level of power. when he 10 thousand peak emperor, it was already a hard battle that forced him to use everything he had but now with this, he was no match for him

the dragon ancestor moved to attack. but he froze when he saw a strange sword appear in Sora's hands, the sword was strange, as it looked as if it was existing in the past and future. was there, and at the same time it was here, and there, everywhere.

"that's... that's the heavenly ancestor's godly sword." the dragon ancestor said in shock, but what shocked him the most was that this sword was stronger than ever before. those who wield this sword gain the power of space and time. with the power to be everywhere where space was, and have one attack reach it, to exist within the past and future, this sword's reach was infinite

"This sword will affect you so long as at some point in time it would affect you, what is a broken sword. but in my hands... sadly its ability is useless against someone who is not affected by their past self. but it has a beautiful ability which I like" Sora said softly as he pulled out another sword, a sword that made the dragon ancestor's body shake

this sword had a dark aura about it as if burned from the pure Dao of destruction. this was the sword belonging to the Dao Ancestor. it was made from many powerful its, including a Yin crystal, a destruction crystal, and many more. this sword has the power to destroy anything and is not held back by such things as the Dao. it's a half-step God-grade item.

"let's see, a sword which ignores all reason. do you want me to swing it?" Sora asked with a smile, the dragon ancestor didn't say anything as he knew the power of this sword. he knew it was even stronger than before, in the hands of the Dao ancestor, this sword was something that couldn't be dodged. it attacks destroyed all rules, and would away hit a target. that level of power caused many top experts, including it to kill the Dao ancestor, but the sword was lost and never found. yet it appears within Sora's hands, stronger than ever

the dragon ancestor's eyes shrank as its body was suddenly cut in half, yet Sora never made a move.

"You never attacked." the dragon ancestor said in shock, and horror as he was not just effect but this attack, his other selves which were locked in battle were also affected. he wanted to draw them here but with Sora summoning the sword of the heavenly ancestor, he locked space to the point he could call them here. the reason he didn't attack was that these swords boosted Sora's strength by a lot, he had enough to fight against, him at the moment,

that's right. Sora can equip the items within the treasury, and they would boost his strength. the kings of hero cultivation art were something not to be looked down on.

"Do you really think because I didn't an attack, you wouldn't be injured... that wasn't good. let me retry it... Do you really think because I didn't attack, it means I... how does it he come up with this stuff on the? spot.?" Sora said with a frown, while the dragon ancestor only watched on in shock

"Whatever. you say I have to attack you; I have to attack in order for my attack to land on you? that's the reason, right? I simply destroyed it. but logic says no? I destroyed it. this is the true power of a god, now, submit. or shall I end you." Sora said calmly while walking up to him, before placing the sword at his neck.

this was powerful and all, but there was some stuff even it couldn't destroy. reason, which was above its level of power, it could injure it, weak it, and slowly destroy it. of course, it could receive a backlash if not strong enough,

"This... this is something above even the likes of the Dao ancestor." the dragon ancestor said in shock, the Dao Ancestor could destroy reason, but it was simple stuff. like dodging wasn't enough to dodge his attacks, or running wasn't enough to escape his attacks and other stuff along those lines.